Mündliche Englisch Prüfung über die USA

Hallo Leute, würde mich sehr freuen wenn ihr meine Prüfung (neunte Klasse) durchlesen würdet. Wenn ihr Fehler oder falschen Satzbau findet bitte schreiben! :)

Today I want to talk about my favourite Country, the USA. USA means United States of America. They consist of fifty States with Hawaii and Alaska. There live about 300 million people. The Capital City is Washington. There lives the President Barack Obama. He is the first Black President. The biggest Cities are New York, Los Angeles and Chicago.

The most visited Sights in the USA is Disney World, with 48 million visitors a year. The second most visited is Las Vegas with 39 million Tourists. The United States of America has many other beautiful sights like the Empire State Builiding, Golden Gate Bridge, Walk of Fame, the Statue of Liberty and some more. There are also many National Parks for example the Grand Canyon. The National Sports of the USA are American Football, Baseball,Basketball and Hockey. In the USA you can go swimming,fishing,cycling,hore-riding,play tennis,climbing and any more.

Dann hab ich noch ein paar (falsche?!) Sätze die ich gerne noch einbauen würde :

The first man to walk on the moon was American Neil Armstrong.

Englisch is the most commonly spoken language in the USA, followed by Spanish.

The most Trends are coming from the USA. (food,fashion,music and sports)

There are many famous people in the USA . In the USA you pay with Dollars and Cents.

In America there gives a lot of Mountains, Sees and Rivers.

The first people in USA was the Indianer.

The American Flag has Strips and fifty Stars for every State in the USA.

Ich bin leider sehr schlecht darin verschiedene Satzanfänge zufinden. Wenn euch einer einfällt wäre es nett ihn mir zu schreiben. LG Bella :)

Englisch, Schule, Prüfung, Amerika, Hausaufgaben
Englisch Präsentation über Amy Winehouse!

Hallo Leute ! Ich werde demnächst in Englisch eine Präsentation über Amy Winehouse halten . Ich benutze dafür PowerPoint. Könnt ihr vielleicht mal kurz durchlesen ,ob das in Ordnung ist oder ,ob da irgendwelche Grammatikfehler sind?


  1. little facts
  2. family 3.career
  3. health 5.cause of death


  • first name : Amy Jade
  • last name : Winehouse
  • zodiac sign : Virgo
  • birth date : 14/09/1983
  • death date : 23/07/2011


  • grew up in London with her mother,father and brother
  • part of her family are russians
  • many of her uncles were professional jazz musicians
  • her grandmother Cynthia, was a singer
  • her parents separated when she was nine
  • lived with her mom
  • stayed with her father and his girlfriend on weekends
  • 2007 to 2009, she was married to Blake Fielder-Civil


  • she received singing lessons from her grandmother
  • With twelve, she changed to a british school for young artist's
  • With fiveteen,she had to change the school for the 5th time because of disruptive behavior
  • With sixteen,she left the school and played in a jazz orchestra
  • With eighteen,she completed her first contract with Iceland records
  • 2003,her first album ''Frank'' came out


  • she was a drug addict,because of her husband
  • Alcohol problems
  • mental problems
  • self injury
  • suffered from bulimia and anorexia
  • End of 2008, she separated from Blake
  • got clean

cause of death

  • she was found dead in her apartment in London when she was twenty-seven
  • Reason : alcohol poisoning with 4.16 per thousand in blood
Englisch, Präsentation
Englisch Bewerbungsschreiben?

Hey Leute, ich schreibe morgen eine Arbeit in Englisch und wollte mal wissen was ihr von der Bewerbung haltet, was ich verbessern sollte,usw.

Das ist frei erfunden was die Adressen usw angeht.

                                                       March 5, 2014

Max Muster Musterstraße 44 12345 Musterhausen Tel.: 01234/56789 Email: musterMax@abc.co.uk

Jennifer O`Rourke Automotive Services Ltd 103 Selsdown Drive London E14 9LA UK(United Kingdom)

Dear Ms Jennifer O´Rourke,

Application for a bilingual assistant

I saw your advertisement for a bilingual assistant on the website of www.unitedKINGdom.co.uk and I should like to apply for this position.

