Hilfe bei meiner Englisch-Hausaufgabe

Hallo ich habe eine Englischhausaufgabe für morgen auf und zwar habe ich einen Essay vorliegen, der unstrukturiert ist und nicht fließend ist. Deshalb muss ich diesen Essay in seine richtige Reihenfolge bringen und mit Bindungwörtern fließender schreiben. Ich würde mich sehr freuen wenn Ihr mir dabei helfen würdet.

(1) Barack Obama living the American Dream; Martin Luther King dying for it because he dared to challenge a society where segregation of races was accepted; a confident black middle class, but blacks are still discriminated against: how realistic is the American Dream?

(2) My view of the American Dream is complicated - I can see two sides to it. There is the idea that anyone can be succesful in American society, i.e that it doesn´t matter how poor you are.

(3) Through hard work you can create a better life for yourself. This is believed in it, and many of them have been succesful.

(4) Part of this idea is that anyone can become a millionaire or even a president of the USA. Most people know that is much more difficult than it sounds. Most US presidents in recent years have been very rich. Running for President costs a lot of money. All Americans are supposed to be equal, but some are definitely more equal than others.

(5) It certainly helped George Bush Jr. that he had a rich daddy when he wanted to become President.

(6) If people have to be rich to be President, it´s obvious that presidents will have less sympathy for the poor. The basic idea is that "If they´re poor, that´s because they haven´t worked hard enough."

(7) There is the other side, too.

(8) Things have changed enormously since the 1950s. In the 1950s the election of a non-white president was unthinkable, and nowadays the mayors of many big cities are black.

(9)Discrimination makes sure that some are more equal than others. As an old song from the 1950s goes, "If you´re black, stay back. If you´re brown, stick around. If you´re white, you´re all right.

(10)For me, the only sensible approach to the American Dream is to say that it helps people by giving them the belief that they can improve their lives through hard work. The popular idea that anybody can become a millionaire or US president is missleading. These are impossible goals for most people, even if they do work very hard.

Englisch, Essay, American Dream
Ich muss einen Englischtext zu Ende schreiben (paranoid Park). Kann mir jemand bei der Korrektion helfen?

Hey Englischkönner :-), könnt ihr mir vielleicht helfen ich soll ein Geschichte auf englisch beenden jedoch bin ich nicht sehr gut in englisch und da es darauf auch noch eine note gibt sollte der text relativ korrekt sein ich hoffe ihr könnt mir helfen.

In der Geschichte geht es übrigens über einen jungen der auf eienn Zug springen will jedoch kommt dann die security, der junge schlägt daraufhin dem security ins genick und rennt weg..(ist in ich-Erzähleform vergangenheit)

mein Text: I ran fast as I can. My heart was racing like it never racing. I did not knew where I running, but i ran. In the meantime I have brain storming over all what i have done. And I recognized it was terrible. I do not no what is to do know.Suddenly i have seen Andy a good Friend of me. He stopped me and asked me: ”what is up?” He answered anxious:”please please help me, Andy there happen something terrible”. I was only hoping of help.I was out of breath and he needs only roof over his head. Andy took me into his home. Arrived in Andy’s house I sat me down but I said nothing because I was shocked about my doing. I tough what I could do know what are my options? Andy also don’t know whats to do now he asked only whats happened but he noticed fast his friend have a big problem and did not want to speak. He only made me a bed and ask if I want to sleep here. My only words on this evening was:”Yes Yes thank you.” Than I went to bed. But I could not sleep I had have such a much thoungs. It soon became bright. The next morning started. Andy also waked up and looked at me I knew I dose not look pretty well than he ask me: “Good morning Alex. How are you?” I said him whats happen last night and trembling on my whole body. Moreover I told him what I will do now and explaind him what I thought that night. He understanded I was in big trouble. And he was also a little bit shocked. He supports him by my plan, we was going to police and I said what was happening. Because I was very scarred and very nervously from me own idea, so I have had someboady on my side. But it will be the best to say every thing. As we arrived at the police station I confessed every thing in details. At the moment I hurt the security I did not knew what I had done, I only ran a way.I was so sorry about my hard mistakes I said. The police knew already this criminal case and was surprised that the I hasd such a courage to stand every thing. First he ask me why I do this all. But I already said i did not knew. I first asked whether the security man is still alive. Fortunately the police answered me with ”Yes, but he is in the hospital and had big pain in his neck and had broked his leg, he had have rather a lot of luck.” Firstly Alex was relieved of the survive security man. Despite confession the police took the me to court because I broked much laws, like grievous bodily harm. But before I wanted to visit the unfortunate injured man in the hospital. The police was pretty nice and driven me into the hospital.

Englisch, Schule, Story, Noten, Paranoia, Park, Skate, Skatepark
Interpretation auf Englisch... Ist die hier ok? Könntet ihr die für mich korrigieren? :) Tipps?


