Brief an die Gasteltern

Hallo ihr Lieben =) Also ich werde im Sommer ein Jahr in die USA fliegen.. Nun muss ich einen Brief an meine noch unbekannte Gastfamilie schreiben.. Es wäre nett wenn sich da mal jemand durchkämpfen könnte und mich in Sachen Sprache und Zeichensetzung verbessern könnte.. Danke schon mal im Voraus.

Dear Hostfamily,

first of all I wanna thank you for reading this letter and more so that you decided to welcome an exchange student (maybe even me?) in your family. I think you already read the main informations about me, but now I wanna show you some details about my family, my friends and especially about myself. I live with my mum, brother, stepfather and grandmother (she lives in a different part) together in a new house, ´cause we relocated last summer as a big firm bought our old farmhouse. My family is very awesome, we spending a lot of time together for playing games or cooking, but we also help each other, e.g. I work in mum´s shop or clean parts of the house, therefore mum helps me doing my homework or she drives my to my friends when it raining outside. Mostly I do these things alone, ´cause than I´m independent and mum isn’t stressed. My brother is a Sweetheart (sometimes), like every brother I think. Sometimes he´s a pain in the neck and I have to be a kind of a second mum for him, ´cause he is doing crazy things betimes. My parents don´t live together since I´m two years old. They have separated, but I still by communicating with my dad, he lives 25 miles away and we see us nearly every second week, he is the best father you could have.

The second most important thing of my life are my friends. I´m not someone who say that she has 15 friends, no I can´t say that, ´cause a friend is someone who knows everything about you and helps you in every situation. These points perform only two people, my friends Mats and Theda. Sure I have many acquaintances, and we doing many funny things, like sports or games, together but the friendship between Mats and Theda to me is very special.

Let´s talk about myself.. I have a gift for sports, at age six I played for one year handball, at nine I start to play soccer for five years and I was very very good. Since one year volleyball, with Theda. I love it to test new activities, therefore I was two times in a baseball camp with German and American members. And I´ve done a walk by stages of 43 miles, which called “Ossiloop”, what means East Frisian Walk. If someone ask me if could help them e.g. by distribute the newspaper, help in doing the homework or any other things you can expect in nine times out of ten a yes of me. You can have a lot of fun with me but also talking about serious things. I really hope to find a family, who prepared to welcome me to their home for ten months. This family would help to fulfil my greatest dream. Thank you very much for having taken the time to read my letter. I very much hope to hear from you and look forward to meeting you in the near future in your home.

Englisch, USA, Austausch, Gastfamilie
Kann mir jemand den deutschen songtext in deutsch übersetzten, bitte?

I never noticed how my heart could beat so loud When I think of you And I can't focus now, got my head up in the clouds When I think of you My heart's so lost in all the chaos It's got me crazy With the spell you cast, it all happened so fast Goodbye to loneliness And when I close my eyes, you play like a movie in my mind

You are the star of my daydreams Everything you are is my reverie Can you feel my heart when you're moving closer and closer and You are the star of my daydreams Everything you are is my reverie Can you feel my heart when you're moving closer and closer? Oh I think that we, that we were meant to be

Everything you do is so fresh and brand new That I can't help This crush on you, I wanna be the breakthrough Kind of love to you Sparks are flying like butterflies and I'm so high On the spell you cast, it all happened so fast Goodbye to loneliness And when I close my eyes, you play like a movie in my mind And I wanna rewind, over and over a thousand times

You are the star of my daydreams Everything you are is my reverie Can you feel my heart when you're moving closer and closer and You are the star of my daydreams Everything you are is my reverie Can you feel my heart when you're moving closer and closer? Oh I think that we, that we were meant to be

Oh I think that we, that we were meant to be Oh I think that we, that we were meant to be

Englisch, Deutsch, übersetzen
Englisch Referat über Spanien

Hallo, hier mein Referat ist es ok so.

I have choose the country spain. I was in spain 3 Times in holidays and I think its a nice country. In Spain the people welcoming other people with shaking hands, and if the people better know with peck on the cheek first right than left. They like eye controll by the welcoming. The spanish say to welcoming hola and to leave talking adios. The spanish speak a lot, loud and manual with their hands. They dont want to hear about uncomfortable truths, and dont access our job experience and our success to much. They dont like the topic to speak about relicion or bullfights. The topics they like are family, sport or our home country. The spanish dont like to speak spain becaus they are very proud of their country. For breakfast the people in spain like coffe with milk and muffins or croissant. The lunch in Spain is from 2 pm till 4 pm. A typical lunch exists three course. First course is a salad or soup or Tapas. Tapas are traditonal is a kind of a snack. The entree of Lunch is meat or fish. The dessert is most a ice or pudding. The dinner is less than the lunch and its is from 9 pm till 11 pm. Traditonal spain food is paella or tapas and they like to eat fish or seafood. Spanish people are muslims also they dont eat pork. In Spain the people make siesta from 2 pm till 5 pm .

