Englisch Präsentation über Amy Winehouse!

1 Antwort


**little** facts
family 3.career
health 5.cause of death


first name : Amy Jade

last name : Winehouse

zodiac**al** sign : Virgo

birth date : 14/09/1983

death date : 23/07/2011


grew up in London with her mother,father and brother

part of her family **are**  


many of her uncles were professional jazz musicians

her grandmother Cynthia **kein Komma** was a singer

her parents separated when she was nine

lived with her mom

stayed with her father and his girlfriend on weekends

**Hier fehlt eine Präposition.** 2007 to 2009, she was married to Blake Fielder-Civil


she **received** singing lessons from her grandmother

**With** twelve, she changed to a **b**ritish school for young artist**'s**

**With** f**iv**eteen, she had to change (**---**) school for the 5th time because of disruptive **behavior (= AE; BE = behaviour)**

**With** sixteen, she left  (**---**) school and played in a jazz orchestra

**With** eighteen, she **completed** her first contract with Iceland records

Hier fehlt eine Präposition. 2003, her first album ''Frank'' came out


she was a drug addict **kein Komma** because of her husband

Alcohol problems

mental problems

self injury

suffered from bulimia and anorexia

**At the e**nd of 2008, she separated from Blake

**got clean**

cause of death

she was found dead in her apartment in London when she was twenty-seven

Reason : alcohol poisoning with 4.16 **per thousand** in blood

Das Eingesternte muss korrigiert werden. Ich hoffe, ich habe nichts übersehen.

Für das Vokabular und die Rechtschreibung empfehle ich ein gutes (online) Wörterbuch, z.B. pons.eu,

für die Grammatik ego4u.de und englisch-hilfen.de.