The text „My best friend dumped me“ is written by Haylie. She is a girl from California. The text is telling about the end of the friendship between Samantha and Haylie. One day Samantha – Haylies best freind - had written a text message to Haylie, while Haylie was sitting at home, reading a magazine. Some time later, as Haylie read the message she was really shocked, because Samantha had written: „We can´t be friends anymore!“ At first Haylie didn´t know why she wanted to dump their friendship. She culdn´t understand it and was really confused and sad. She thought that she was a good friend to her and couldn´t understand why. She wrote back immediately and asked Samantha why she didn´t want to be her friend anymore... And then Samantha wrote a list to her with many reasons why. At first she was really mad, but after she calmed down, she could understand it. She had been very clingy and stuck like a glue on her... And she wished she could turn it back. She thought about why she was so clingy. She was so clingy, because she was scared to loose Samantha as her best friend. She was very popular at school since she was there as the new girl. Haylie had liked her right from the start, because she was friendly and down-to-earth. Haylie wished she hadn´t been as clingy as she was. But now it was really over. It was too late to change it. The next days she apologized and tried to tell Samantha why she was acting like this. But Samantha didn´t want to talk to her. She just ignored her. A few days later she talked tot her again. But now there was a wall between them. They were friends again. But no best freinds anymore. And she swore to be a better friend next time. She had learned from it and hopes, that other people also can learn from her mistakes. Her last sentece was: „Believe in my words, because it´s no fun being dumped by your best friend.“

Englisch, Deutsch, Lernen, Schule, Text, Interpretation, Lehrer
Ist der Englische Text Grammatisch gesehen richtig?

Hi Leute, habe eine Erörterung über soziale netzwerke geschrieben aber auf englisch. doch mein englisch is naja und ichf reue mich über jeden der mir eine konstruktive kritik gibt. Betse kritik wird beste antwort,


In our century social networking sites are very popular. Over 500 Million people world wide have Facebook but where are the difference between privacy in the real life and privacy in the online life? Now with this discussion I try to answer this question.

I am sure there are diffence between the real life and the online life maybe on Facebook. By the online life they save the informations about us and with the register we allow them to sell this informations to third people and to do other thinks. Furthermore I am sure they do that to earn money.This is a negative aspect from the social networiking sites. When we are in the real life nobody have the right to save informations about us or to sell this informations about us to other foreign people. An other point and a other difference between the two life styles is that in the real life we must ask people to get informations about them. In the online life we can search them und so we can get informations. This argument can pro and contra because so we people get information about other without asking and the negative aspect are that people with bad ideas can get information about this people.

My conclusion is that there are many difference between the real life and the online life on social networking sites but not every difference must be bad. When we use it on the right way then its always good.

Englisch, englische Grammatik, Grammatik
Ein Comment auf Englisch schreiben

Hallo, ich soll in Englisch mein erstes Comment schreiben. Es wäre supernett, wenn ihr euch es mal durchlesen könntet. Über Verbesserungsvorschläge( also Formulierung oder Rechtschreibung oder auch noch einen Pro/contra Punkt den ihr wichtig findet oder etwas anderes) würde ich mich sehr freuen ;) Das Thema das wir vorgeschrieben bekommen haben war: Rules in our everyday life

A Comment

Rules are a very important thing in our life. I believe it´s very important to discuss this topic. For everything in our life we have rules, for example speed limits or curfews. But, are we too obsessed with safety in our everyday life? Or have we got too few rules?

Rules for speed limits for instance are very important. If there are not rules for that, life will change. Everything will be very dangerous. Everybody would drive as fast as they want and there would be more accidents.
Another pro is, that without rules you will early be dead, there will be too much risk in our everyday life.
But there does not only exists pros, on the other hand there are also cons. Without the rules we will have more freedom. We would have much more fun with fever rules.
Secondly there are too much rules for teenager. It is tempting to break them and the teenager can not have so much fun as without rules, because they are not allowed to stay all the night long at partys or to go late in the cinema.

To my mind, most of the rules are very important in our everyday life and we have not got too few rules and are not obsessed with safety.

Englisch, regeln, Erörterung, comment
Bewerbungsschreiben Pflegepraktikum auf Englisch- HELFT MIR BITTE!

Also, ich bewerbe mich per Internetbewerbung um einen Praktikumsplatz in der Pflege in Großbritannien. Könnt ihr bitte mein Anschreiben durchlesen und mir Fehler oder Verbesserungsvorschläge sagen? Wenn jemand Vorschläge zur Kommasetzung hat, immer her damit ;) !!! Das wäre ganz lieb und würde mir sehr weiterhelfen!! Ich habe folgendes geschrieben:

Dear …, After having studied Medicine at the XXX University of XXX for one semester, I am planning to supplement my studies and gain more experience in the nursing sector. Via Internet I found out about the XXX hospital and its patient-friendly atmosphere which seems very appealing to me. Thus, I am writing in order to apply for a 30-day nursing internship in your hospital from XXX to XXX . I have already gained practical experience in my subject, not only during several first-aid-courses I lately attended, but also during university classes: I study in a reformed degree course, which means that we work directly with patients from the first week on and therefore gain more practical experience than students who study Medicine in a classic program of study. I am a very open-minded and friendly person who likes to help and support other people. Therefore, I would like to get an insight in the daily work of nurses. Of course I am prepared to work hard and constantly give my best. I am very interested in exploring different countries. Thus, I apply for an internship abroad as I know that tolerance and openness are necessary for every prospective doctor. The English language will be no problem for me as I have learned it for more than nine years and even took the English advanced-course in high-school which I completed with constant straight As. Furthermore, I worked on my language skills during a language study travel to London in 2009. Of course I would pay for the internship in case of an acceptance. I am looking forward to hearing from you soon. Yours sincerely, XXX

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Medizin, Englisch, Studium, Bewerbung, England, Ausland, Großbritannien, Medizinstudium, Praktikum

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