Themen sind begrüßung,/gewohnheiten Small Talk Themen Besonderheiten Essen/schlafen

Englisch, Lernen, Schule, Referat
Englisch Aufsatz zum Theme Ferien Erlebnisse

Hallo zusammen,

undzwar sieht es so aus, mein Englisch ist nicht wirklich das beste und wir sollten nun einen Englischen Aufsatz über unsere Ferien schreiben. Jetzt wäre ich euch sehr dankbar wenn ihr euch meinen Aufsatz einfach einmal durch lest und mir eventuell helfen würdet diesen zu verbessern. Ich danke euch allen und wünsch noch eine schöne woche :-)

This winter I spent six days, together with my brother, in Bregenz, a small town in Astria. The town is a really great place in the winter because of its excellent snow pist, restaurants and small forests. You can also do trips on the snow pist both around the town and to other towns such as Lech. At the beginning in the town were only a few people, but in the next days the town was really crowded. Hundreds of tourists were coming, mostly from UK and Germany. Although some websites told us the temperature will not be high, it was -5°C. Most people visited the old castle in the town but some of them stayed on the snow pist even in the late afternoon. Bregenz has very good restaurants where people can eat very tasty seafood as well as, wiener schnitzel, a national symbol of Astria. After Bregenz, I visited Salzburg, too, a splendid and very clean city with a lot of inhabitants. We did the bus tour through the city, a two hour long guide of all sights. This were fantastic holydays. I hope I can stay longer there next year.

Englisch, Schule
Summary von dem Buch Lawn Boy


ich habe ein Summary von dem Buch Lawn Boy geschrieben. Dies brauch ich als Grundlage für eine Buchvorstellung. Es wäre nett, wenn ihr die gröbsten Fehler mir zeigen könntet

In Lawn Boy, the main character is a normal twelve year old teenager. His parents do not have much money. On his twelfth birthday, he gets an old lawn mower that has built his grandad. At the beginning, our main character is not very enthusiastic of this unusual gift and he has problems to start the mower. But when he mows the yard of his neighbor and get $ 20 for it, he is excited about his birthday gift. Other people see this and want to have their garden mowed. The first day he manage 3 gardens, earned 60 dollars and is mandated by six people to mow their gardens. before he falls asleep at night, he thinks about today's day and can not believe  , that he has already earned so much money, but he will still get a lot more dollar. The next morning he eats his breakfast quickly and after that , he beginns to mowing. After his second garden he meets the man Arnold Howell, who is a stockbroker. He says he wants to have mowed his yard, but can pay only 35 dollars, because he is currently unemployed. Arnold  proposes him to do the 35 dollars in stocks. The Lawn Boy is interested in and agrees to mow the garden under these conditions. Before he starts, he is complaining about too many jobs. Arnold wants to help him and offers him to get  a few workers. At night they meet a man named Pasquale, who can bring his cousin as a support for the lawn boy. The next day he met Louis, who is waiting with a car and a lawn mower at arnold. 2 weeks later, 5 people help the Lawn Boy, which are from the family of pasqual. four weeks after he started to mow gardens, it was the first rainy day in this summer. on this day he goes to arnold to talk about his work. Arnold told him that currently 15 people working for him and that he has taken until now 8000 dollars by mowing of gardens. The Lawn Boy can not believe it and thinks it is a joke , but arnold ahead and says that the stocks have become more expensive. He has sold all of them and receive $ 50,000. the lawn boy is speechless and looks out the window. Now he owns 58.000 Dollar. The Lawn boy wants to see the money, but Arnold tells him that he must be 18 or his parents must pick up the money. He also says he has invested all the money into a boxer named joseph.
This boxer comes 15 minutes later at the house of arnold, so he can meet his sponsor. after they had talked a bit, Pasqual storms through the door and says that the workers are threatened by three men who want money.So they go  to the car and drive to the workers. There, the boxerJoseph chase away the bad men. When the Lawn Boy comes home at night, he wants to tell his parents everything, but he does not dare. The next day he wants to go to Arnold as usual, but he sees the three evil men in the house of Arnold, and therefore he runs back home .

Englisch, summary
handys in LONDON billiger als in deutschland?

hi leute, ich fahre in 2 wochen nach london. ja richtig, ich FAHRE (mit dem bus). ich schätze mal, damit kann ich den zoll umkgehen (das nur vorne weg). ich hab momentan das samsung galaxy GT 19000. ich habe es vor einem knappen jahr aus der vertragsverlängerung bei vodafone erhalten. das handy ist also ein knappes jahr alt (ich pflege es aber gut). vorgestern sprach mich auf einmal ein kumpel an. er wollte mein handy kaufen. ich dachte er verarscht mich, und habe dann gesagt: "für 250€ ist es deins." damit dachte ich das die sache sich erledigt hatte, weil das handy (ich habe extra bei ebay geguckt), gebraucht "nur" 170,180€ wert ist. doch ich habe mich getäuscht. völlig überraschend hatte mein kumpel heute 250€ für mein handy bei. ich hab gesagt, dass ich erst nochmal mit meinen eltern reden wolle. aber ich würde so ganz einfach 250€ bekommen und dabei noch knappe 100€ im vergleich zu ebay gewinn machen. jedoch würde ich ja dann ein neues handy brauchen. und da kommt mir london ganz gelegen. ich weiß von bekannten, dass elektronische geräte (gerade handys) in den USA sehr sehr viel billiger las hier sind. nun stellt sich mir die frage: ist das in london auch so??? es wäre natürlich schon krass, ein gutes smartphone gegen ein richtig gutes (mir schwebt da das iphone 4S vor) ohne verlust einzutauschen. wie gesagt, mit dem zoll gibt es keine probleme. also: SIND HANDYS IN LONDON BILLIGER ALS IN DEUTSCHLAND? hat da jemand erfahrungen mit?

mfg markus

Handy, Englisch, England, Import

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