Englisch Übersetzung Mick Ryan

Guten Abend an alle gutefrage.net Mitglieder,

ich bräuchte eure Hilfe. Englisch gehört zu meinen Hassfächern schlechtin, besonders bei Übersetzungen tue ich mich besonders schwer. Ich muss einen deutschen Text ins Englische übersetzen. Ich bitte euch nur um Korrektur, in bezug auf Grammatik bzw. Rechtschreibfehler. Tipps wie man die Sätze anders schreiben kann sind auch gerne erwünscht. Also hier zuersteinmal der deutsche Text:

Es war stockdunkel, als ein Mann namens Mick Ryan sich auf dem Weg nach Dublin machte. Mit seinem blauen Auto fuhr er eine schmale Straße entlang. Kurze Zeit später sieht Mick am Straßenrand eine Frau, die anscheinend auf eine Mitfahrgelegenheit wartet. Mick hält an und die Frau frägt ihm anschließend ob er sie doch bitte nach Hause fahren könnte. Nach 20 Minuten kamen die beiden in Bricklane an. Als die Frau ausstieg, gab sie Mick einen Zettel indem ihre Adresse stand. Die freundliche Frau bat Mick sie und ihre Mutter zu besuchen.

1 Woche später folgte Mick der Einladung und fuhr zu der Adresse nach Bricklane. Als er vor dem Haus der Frau ankam, sah er nochmals ungläublig auf seinen Zettel. Er war verwirrt, da das Haus der jungen Dame total abgebrannt war. Er machte sich Sorgen und fragte einen alten Herren ob die Adresse richtig sei. Der alte Mann verneinte, und zeigte auf eine Kirche, die im Hintergrund zu sehen war. Mick ging zu der Kirche und sah das Grab der Frau. Sie hieß Anne Bryne und verstarb am September 1938 im Alter von 19 Jahren.

Jetzt das Englische. It was a dark night, a man called Mick Ryan was at the way to Dublin. He drove with his blue car a lathy street. Short time later he saw at the roadside a women, that apparently want a lift. Mick stopped than the woman afterwards asked if he could take her at home.

After 20 minutes botch arrived Bricklane. When the women alight the car, she gave Mick a note, where the adress was standing. The friendly women begged Mick to visit her and her mother.

1 Week later Mick followed the invitation and drove to the adresse that the young Lady gave to him. As he was in front of the house, he saw again to his note. He was confused, because the house burnt down. He was worried, and asked an old man where the addresse is and if it is right. The old man showed to a church in the backround. Mick went to the church, and saw the grave of Anne Bryne which died on september 1938 in the age of 19 years.

So das ist meine Übersetzung, wie gesagt da sind bestimmt ziemlich viele Fehler. Ich würde mich ungemein freuen, wenn sich einige bereit erklären würden und mir helfen würden. Mit einem überarbeiteten Text könnte ich morgen bei meiner Lehrerin sicher für Pluspunkte sorgen, da ich in Englisch doch eher ne Niete bin Danke im vorraus


Englisch, Deutsch, Schule, Übersetzung, Grammatik, Rechtschreibung
Summary "The Land Lady" : Bitte mal drüber lesen ;)

Hey :)

Ich habe eine Summary zu der Kurzgeschichte "The Land Lady" von Roald Dahl geschrieben und bräuchte jemand der mal für mich drüber liest. :) Bitte auch nicht nur auf Grammatik udn Rechtschreibfehler achten sondern auch auf Inhalt usw.

Danke schonmal ;)

In the following I´m going to summarize the short story "The Land Lady" written by Roald Dahl. Seventeen year-old Billy Weaver has to take a journey from London to Bath for giving a report due to his work at London Head Office. Arrived in Bath, Billy asks the porter for a good and cheap hotel to stay the night. The porter recommends "The Bell and Dragon". On his way to the hotel, Billy notices a lovely decorated house, which he likes at first moment. As he finds a printed notice with the inscription "BED AND BREAKFAST" he can´t walk away and presses the bell. A nice mid-forty woman opens. Owing to the cheap price, Billy chooses to stay. Thus the woman shows him parts of the house including his room. She also wants him to sign the guest book before going to sleep. While drinking a cup of tea with the land lady, Billy notices that the book got only two entries by men, whose names sound familiar to him. Further those entries are about two and three years old. Besides he remembers the mens´names from newspaper articles he read. The story ends with Billy asking the land lady if she ever had any other guests except the two man. Finally she answered that he was the only guest.

Englisch, Lernen, Schule, Geschichte, England, Sprache
My best frienddd

Habe bald Englisch Schularbeit und wollte fragen ob sich jemand meinen Text auf grammatikalische oder sprachliche Fehler ansehen könnte.

My best friend is Charlie. Charlie is 16 years old and lives in Wieselburg. I know him since my childhood and he has been always there for me. In the following text I want to describe his appearance and his qualities, which make him to the person he is.

