
Heyy Leute wir sollten in English eine Diskussion (Comment ) schreiben meine war nicht so gut was könnte man dort verbessern ich weiß das mit den Zahlen ist schon mal falsch was aber noch Thema ist Future Work.

Welcome to the discussion, over the last two decades the world has changed

dramatically. Not only in the aspect of developing but also in the the future,

today I’m going to show you the positive and negative effects of the future

work. As you know today many people are buying on the Internet not only that

we also let KI Intelligence do some of our work. However many people and

Experts are arguing that this could be a big concern for us and it is indeed. Do

you think our kids will have a different work-life than us? Now let’s consider the

positive aspects, and let the ball rollin.

1. The first positive aspect is that Robots will do our work. They will do our

dangerous work, like working in a very cold environment or like lifting

heavier weights or in Industries where they are doing a lot of work today

but in the future they will do most of the work. And they will work

without taking any breaks so it would be more beneficial for Industries

and big Business owners.

2. For the more we can’t ignore the second big aspect that the future work

gave us Online ordering. That has the benefit we can order almost

everything online which is very beneficial we can look in different stores

around the globe and buy from everywhere. We also have many

discounts and after ordering we can give feedback on the products.

3. The last positive aspect is that today also can work from home. Which

changed our worklife during the Corona Virus. You don’t need to go to

office so then you can also spare your time and you can also work in

global companies from home.

While you have know heard the positive aspects now you will hear about

the negative and bad aspect

1. Starting with the downside the first negative aspect it is that we

will loose our jobs to Robots it is beneficial but it will also cause job

losses and very few jobs that people can do. For example Cashiers

and construction workers to name a few are those who will most

likely loose their jobs to the robots.

2. The second negative argument has to be addressed is, is that

because of work of future many people are now ordering online

this has the bad side, that their will be less social interaction

between people and this will cause a great harm to us and our

Society. There are also many online scams that will and are doing

harm to us and it will cause fraud and theft.

3. Moving to the third point that is concerning us is that many

Companies and Enterprises are allowing and making their workers

work from home, which can effect people in many ways for

example like feelings of Isolation and it can also cause lack of

productivity because you will be working from home and their will

be no social interaction with colleagues and this can be a very

important issue.

As you now have heard of the conclusion of the future work and

the many positive and negative aspects of it. We can say that we

can only hope that it will get better for us because as u now know

we really can’t make a real Summation. Because it can be

beneficial for us and dangerous for us. And Yes the life’s of our

Children will be very different than ours because they haven’t seen

and experienced what we have so they will be very delusional and

cannot really understand our life’s and how we went.

Englisch lernen, Schule, Text, Übersetzung, Abitur, Aufsatz, Englisch-Deutsch, englische Grammatik, Englischunterricht, Grammatik, Hausaufgaben, Rechtschreibung, summary, comment
Gibt es in dem lateinischen Text noch mehr Stilmittel?

Finde Stilmittel in dem folgenden Text und zitiere die entsprechenden Stellen:

Reges ex nobilitate, duces ex virtute sumunt. Nec regibus infinita aut libera potestas, et duces exemplo potius quam imperio, si prompti, si conspicui, si ante aciem agant, admiratione praesunt. Ceterum neque animadvertere neque vincire, ne verberare quidem nisi sacerdotibus permissum, non quasi in poenam nec ducis iussu, sed velut deo imperante, quem adesse bellantibus credunt. Effigiesque et signa quaedam detracta lucis in proelium ferunt; quodque praecipuum fortitudinis incitamentum est: non casus, nec fortuita conglobatio turmam aut cuneum facit, sed familiae et propinquitates; et in proximo pignora, unde feminarum ululatus audiri, unde vagitus infantium. Hi cuique sanctissimi testes, hi maximi laudatores. Ad matres, ad coniuges vulnera ferunt; nec illae numerare aut exigere plagas pavent, cibosque et hortamina pugnantibus gestant.

