9/11 Referat korrektur

Ich muss nächste Woche ein Referat über 9/11 halten, darum bitte ich um ein Korrekturlesen..

Terrorist attack on the World Trade Center It was a morning like any other in New York. On this 11 September had a few minutes changed the world The people who work every day to her in the WTC streamed , had no idea that would later erupt little chaos. And that had begun for many of them the last hours of her life. By 8 Clock 45 ( according to American time) the terrorist attack began. A Boeing 767 of American Airlines contributed about NY on the twin towers of the WTC 411 meters high to . The terrorist pilot corrected once its low altitude and then raced precisely in the north-facing skyscraper. The force of the impact was quite Südmanhhatten tremble . Tons of shattered glass and rubble facade collapsed in depth. Then exploded fifty thousand liters of jet fuel (kerosene ) in the interior of the tower , which was completely torn in the top third. Between the 80th and 110 Floor beat flames and smoke coming from the building . 50 000 people who were in the entire complex (all 2) recognized the panic . Also in the surrounding streets , people were running for their lives. A man in front of the burning tower shouted : " This is war ! " What happened inside the skyscraper , described the first rescued victims. A woman in the 88th Floor was staying , reported: "We were thrown down the stairs . Before the house was littered with rubble , people leaning out of the windows up and cried . Some jumped down , we were running for our lives ! " All U.S. radio and television stations 5 minutes later were live on the air. Nor was the speech of an ordinary plane crash . 48 by 8 clock were all 150 fire stations of New York City on high alert . While the north tower was in flames and firefighters desperately tried to evacuate the WTC , were three more deaths planes on the way .

A Boeing 767 which will fly from Boston to Los Angeles have now headed to NY There were 65 people on board. Again, there was no radio contact and the machine turned into a low-level flight . Only 18 minutes after the first crash broke the second machine into the South Tower of the WTC . Minutes after the double whammy disaster operations were already under way. At 9.17 clock closed the U.S. aviation authority all airports in the city, the giant John F. Kennedy Airport and La Guardia domestic airport . 9.21 to clock all the bridges and tunnels throughout New York City were closed. At 9.30 clock for the first time the President of the United States, George W. Bush announced the CNN channel from the Federal State of Florida . He tratt to an impromptu ( unprepared ) to speech: "The country was just a victim of a terrorist attack ."

Finally followed at 9.40 clock the total lock of the American air space , for the first time in the history of the country. At the southern tip of Manhattan , the drama began. Both towers were burning , the city responded to the disaster. All Avenues , which are the main

Englisch, 11. September
Bitte um Korrektur text about myself

Im folgendem text sind sicherlich grammatikalische fehler. Ihr würdet mir sehr helfen wenn ihr mir helft. danke im vorraus :)

Let me just briefly introduce myself before I start to tell you about my life and my future plans. My name is .... . The letters of my name describe me best: self-confident, easygoing, loyal, independent, natural and ambitious. Currently I live in Cottbus and attend the 11 th grade at the Humboldt-Grammar-School. I am 16 years old and have the best family. I love my grandmothe, grandfather, mum, dad and my one year younger brother. I don’t remember when we have argued the last time. In my freetime I love to talk with my friends about all unimportant topics and go to parties but to be active is also very important to me. That’s why I try to go jogging regulary. In former times I was a member of different sports clubs, e.g. gymnastics or athletics. If I have nothing to do, this means no homework, nothing to learn or other aktivities I love to relax if I watch TV. My strength are in team skills, reliability and self-reliance. In addition I’m very sociable and cooperative. Some of my less great properties are listlessness and reticence. Furthermore you can describe me as reserved, because to entrust myself to someone is difficult for me. Hitherto school wasn’t a big problem for me. My strengths are in scientific subjects, this includes mathematics or chemistry. Difficult for me ist German because there is another weakness of me: spelling and grammar. Therefore English and Polish isn’t easy to me, too. Occupations like journalist or copyreader are out of the question very early.

Englisch, Text, Personen, Eigenschaften, Grammatik, Korrektur, Rechtschreibung
Mein Englisch hat sich durch den Englischunterricht verschlechtert!