From 2004 to 2009 I attended Mustergesamtschule in Musterhausen comparable to comprehensive school, where I obtained my A-Levels. I successfully did a traineeship for a secretary with the company MusterBoat GmbH, which is a small and modern company that produce boats and export them.

Since 2009 I have been working with MusterBoat GmbH as the secretary. During my traineeship with MusterBoat GmbH I gained experience in talking English or German with customers and running a busy office. This traineeship gave me considerable skills which I want to use and improve for the position advertised.

I have a good command of English. I had nearly 8 years of English at school and I have also done a special examination for commercial professions. After completing my traineeship I was able to improve my command of English by speaking directly to the customers. I also have had French for 5 years in school, that gives me the opportunity that I´m able to speak the three languages, needed for the bilingual assistant.

I enclose my CV and certified translations of my certificates. I should be pleased to provide names of the referees if required.

I should be grateful if you would consider my application. I would very much enjoy the challenge of working for a company in London.

Yours sincerely

Max Muster


Ich hoffe ihr könnt mir ein paar konstruktive Antworten liefern.

MfG Cataracs

Englisch, Schule, Klassenarbeit, Application
English Poem Analyse

Hi liebe community. Ich habe hier den größten Teil meiner Gedichtsanalyse. Habt ihr vielleicht Verbesserungsvorschläge ? Was könnte ich besser machen? Wo habe ich denn Fehler gemacht ? :) Vielen dank

the poem " Presents from my Aunts in Pakistan" by Monisa Alvi is about a young girl of mixed race. She fells English, but she is attracted to Pakistan. The young girl describes the gifts from her aunts in Pakistan. The girl finds the presents beautiful , but she doesn´t feel comfotable while she wears them. The text is written in a neutral English. The style is simple and clear. Moreover, the test consits mainly of short sentences. The poem is written in the first person. The girl is remembering her memories thats why it is written in the past. The fisr stanza starts very positive because the girl is happy of getting presents , but then she realizes that the clothing are unsually for her. She says ......, which means that she is pleases about the presents because the peacock stands for beauty. Furthermore, she uses the colour orange, which stand for optimism. I get from my homeland al lot of presents, which are beautiful. In verse six and seven there is written..... , which shows that she fells uncomfortable with these clothing. In additin, ......... depicts that she feels like she doesn't fit in the culture of her family. As i mentioned before, I get from my homeland a lot of presents, but I do not wear them because i can not identify myself withe clothes. The verse ............. showas zjaz sje jas a lack of freedom and maturity. The metaphor....... is meaningful and depicts how she does notz belong in these clothes. She feels like an outcast. She is not accustomed of wearing these clothing because she wears only British. The schoolfriend of the girl prefers to see her weekend clothes because her sakwar kameez did not impress her. This is a proof for the girl that the clothing from Pakistan don't impress people with other cultures. I have strangeful orbitals frommmy homeland, which are not so beautiful in the eyes of others. She admires the miniature glasswork quite often. She takes photios in the tiny mirrors, seeing broken images of herself evocative her identity crises, and mirrorinh the lack of her personality. She uses the word " costume" in oder to describe her feelings while she wears the clothes.v The girl was taken away from her native country a a very young age. She has no a lot of contact with her Pakastani bakcground. For example my brother was born in .... but after one year he and my cousin came to Germany.

Englisch, Grammatik
Gibt es Anglizismen in anderen Sprachen in ähnlicher Intensität wie im Deutschen?