Meine Ausbeute:

⁃ „Reges ex nobilitate, duces ex virtute sumunt“ = Parallelismus

⁃ „si prompti, si conspicui, sie ante aciem agant“ = Anapher, Asyndeton

⁃ „ante aciem agant, admiratione“ = Alliteration

⁃ „Hi cuique sanctissimi testes, hi maximi laudatores.“ = Anapher

⁃ „Ad matres, ad coniuges vulnera ferunt“ = Anapher

Lernen, Sprache, Fremdsprache, Text, Übersetzung, Antike, Caesar, Cicero, Grammatik, Hausaufgaben, Lateinübersetzung, römische Geschichte, Seneca, Stilmittel, übersetzen, Ovid, lateinische Literatur, Metamorphosen
Ich schreibe morgen Schularbeit und würde eine Korrektur sowie Tipps zu diesem Text benötigen? Angabe ist als Bild dabei!?

Dear Sir/Madam,

I hope this email finds you well. I am writing with regard to your job offer which I saw online. In less than a month my school holiday are going to start and I am looking for a program to spend my time and to get new experiences. I have seen your online advertisement and now I have few questions about it.

At first I think volunteer work is very important for us because I think we should do more for each other for free. It is really frightening that some people do not do some jobs without money. I think we will get a better world when we do more volunteer work and help each other. I think when you help other people for free they also would help you back for free when you need help.

As already mentioned I have a thew questions about your volunteer work. You said that your projects lasts only one or two days but I would do longer ones are there any longer projects? Furthermore I would ask for more details about your wide range of projects and locations. Can you give me please some examples of locations? You also write about a break for lunch. I would ask if there is a lunch provided or if I should bring my own lunch? My last questions is about your last point. You said that there are no admin fees but are there any other costs what I should know about?

I would like to thank you in advance for this informations and I would also be very grateful if you could reply as soon as possible.

Yours faithfully,


Bild zum Beitrag
Englisch lernen, Englisch, Text, Aufsatz, englische Grammatik, Englischunterricht, Grammatik, Hausaufgaben, Rechtschreibung
Wie lernt man am einfachsten Englische Sätze und Texte selbst zu schreiben?

Nun, zum eigentlichen Thema Fremdsprachen lernen, die nicht germanisch sind.

Nun zu meinen Problem, auf einer weiterführenden Bildungseinrichtung in Deutschland. Ich habe 8 Basicschool Jahre gemacht, in den Niederlanden gemacht. Wurde getestet und bin danach auf sowas wie Gymnasium/Gesamtschule oder Privatschule havo/vwo für 4-6 Jahre gegangen in den Niederlanden konnte ich mich für die Fachrichtung Natur und Gesundheit entscheiden. Habe ein eindexamen also wie ein Exam als Schulabschluss erhalten, ähnlich wie ein Fachabitur im deutschen. So lernte ich da neben Niederländisch als Muttersprache, Deutsch, Französich und Spanisch oder Latein gelernt als Fremdsprachen.

Nun die Fremdsprachen Unterschiede, für Mich.

Sonst sind meine Noten Top in der Schule, Deutsche Texte schreiben fällt mir nicht bei Jeder Textsorte so einfach, doch die Grammatik-Regeln kann ich mündlich gut und die Restlichen Aufgaben. Doch sonst kann ich es auch super verstehen und Sprechen oder Erklären.

Nun möchte Ich sehr gerne in Deutschland das Abitur machen und mir fehlen Englisch Kenntnisse dafür. Das ist mein 1 Lernjahr, wo Ich Englisch gerade lerne trotzdem fehlen mir die Grundlagen wie Ich ein Englischen Satz aufbauen kann oder ein Text schreiben kann.

Wer kann mir hilfreiche Tipps geben, das Englisch mir einfacher fällt es zu lernen und zu schreiben ?

Aussprache sagte mein Dozent wäre fast 2 Noten Besser als Schriftlich, da Ich Niederländisch und Deutsch sehr gut sprechen kann, daher merke ich mir nun Sprachliche Unterschiede leichter so, wenn ich ein Text in Englisch vorlesen muss.

Englisch lernen, lesen, Schule, Schreiben, Text, hören, Abitur, Grammatik, Lernmethoden, Lerntipps, Oberstufe, Rechtschreibung, Satzbau, Schwierigkeiten, Sprache lernen, Textverarbeitung, verstehen, Vokabeln, Vokabeln lernen, wissenswertes, freude bereiten, Satzglieder, verstaendnisfrage, Lernen tipps tricks, Knigge-Regel

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