Übersetzung – die neusten Beiträge

Englisch Hausaufgabe?


Ich musste für Englisch einen Text darüber schreiben wie ein Tag ohne (mein) Handy für mich aussieht.

Den habe ich grad geschrieben und gemerkt dass er sich schon ziemlich blöd anhört :/

Könnt ihr den vielleicht verbessern/überarbeiten?

Typical Day without my Phone
Dear world!
In this blog I will show you how one day in my live looks like without my phone.
At first I did not get up early enough but it was okay, because it was a day in my winter holidays. I played with my rabbits and made them their food. After that I wrote more and more on my story because I want to get ready with it. In this story I write a love story I want to publish in some years. When I was ready with one chapter on my own story I went for a walk with my dog and went to the stables with my best friends and had a lot of fun – without my phone! After all of this I did only eat and do the things of the early morning again (write on my story, fed my rabbits etc).
It was really difficult for me to let my phone at home. Sometimes I felt like I am crazy because everyone was checking their phones in the bus and nobody looked out of the window or do anything else without their phone.
I am happy to say I am doing without my phone since more than 3 weeks. But I am happy to get my phone back in three days. 
Englisch lernen, Schule, USA, Text, Übersetzung, Abitur, Aufsatz, Auslandsjahr, Englisch-Deutsch, englische Grammatik, Englischunterricht, Grammatik, Hausaufgaben, Rechtschreibung, comment, englisch hausaufgaben

Übersetzung Latein „Der Schwur“?

Ich bekam den Text in form eines Blattes und die Aufgabe ist es den Text mit allen Partizipien und allgemein den Stilistischen Mittel zu übersetzen.

Der Schwur

Die Karthager sannen auf Rache. Hamilkar Barkas, der Feldherr der Karthager, wollte sein Heer nach Spanien übersetzen, um sich dort eine Ausgangsbasis für den Kampf gegen die Römer zu schaffen. Am Vorabend seines Aufbruchs ...

Obscura luce columnae templi Iovis Optimi Maximi vix cernebantur; binadverte, obscura, in ara flamma lumen parcum dans micabat, simulacrum dei auro fulgebat.

Subito Hamilcar Barcas, vir ingenti corporis magnitudine, apparuit filium, puerum novem annorum, manu tenens.

Ille hunc consistere iussit et solus ad aram accedens interrogavit:

„Metusne te cepit, Hannibal?"

„Quam ob rem me in metu esse credis, pater?"

„Sumus in aede Iovis Optimi Maximi!"

„Non ignoro."

„Qua de causa te huc duxi, mi fil?"

„Nescio; certe eam mihi aperies."

At Hamilcar filio diligenter audienti haec dixit:

„Quae gens avaritia ardens omnia rapit?

Cuius gentis senatus parentibus nostris Siciliam Sardiniamque eripuit?

Cuius gentis exercitus imperio illius senatus in omnes terras invadunt?

Qui populus ceteris imperare vult?"

„Sunt Romani, pater."

„Vere dixisti: Romani illi imperium omnium terrarum petentes!

Illud nobis necesse est: eos ab Africa arcere.

Itaque exercitus nostros in Hispaniam traiectos contra eos ducam;

in finibus ipsorum cum eis contendam."

Deinde Hamilcar Iovi Optimo Maximo sacrificare instituit.

Subito filium ardentibus oculis aspiciens rogavit:

„Visne mecum in castris esse?"

Statim Hannibal dignitatem loci neglegens exclamavit:

„Duc me, pater, tecum in Hispaniam, fac me militem tuum!"

Tum Hamilcar: „Faciam, si mihi fidem, quam postulo, dederis."

Et Hannibalem ad aram adduxit dicens: „Tange aram sacram!"

Hannibal, ubi verba patris odio ardentis audivit, respondit:


Übersetzung, Grammatik, Lateinübersetzung, römische Geschichte, übersetzen, lateinische Literatur

Englischlehrin bewertet richtige Antwort als falsch?


Wir mussten in einer Englischarbeit die richtigen Antwortmöglichkeiten für einen Liedtext auswählen. Ich glaube, der Lehrer hat mir die falsche Antwort gegeben. Also stimmt ab, was eure Antwort gewesen wäre.

Die Frage war:

the lyrics address major problems with....

A) economic development in the USA

B) crime and bad schools

Der Text:

We can put a man up in space But on earth it′s just a rat race Is this the future We got people workin' 9 to 5 While over 10 percent are trying to stay alive Is this the future? Crime is up, education is down But the Dow Jones is on the rebound Is this the future? Ronald Reagan says stay the course But only a fool would wanna endorse This kind of future Everyday as I go my way I can hear the people as they say "Hey brother can you spare a dime I don′ wanna end up doin' time." But they say it's just a sign of the future Found a car I thought I′d buy But the interest rates were just too high Is this the future? Worked years perfecting my craft Now my boss is giving me the shaft Is this the future? Used to eat steaks and caviar Now it′s peanut butter in a candy bar Is this the future? All my money is nearly spent Don't have enough to pay the rent You can cancel the future Everyday as I go my way I can hear the people as they say "Hey brother can you spare a dime I don′ wanna end up doin' time." But they say it′s just a sign of the future Can it be? Are you tellin' me This is the future? Can it be? Are you tellin′ me This is the future, future? Can it be? Are you tellin' me This is the future? Can it be? Are you tellin' me This is the future, future?
Englisch lernen, USA, Text, Übersetzung, Aufsatz, Englisch-Deutsch, Englischunterricht, Hausaufgaben, summary, comment

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