
Könnte jemand eventuell einen Blick über meinen Englischtext über das Praktikum werfen (besonders bezogen auf die Grammatik) ? Das wäre echt lieb, danke!

When I arrived at my old primary school today, I went to the secretary to see in which classes I had to go. A lot of teachers were there who greeted me in a very friendly way. Then I got a timetable on which I could see where I had to go. The first lesson was in class 3b at 7:45 a.m. The class teacher was called Mrs x. She told me to help two students at reading and writing who didn’t speak German at all. At first it was quite difficult because they didn‘t understand me well and I wanted to teach them how to write s, m and o and how to read some words. Therefore, I tried to speak in English and make signs so that they would understand me better. It actually worked and they managed it to write the letters and read some of the words! It was really fun because they were so cute and they always listened to me and respected me. In the second lesson which began at 8:40 a.m., they had maths where I tried to teach the girl multiplication of the number 2 and it worked really well because she always understood me when I said something. I tried to teach the other boy the addition of numbers and he also understood me. At first it was pretty difficult as I said, but then it got easier and easier! At 9:45 a.m, the first break began and I went to the teacher‘s room to talk to teachers. They asked me a lot of questions, for example, what my name is or which school I go to. Everyone was kind. When the break was over at 10 a.m, I should go to class 3c which is taught by the class teacher Mrs xy. They had science and the topic was potatoes. I should help two students at completing exercises in their book. They had to match pictures to expressions which were about potatoes and so on. It worked well. There weren’t many exercises to do. Again, they were very kind and loved spending time with me. Then, the second break began at 10:50 a.m where I went outside to get some fresh air. Suddenly, a lot of students came to me and asked questions. It was so cute and stressful at the same time because you had to answer to a lot of questions in a short time. After that, a girl came to me to tell me about people who were on the climbing wall without any permission and she wanted me to tell them they should get off the wall. That‘s why I went to the wall and told them to get off and they listened to me. By the way, they should get off because it was wet to avoid accidents. Apart from that, I was walking in the school yard while I was watching the students which were playing. After the break, I didn‘t really have to do anything because the class teacher of class 3c only explained a lot of things about the school, so things which had nothing to do with lessons and so on. After that, I had another break where I went to the teacher‘s room to ask some questions about the job, such as the advantages and disadvantages. She answered them very clearly which made me happy because I could think  better about whether the job is perfect for me or not. I came to the conclusion that the job would be suit me! Then, at 12:45 PM I had to work in the school cafeteria to have the control about the children’s behavior and to lay the table. Next, the students of class 1a had P.E. at 1:45 PM. They really wanted me to play games with them which made me feel very comfortable and happy because they enjoyed spending time with me. It was very fun because the students were really funny, lovely, and cute. In the last lesson, so at 2:45 AM, we went back to their classroom and played games again. I also resolved disputes, for example, someone judged the other one without any reason. That‘s why I talked to the person and said it was not okay and he should not do it again. Luckily, he listened to me. In the end of the day, it was a very funny day and I loved spending time with the students there because they are very cute and I think the job suits me very well!

Englisch lernen, Geschichte, USA, Text, Übersetzung, Abitur, Aufsatz, Auslandsjahr, Englisch-Deutsch, englische Grammatik, Englischunterricht, Grammatik, Hausaufgaben, Rechtschreibung, summary, comment
Englische Grammatik: Participles as Adjectives?

Ich habe eine Frage zu Partizipien als Adjektive im Englischen.

Das Present Participle wird mit verb+ing gebildet ("Many things were surprising for the immigrants when they arrived in America") und das past participle wird mit verb+ed/-en o. der irregulären 3. Form gebildet ("I think I am a little confused now").

Ich habe nun eine Übung gemacht und verstehe die Lösung nicht ganz. Die folgenden Sätze beinhalten laut Lösung entweder das Present Participle als Adjektiv oder das Past Participle als Adjektiv:

  • We were so relieved, when we finally arrived in New York after an exhausting journey.
  • I had just one small, broken suitcase.
  • We went past a group of scared children who were crying and calling for their parents.

Ein weitere Satz der Übung lautet:

  • After we had gotten off, we had to stand in line with our belongings.

Laut der Musterlösung enthält dieser Satz kein Past Participle als Adjektiv, aber ist es nicht eine ähnliche Grammatikkonstruktion wie "We were so relieved"? Also Hilfsverb + Past Participle? Mir ist nicht ganz klar, weshalb das "relieved" in "We were so relieved" ein Partizip als Adjektiv ist und "gotten" in "After we had gotten off..." kein Adjektiv. Vor allem, weil auch das Present Participle im dritten Satz "... who were crying.." auch mit einem Hilfsverb gebildet wird, oder nicht?

Englisch lernen, englische Grammatik, Englischunterricht, Grammatik, Englisch-Gramatik, Zeitformen

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