Hey Leute :( Ich gehe in die 9te klasse eines gymnasiums und bin im Moment richtig enttäuscht, weil ich vorhin in englisch einen text vorlesen musste und nur so voll rumgestammelt habe. Undzwar habe ich folgendes Problem: Also, in der 5-8 Klasse war ich immer richtig gut in englisch, hatte immer einen durchschnitt von 1 oder 2. war sogar richtig lange die beste in englisch. Dadurch habe ich gerne und viel englisch gesprochen, war auf jeder englandfahrt und hatte eine gute, flüssige aussprache. Naja, letztes jahr habe ich die 8te Klasse wiederholt und hatte eine total schreckliche Lehrerin. Urplötzlich bin ich von 1 auf ne 4 gefallen und ich habe diese Lehrerin gehasst, da sie einfach total blöden Unterricht machte, und man bei ihr nichts lernte. Ich weiss nicht genau woran es lag, jedenfalls war ich im Unterricht halt immer richtig still, hab mich nichts getraut zu sagen undso. Lag vielleicht auch daran dass ich in einer neuen Klasse war. Naja, dadurch habe ich halt nichtmehr so gerne und oft englisch gesprochen wie davor. An mir kann es ja eigentlich auch nicht wirklich gelegen haben, da das wissen ja eigentlich bereits vorhanden war, sonst hätte ich davor ja keine 1 gehabt, oder? Jedenfalls bin ich jetzt richtig schlecht in englisch. ich habe zum glück jetzt eine andere lehrerin, aber ich trau mich nicht im unterricht was zu sagen, weil meine aussprache so schlecht ist und ich dann immer ausgelacht werde.

Englisch, Schule, Angst, Aussprache, Englischunterricht, Lehrer, schlechte noten
Talking about charts - Diagramme beschreiben - Text korrigieren?!

Hallöchen Leute! Wir sollten am Montag eine Survey (Umfrage) vorberiten und diese sollen wir am Freitag präsentieren, nur bin ich nicht soooo gut in Englisch und weiß nun nicht ob mein Text richtig ist, oder ob ich noch irgendwas ergänzen oder verbessern könnte/ müsste/ sollte... Es wäre also echt total lieb von euch, wenn ihr mir dabei helfen könntet und ich wäre euch auch zutiefst dankbar dafür!!! Also schon mal ein Dankeschön im vorraus. Lg Cersia <3

Bewerten sie die Qualität unseres Bildungssystems von sehr schlecht (1) bis perfekt (10). - Assessment of (the quality of) our educational system, 1 means very bad and 10 means perfect.

Diagramm 1: The bar chart depicts ten options, which the students, on the invitation: “Assessment of (the quality of) our educational system?” could tick, where 1 means very bad and 10 means perfect. The options scale is on the horizontal axis and the percentage terms scale runs vertically. Only slightly more than 45% of the sample had answered that they guessed our educational system is a little more than the average, but it is not perfect. As opposed to this only a small fraction of the adolescences answered that our educational system is very bad.

Wie bewerten sie die Stellung der Jugendlichen in der Gesellschaft im Vergleich zu anderen Ländern? (1- besser als in anderen Ländern, 10- wir haben es am schlechtesten) - How would you assess the role of teenagers in our society when you compare it with other countries?

Diagramm 2: The diagram represents, whether the students assess the role of teenagers in our society, therefore shows that the majority of questioned adolescence be of the same opinion that the role of teenager in Germany are better than other countries. Significantly fewer students answered that the role of young people in Germany are not as good as in other countries.

Was ist für sie der negativste Aspekt am Teenager-Leben in Deutschland?- What is the most negative aspect of a teenager life in Germany?

Diagramm 3: The pie chart illustrates in percentage terms, what youngsters think is the most negative aspect of a teenager life in Germany. The pie chart depicts, that the section “few restrictions” had exactly the same percentage as the section “none”. The stages “few comities”, “few restrictions” and “education” combined are more than half. The answer “few self-determination” makes up for 20 %. This is in sharp contrast to the answer “stress” or “to divide into groups”, only 3 students had answered that one of this section is the most negative aspect of a teenager life in Germany.