Ich möchte dabei nicht wissen, ob in anderen Sprachen überhaupt Anglizismen verwendet werden. Das wird wohl der Fall sein. Ich frage mich aber ob im Spanischen, Italienischen, Schwedischen ... im allgemeinen Sprachgebrauch auch so intensiv Anglizismen verwendet werden wie im Deutschen oder ob das ein typisch deutsches Phänomen ist. Auf YouTube sehe ich innerhalb meiner Alterskategorie so gut wie nie ein Video in dem nicht irgendwie sowas wie "so what?", "wtf", "crazy shit", "part", "chillen", "easy going", "shit", "fail" ... gesagt wird. Außerdem gibt es viel zu viele englischsprachige Werbesprüche im deutschen Sprachraum. Ich würde niemals auf die absurde Idee kommen Menschen nicht in ihrer Landessprache, sondern in einer Fremdsprache anzusprechen, um meine Produkte zu bewerben. Ich finde das ziemlich assig. Mir ist es schon fast peinlich, wenn meine englischsprachigen Freunde mich darauf ansprechen und fragen wieso wir soetwas machen. Einige machen sich auch deswegen über uns Deutsche lustig. Dann wünsche ich mir nicht als Deutscher geboren zu sein. Am Peinlichsten finde ich noch "bodybag". Ich habe auch das Gefühl, dass die deutsche Sprache im Ausland beliebter ist als in Deutschland. Natürlich ist mir bewusst, dass es eine natürliche Sprachentwicklung gibt, aber ich finde damit lässt sich dieses Problem nicht kleinreden, da es einfach übertrieben wird und schon gar gekünstelt wirkt.

Englisch, Deutsch, Anglizismen
Nelson Mandela Referat auf englisch

Was kann ich noch dazu schreiben und was kann ich verbessern? bitte hift mir hab morgen prüfung

Good afternoon Mrs Kimmerle and Mrs Kinzer, today im gonna tell you something about Nelson Mandela. Nelson Rolihahla Mandela was born in Mvezo in South Africa on 18 July 1918. He is one of the most greatest human rights activitis. For his decade-long fight against Apartheid, for which he was under arrest as a political prisoner for 27 years. With his staying power an fighting spirit he set of a political change in South Africa. His determination motivated the people to protest and stand up for their rights, so the opression of the black people in South Africa came to an end. From 1994 until 1999 he was the first democratically elected State President of South Africa and respected as an idol. He was also awarded the Nobel Prize for Freedom for his actions in 1993. Before his presidency, he was a prominent anti-apartheid activist who was involved in the planning of underground-armed resistance activities.As a young student,he became involved in political opposition to the white minority government, espescially in its denial of political,social and economic rights to South Africas black majority.He also study law. He joined the African National Congress (ANC) in 1942 and later its more dynamic youth league.The armed activism was, for Mandela, a last resort; before a certain point he used to be a follower of the non-violent resistance.The point when he decided that violence was neccessary in his fight against Apartheid was when unarmed Demonstrates were shot in the Sharpeville-Massacre and the ANC and other Anti-Apartheid Groups were forbidden in 1960.n 1961, Mandela became the leader of the armed wing of the ANC, the so called “Spear of the Nation”. He coordinated a sabotage campaign against military and government targets, and made plans for a possible guerrilla war if sabotage failed to end apartheid. Nelson wedded three times. From the first two marriages he has got six childiren. He divorced from his first wife at 1957 from his second wife at 1996. On his 80 Birthday he married the widow Graca Machel, who was once married with Samora Machel the former president of Mozambique and supporter of ANC. He lost two sons. The first one died because of a car accident and the second one had got Aids.

Englisch, Nelson, Mandela

Ist das referat gut? Danke schon im vorraus

Katy is an American singer and songwriter and famous all over the world. She is a great star voice and her motto is: We love to entertain you! Katy was born in 1984 in Santa Barbara and her real name is Katheryn Elizabeth Hudson. She is 29 years old.

