Ist der Englische Text Grammatisch gesehen richtig?

Hi Leute, habe eine Erörterung über soziale netzwerke geschrieben aber auf englisch. doch mein englisch is naja und ichf reue mich über jeden der mir eine konstruktive kritik gibt. Betse kritik wird beste antwort,


In our century social networking sites are very popular. Over 500 Million people world wide have Facebook but where are the difference between privacy in the real life and privacy in the online life? Now with this discussion I try to answer this question.

I am sure there are diffence between the real life and the online life maybe on Facebook. By the online life they save the informations about us and with the register we allow them to sell this informations to third people and to do other thinks. Furthermore I am sure they do that to earn money.This is a negative aspect from the social networiking sites. When we are in the real life nobody have the right to save informations about us or to sell this informations about us to other foreign people. An other point and a other difference between the two life styles is that in the real life we must ask people to get informations about them. In the online life we can search them und so we can get informations. This argument can pro and contra because so we people get information about other without asking and the negative aspect are that people with bad ideas can get information about this people.

My conclusion is that there are many difference between the real life and the online life on social networking sites but not every difference must be bad. When we use it on the right way then its always good.

Englisch, englische Grammatik, Grammatik
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