Bild zum Beitrag
Englisch, Diagramm, Text, korrigieren, besichtigen
Sind die Zeiten so korrekt? ( Englisch / the apple tree / on the beach)

Hallo, Wäre super, wenn da jemand drüberlesen und die Zeiten (und auch alles andere) verbessern könnte. Komme da immer durcheinander. Es geht um die Bücher On the Beach und The apple tree.

Ich schreibe die fragen mal mit auf:

1. At the beginning at the novel, Moira Davidson drinks a lot of alcohol and is a real party girl, but she changes during the novel. How does he change and why does she change? = Moira Davidson changes her life during the novel because she gets to know Dwight Towers. She likes him very much. I think she wants to change her life for him and maybe she thinks Dwight will marry her if she stops drinking alcohol. Furthermore she understands that life is too short and she has to change her life before she will die of the radiation.

2. Dwight Towers spends a lot of his time with Moira, but he does not take her with him when he sails out to sink his submarine at the end of the story. Why does he not take her with him? = Dwight Towers is of the opinion, that everybody must die in their own way. He is a Navy Commander and wants to die in his submarine with his crew. Another reason why he doesn't take Moira with him is the admiration for his dead wife. I guess he thinks that i will be wrong to die in the arms of another woman.

3. Mary makes plans for her garden and they talk to each other as though life is going on. Why do they behave like that? Give reasons. = I guess they behave like that because it is hard to accept that they will die. Mary Holmes finds it difficult to know that her little daughter Jennifer maybe dies before her. In her despair she tries to ignore the reality and tries to enjoy the last days with her family.

4. Have you got an ambition that you would like to fulfil? What is it? Give reasons. = Of course I have an ambition that I would like to fulfil. There are two big dreams which I never lose sight of. One of them is to become a doctor for human medicine. I wants to study it for more than ten years and I will do everything to let it come true. I know the study is very hard and that I must have a good average to authorize for the study but it is my dream job. I think it is an indescribable feeling to help people and make them healthy and happy.

My second dream is to own a horse. I ride since I was six years old and I am of the opinion that horses are the most beautiful animals in this world. They have such an elegance and their are like friends to me. But horses are so expensive and they take so much of your time. At first I want to have a good job and then I would like to buy a Friesian horse. I am sure that I will own a horse one day.

Part 2: 1. There are two apple trees in the story. Which characters do you think they represent? Give reasons. = The two apple trees stand for two women in the protagonist's life. The first one represents his wife Midge and the second one rep

Englisch, Grammatik, Zeit
Was könnte ich bei diesen summary über den text "paranoid park" im green line besser machen?

Es wäre nett, wenn ihr mal drüber schauen könntet und mich auf Fehler hinweist und mir vielleicht Verbesserungstipps zur gebt.

The book 'Paranoid Park' was written by Blake Nelson, which was published in year 2006 in Portland, Oregon. The text deals with a young skater names Alex, who is doing illegal things, and who kills a security guard in self defense.

The young skater is the main character of the story. He is 16 years old. And is at his uncle Tommy's beach house.

One evening he decides to go there with his best friend Jared, but Jared wants to see his girlfriend and so he doesn't go with Alex to Paranoid Park.

Alex decides to go alone to Paranoid Park and when he is there, he sits on his skateboard and watches the skaters and girls there.

A streeter called Scratch comes along with his friends and after a short talk Scratch asks Alex whether he wants to hop a train.

Fascinated by the idea of hopping train Alex agrees and they leave Paranoid Park.

While riding the train, they are seen by a security guard who immediately chases them and starts to hit Scratch with his nightstick.

After Alex sees that he hits the security guard with his skateboard.

The man stumbles and falls forward on the gravel beside the train.

The coming train pulls him along and he is twisted into an awkward position under the train.

After the train has passed, the security guard has been cut in half.

After this horrible accident Alex is totally in panic and he doesn't know what he should do in a situation like that.

He is totally confused, because he wants to tell the police but he is too afraid of the consequences and he decides to keep first that accident to himself.

Totally confused the main character starts to run....

Englisch, summary

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