Katys parents work in a church. In her past she sang gospel music in a church and was a fan of Freddie Mercury and his band Queen. Perrys first album came out in 2001 under her real name Katy Hudson and it was a Christian Gospel album. Later she worked with the production firm "the Matrix". The Matrix worked with some of the biggest stars, as for example with Britney Spears..The first single I Kissed a Girl was published from her following album One of the boys in 2008 .And topped the charts in 20 countries worldwide. The third album of her "Teenage Dream" came out in 2010 with the songs "Teenage Dream" and California Girls" which was one of the summer hits in this year! In October, "Firework" was released as the third single from Teenage Dream. It became the album's third consecutive number one on the Hot 100. As a result, she became the first female in eleven years to have three consecutive number-ones from a single album. In November 2010, she released her first fragrance, Purr. In February 2011, a remixed version of "E.T." featuring rapper Kanye West was released as the fourth single from Teenage Dream. It topped the Hot 100 chart for five non-consecutive weeks. It was titled the California Dreams Tour and including 124 shows in Europe, Australia, Asia, North America and South America. In June, the album's fifth single, "Last Friday Night (T.G.I.F.)", topped the Hot 100. This allowed her to achieve a record for being the first female to achieve five number one Hot 100 songs from one album, and tying Michael Jackson's record. Teenage Dream became the third album in history to produce six top five hit singles. Meow was released as her second fragrance in 2011. In early July 2012, her autobiographical documentary movie Katy Perry: Part of Me was released .Killer Queen was released as her third fragrance in August 2013. "Roar" made its debut as the lead single from Prism on August 10, 2013. Perry recorded and co-wrote a duet with her boyfriend John Mayer titled "Who You Love" for his album Paradise Valley. The album was released on August 20, 2013.[ "Unconditionally" was released as the album's second single on October 16, 2013. "Dark Horse" was released as the album's third single .Perry will begin her third headlining tour, The Prismatic World Tour, on May 7, 2014. Russell Brand and Katy Perry married on October 23, 2010. Their marriage was dissolved in July 2012.She has been in an on-off relationship with John Mayer since August 2012.

Englisch, Referat, Katy Perry
Charakterisierung Englisch (Looking for Alaska)

Ich soll als benotete Hausaufgabe in Englisch eine Charakterisierung über Miles, eine Person von Looking for Alaska schreiben. Könnt ihr mir ein paar Verbesserungsvorschläge geben und mich auf Grammatikfehler und so hinweisen?

Miles Halter, a 16 years old boy, is the main character of the book “Looking for Alaska” from John Green. Tired of his boring and lonely life in Florida, he decides to go to a boarding school in Alabama. He is very tall but skinny and looks weak with his thin arms. At his first day in boarding school he watches himself in the mirror and feels embarrassed, because he do not like his outward appearance (p.13, l. 7-11). His first friend at Culver Creek, the boarding school, Chip Martin, describes his legs as „chicken legs“(p.19, l.22), but Alaska, his second friend, says that he is cute. Chip give him the ironically nickname „Pudge“, because of his scrawny appearance. Before Miles come in boarding school, he lived with his parents in Florida and visited a public school. In this school he was unsocial and unpopular, that is the reason why he did not had friends. So he wants like his father, uncles, and cousins go to Culver Creek. To find more friends, he is trying to be cool. For example he wears his shorts just below his hips (p.17, l. 29). Miles behaves quiet and hates being careful (p.15, l. 32), but is also friendly and funny. His jokes prove that, which he is telling sometimes, because he just wants to look like a funny person and find more friends. Often the interaction with new people he meets is difficult, because he is shy, unsure and not good at small talk (p.8, l.12). But still he get a girlfriend named Lara and find good friends, Chip, Alaska and Takumi. Miles fell in love with Alaska (p.134, l. 9), but she has a boyfriend called Jake, so Miles is sad and disappointed. Still he hopes that one day she will love him and he would have a relationship with her. So it is a lot harder for him as Alaska died at a car accident and he feels guilty about that (p. 157, l.34). In the whole book Miles hope to find the „Great Perhaps“which the poet Francois Rabelais was talking about (p.9, l.21-23). First Miles was shy and had no friends, but this change in the story. Later he is more self-confident and finds friends. He does not have a boring life anymore; just like his father in former times he makes pranks and makes a lot interesting experiments.

Englisch, Charakterisierung

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