Englisch Bildbeschreibung Analyse

Hi, hab eine Bildbeschreibung und eine Analyse dazu gemacht. Diesmal habe ich mir besonders viel mühe gegeben so wenig Fehler zu machen wie möglich.

The picture of the text....... deals with multiculture and shows different individuals with different backgrounds.In the middle of the picture I can see of woman with a spoon. On the spoon is written "equal rights". The woman is stirring a pot of humanscfrom different countries. On the pot is wirtten "citizenship". The woman and the pot are colossally large. She wears the flag of the USA. The humand on the pot wre very small. Some of the people look happy and some people look bad. In the left side is a man on the pot, who has a knife on his right hand and a flag on his left hand. He looks angry and screams to the woman. The woman looks like the stature of Liberte. Maybe, she stands for freedom. Furthermore, the woman stands for unity because she is stirring the people in the pot to a community. The spoon, which the womsn holds, stands for equal rights. Moreover, the woman is stirring the pot with the spoon, which means thst the individuals with different cultures and backgrounds are treated equally. This shows that no one is prefered because of work, looking, culture or background. She wears the flag of USA. In addition, it shows that the US does not make differences between the citizens. The woman mixes the citizens, which shows that the US is for multiculture. A lot of people in the pot are happy to be a part of the society, but not all. Some people look very sad about what the woman does. One of them is even very angry about the situation.

Text, Analyse
English Poem Analyse

Hi liebe community. Ich habe hier den größten Teil meiner Gedichtsanalyse. Habt ihr vielleicht Verbesserungsvorschläge ? Was könnte ich besser machen? Wo habe ich denn Fehler gemacht ? :) Vielen dank

the poem " Presents from my Aunts in Pakistan" by Monisa Alvi is about a young girl of mixed race. She fells English, but she is attracted to Pakistan. The young girl describes the gifts from her aunts in Pakistan. The girl finds the presents beautiful , but she doesn´t feel comfotable while she wears them. The text is written in a neutral English. The style is simple and clear. Moreover, the test consits mainly of short sentences. The poem is written in the first person. The girl is remembering her memories thats why it is written in the past. The fisr stanza starts very positive because the girl is happy of getting presents , but then she realizes that the clothing are unsually for her. She says ......, which means that she is pleases about the presents because the peacock stands for beauty. Furthermore, she uses the colour orange, which stand for optimism. I get from my homeland al lot of presents, which are beautiful. In verse six and seven there is written..... , which shows that she fells uncomfortable with these clothing. In additin, ......... depicts that she feels like she doesn't fit in the culture of her family. As i mentioned before, I get from my homeland a lot of presents, but I do not wear them because i can not identify myself withe clothes. The verse ............. showas zjaz sje jas a lack of freedom and maturity. The metaphor....... is meaningful and depicts how she does notz belong in these clothes. She feels like an outcast. She is not accustomed of wearing these clothing because she wears only British. The schoolfriend of the girl prefers to see her weekend clothes because her sakwar kameez did not impress her. This is a proof for the girl that the clothing from Pakistan don't impress people with other cultures. I have strangeful orbitals frommmy homeland, which are not so beautiful in the eyes of others. She admires the miniature glasswork quite often. She takes photios in the tiny mirrors, seeing broken images of herself evocative her identity crises, and mirrorinh the lack of her personality. She uses the word " costume" in oder to describe her feelings while she wears the clothes.v The girl was taken away from her native country a a very young age. She has no a lot of contact with her Pakastani bakcground. For example my brother was born in .... but after one year he and my cousin came to Germany.

Englisch, Grammatik
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