Übersetzungstext in Latein richtig?

Inter discipulos vero Socratis adeo excellentissime claruit', ut ceteros obscuraret. At, cum Plato esset Athenis honesto loco natus et ingenio mirabili longe suos condiscipulos anteiret et omnium sapientissimus haberetur, ipse effusam barbariem Aegyptiorum velut discipulus peragravit et a sacerdotibus illius gentis geometriae mutiplices numeros atque caelestium observationum rationem percepit. Didicitque ibi, quaecumque illic magna habebantur et docebantur. Et deinde in Italiam veniens, ut ab Archita Pythagorae praecepta perciperet, ibi, quidquid Italicae philosophiae florebat, - auditis eminentioribus in ea doctoribus - facillime comprehendit.

Meine Übersetzung: Aber unter den Schülern des Sokrates zeichnete er sich so besonders aus, sodass er die anderen den Schatten stellte. Aber er selbst bereiste das weit ausgedehnte Ausland der Ägypter wie die Schüler und lernte von den Priestern jenes Volkes die Geometrien, die Multiplikationen, die Zahlen und die Lehre der Beobachtung des Himmels, weil er in einer adeligen Familie in Athen geboren war und sein außerordentliches Talent seine Mitschüler bei weitem übertraf und von jedem als sehr schlau gehalten wird. Er lernte dort, was auch immer da für groß gehalten und unterrichtet wurde. Und dann kam er nach Italien, damit er von Archytas der Pythagoreer die Befehle wahrnahm, verstand er es sehr leicht, was auch immer die Philosophie in Italien ausmachte - nachdem er von den Lehrern in dieser gehört hatte. (?)

Beim letzten Satz hab ich absolut kein Plan wie ich das richtig stellen könnten. Könnte mir das jmd kontrollieren? Wäre voll dringend. Vielen Dank im Voraus!!!!

Übersetzung, Lateinübersetzung, lateinische Literatur
Kann mir jemand hierbei helfen?

Use linking words to connect your sentences within each paragraph.

In the text below, linking words are missing. Fill in the blanks with appropriate linkers from the box.

all in all • but • first of all • for example • for one thing • perhaps • possibly

Young people today can hardly imagine how difficult life was before the invention of the mobile phone. …, every telephone was permanently attached to a wall socket. If someone rang the doorbell, …, you had to interrupt your conversation in order to go to the door. …, outside the house it was even worse. …, if you wanted to make a call you had to find a phone box. … there was already a queue of people standing outside the box, or you didn't have the exact change you needed to make the call. …, the telephone was out of order, and you had to search for another one. …, the landline telephone was an invention of limited usefulness, and I can't imagine many people regret that it has all but vanished.

Ich habe das so gemacht, aber bin mir da nicht so sicher:

Young people today can hardly imagine how difficult life was before the invention of the mobile phone.  First of all, every telephone was permanently attached to a wall socket. If someone rang the doorbell, possibly , you had to interrupt your conversation in order to go to the door.  But outside the house it was even worse. For example, if you wanted to make a call you had to find a phone box. Perhaps, there was already a queue of people standing outside the box, or you didn't have the exact change you needed to make the call. For one thing, the telephone was out of order, and you had to search for another one. All in all, the landline telephone was an invention of limited usefulness, and I can't imagine many people regret that it has all but vanished.

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