Twilight Inhaltsangabe englisch?

Hallo ^^ ich muss Mittwoch ein Referat auf Englisch über Twilight halten. Ich hab schon einen Text und wollte gerne wissen ob die Inhaltsangabe so geht :) Danke schon mal für alle Tipps ♥

The Story begin, when Bella has to move to the rainy Forks to live with her dad. She is miserable about it, but she thinks it is the best, after her mother married again. At her new school she quickly found friends. When Bella is seated next to Edward Cullen in class on her first day of school, Edward her. He disappears for a few days, but warms up to Bella and they get friends. But then Bella is nearly crushed by Tyler's van. Edward saves Bella when he instantaneously appears next to her and stops the van with his hands. Bella becomes determined to discover how Edward saved her life. After a family friend, Jacob Black, tells her the local tribal legends, Bella concludes that Edward and his family are vampires who drink animal blood. Bella is saved by Edward again in Port Angeles when she is almost attacked. He then takes Bella to dinner and then on the drive home she tells him a theory that he is a vampire. Edward confesses that he initially avoided Bella because the scent of her blood was too desirable to him. Over time, Edward and Bella fall in love. As Edward, his family and Bella play Baseball outside, three other vampires come and smell Bellas blood. Edward saves her before the vampires can bite her but one of the vampires James, a tracker, wants to hunt bella just for Fun. The Cullens send Bella to hide in a Hitel in Phoenix. Later Bella gets a call from James. He tells her that he kidnapped her mother. Bella leaves without saying something to anyone to her old ballettstudio because she thinks to find her mother there. As she notices that its a trap, it's already too late. James broke her leg and bit her. But Edward and the other Cullens rescues her. He had to suck all the poison out of her, through biting her aswell- James got killed.

Englisch, Twilight, Inhaltsangabe
Dialog Englisch

Hallo, in englisch sollen wir einen Dialog machen, da sollen wir eine Party planen..

Könntet ihr euch das mal durchlesen und mir die Grammatik/Rechtschreib-Fehler nennen?


Fiona: Hey Lara! How are you?

Lara: Hello. I'm fine, thank you. Franzi has got birthday at the 12th December.

Fiona: How about a surprise party?

Lara: That's a good idea!

Fiona: I suggest, we make the party at your home.

Lara: No, my parents say I am not allowed to do a party at home. I thin we ought to do the party at your home.

Fiona: That's okay. And when we make the party?

Lara: At Franzis birthday. Have you got time at the 12th December at 5 o´ clock in the evening? Fiona: Yes, I have. What want we do with her?

Lara: I've got an idea. We could go to the cinema or we can go bowling?

Fiona: I decide on the cinema. What movie want we see?

Lara: We can see „Fack ju Göhte“ and after the movie we can go to your home.

Fiona: We can eat pizza.

Lara: I am able to bring the pizza. What can we drink? How about coke?

Fiona: Yes, coke is tasty. I'm able to buy the coke.

Lara: That's good. We have to hear music!

Fiona: We could hear charts, but I'm not allowed to hear it to loud.

Lara: Shall I send the invation to Emely and Charlott?

Fiona: Yes. When ends the party?

Lara: I have to be home at 10 o´ clock in the evening.

Fiona: Okay, but I have to clean the room. Can you help me, please?

Lara: Yes, of course. Sorry, I must leave now. I have other arrangements.

Fiona: Okay, I will call you.

Lara: Bye!

Englisch, Party, Dialog, Grammatik
Auf Englisch-SA vorbereiten (Schwerpunkt: Listening und Reading)

Diese Hornochsen von Politikern hatten mal wieder die Idee ne neue Matura/ neue Reifeprüfung für das Abitur einzuführen (ich weiß, dass es dafür Ämter gibt die nichts mit Politik zu tun haben ;D) in der es nicht um die Anstrengung geht, die ein schüler auf sich nimmt. Er wird für Leistungen nicht mehr belohnt. Nun ist man entweder gut darin - oder nicht. Denn der grammatik Teil ist deutlich geschrumpft, es gibt fast nur noch Listenings und Readings und Texte schreiben. Also kann man Englisch - oder fällt trotz aller Anstrengungen beinhart durch

Also, genug Hintergrundinformation. Morgen Schularbeit (ja, ich komm mir da sehr früh drauf ^^) und sie richtet sich nach der neuen matura. Kein Grammatik, nur allgemeines. D.h. man kann NICHTS und absolut GARNICHTS lernen, was mich völlig fertig macht.

Habt ihr ne Idee, wie ich meine Grundkenntnisse verbessern könnte? (Bis morgen geht da natührlich nix mehr, das ist mr vollkommen klar. Aber ich helfe damit anderen)

Bisher hab ich Games auf Englisch gezockt, serien auf Englisch geguckt, versucht Halb Englisch-Halb Deutsch zu reden. Also Englisch eine Erweiterung der deutschen Sprache anzusehen. Ich würde schon sagen, dass ich ganz gut Englisch kann. Hatte immer 2-3er (was bei unserer alten Lehrerin sehr gut war!) und habe jetzt aber trotzdem etwas Angst, immerhin ist es die erste SA mit dem neuen lehrer auf der neuen schule ^^

Ich hab natürlich gelernt, aber son paar Tipps die zumindest anderen mit meinem Problem helfen, wären gut, Danke im Vorraus =D

Englisch, Lernen, Schule, Unterricht
Wie findet ihr diese Text Übersetzung (Mediation)


John Ehret is the first black mayor in Baden-Württemberg, probably the first mayor in Germany.

Every year on Christmas Eve John played at the nativity play at the chruch of Mauer.He always played one of the three kings.He played Casper.He played Casper so long until the priest gave him an another role.The priest gave him the role as a herder.Then at Christmas Eve he stood far in the back and had nothing to do, but it was for him the best moment of his career as an actor.

John Ehret was born in 1971 in Karlsruhe as the son of an afroamerican US-soldier.When you talk with him about that, he gets a little bit angry.He said that it would be good if everybody would justice him because of his skin tone.But John never had any experience with racism.As John was a baby, his parents, his parents gave him away to a home for children.When John was five he was adopted by the Ehret family from Mauer.His father was parish council and board in many associations.Soon John was allowed to raise the banner at pageants.At the beginning John was a sensation but soon he became a real ,,Mauermer Bub.´´

John made a carreer at the federal Criminal Police Office.John was criminal detective and educated policeman in Afghanistan.This carreer took also an unexpected change.This Friday the 40 year old John Ehret will return to Mauer. He will come back to the place of his youth for the first working day as a mayor.John Ehret is no party member but won the selection in the community with 4000 people with 58.1 %. John Ehret saved himself an hard election.He set on the trust of the people from former times. On his personal website you can see in the left corner the Slogan: ,,Yes we can``.He is for the people the Kraichgau Obama.John doesnt like that and wants to start and show some performance.He wants to give his city something back and thought about building a skaterpark for the youth of Mauer.

Englisch, Leistung

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