Charlie is 1,8m high and is looking really sporty because he likes a lot of sports, which help him to hold his body in a good and healthy condition. He has brown, short hair and most of the time he is smiling because he is simply a happy person.

One of his starches is his generosity. He loves it to help other people if they are not understanding something at school or have any other problems. Moreover, he is a funny person and has always a good entertaining joke in stock. Although Charlie is such a funny person, he is also able to handle with responsibility. This feature makes him a good student. Last year he even has only ones in his school certificate.

Most of the time, if he does not have to do anything for school, he is playing outside with friends or helping in the household, which is not seen often seen nowadays. His greatest hobby is soccer. Charlie is spending nearly a hour per day on playing soccer because he wants to be a well-known football player if he is older. Not everyone can deserves his money by soccer because you have to be really good at playing football. I think his abition and enthusiasm will make him a good soccer player and that he has a real chance to become a famous football player.

All in all Charlie is a really funny and reliable person and I can be happy to have such a good friend like him.

Danke im Voraus:)

Englisch, Schule, Text, Personen, best friends, Friends, Personenbeschreibung, Essay
Comment über Video games, bitte Kontrolle!

Hallo Leute, das Niveau ist 10. Klasse Gym. Ist für eine Schulaufgabe.

Die Frage: Write a comment in 150 words. Should video games be forbidden?

Hier mein comment:

It has often been said that video games have bad influence on people who play them. For example, it has often been argued, that Kids in school are less concentrated if they are playing computer games. In the following I would like to point out, should video games be forbidden?

In my opinion video games shouldn´t be forbidden. This is simply, because video games are not the source of these problems. It´s true, that if you let your child play video games the whole day, it has huge negative effects on it, for example lacks in social connections. But this is the fault of the parents. Kids shouldnt be allowed to play the whole day, this completely seperates them from the reality, but it´s ok if they play here and then.

Another reason why video games should be allowed, because it´s fun playing them. If you play a video game, you can do things that you won´t ever be able to do in real, for example flying around without nothing but your body. Every game is a different adventure, that you can share with friends. Every different person can find something that he likes, no one comes short, even business-man can find games that fit for them.

So to sum up, video games are a nice experience. The key is not overdoing it. Or you will end up living in a virtual world.


Wie findet ihr es? Bitte alles verbessern was geht :). Danke.

Videospiele, Englisch, Gymnasium, Kontrolle, comment, Schulaufgabe
Übersetzung Englisch --> Deutsch

Hallo, brauche unbedingt bitte eine Übersetzung von Englisch zu Deutsch von diesem Text:

The importance of the Anglo-American special relationship depends upon which end of the telescope you view it through. It's a big deal in Britain. But the term "special relationship" is almost entirely foreign to American ears. After all, the United States is increasingly Hispanic and increasingly wedded economically to Asia, and is bound to shift or at least broaden its longtime alliances. Aside from its friendship with Britain, the world's only superpower will naturally have a number of extraordinary bilateral relationships: with Japan and China (the two largest holders of U.S. debt), Saudi Arabia (oil) and Mexico (the single largest source of U.S. immigrants), to name just a few. It's no accident that Hillary Clinton's first trip abroad as secretary of state is not to Europe—the traditional destination—but to Asia.When Blair spoke of "post-empire malaise," he saw the need for Britain to become "as confident of its future as it once was of its past." And why not? Battered though they both are these days, the ancient City of London is the equal of Wall Street. The great English universities are still among the world's finest. The Palace of Westminster houses what is still "the mother of Parliaments." Immigration has brought a new vibrancy to all corners of British life. There's no reason why confidence should be in short supply—a fact that Brown seemed to recognize two years ago when he launched a now dormant "Britishness" campaign and spoke of setting down in writing "the values, founded in liberty, which define our citizenship and help define our country."

America has moved on. In his Inaugural Address, Obama said, "Know that America is a friend of each nation and every man, woman and child who seeks a future of peace and dignity." His sole reference to Britain was the defeat of its troops by George Washington. Britain should move on, too.

Danke schonmal im Vorraus.

PS: Den Inhalt wiedergeben würde im Notfall auch gehen.

Englisch, Übersetzung
Summary "Caribbean London" feedback
Ich bitte  um Feedback meiner zusammenfassung des Green line Transition 6 Textes "Caribbean London". Danke im vorraus :) hier meine Zusammenfassung : 
The Text "Caribbean London" by Green line is about the Integration and influence of caribbeans in london. (das jetzige) london is  a lot by them, (like in arts or food for exemple ) they have contributed greatly to the prosperity of Britain today. When they first arrived in london in the late 1940's for helping rebuild the postwar nation Great-Britain, they encounters many difficulties. For low wages, caribbeans had to do inferior jobs, that no one else wanted to do. They also had to pay exaggerate high rents for bad housing conditions and many of them experienced racial abuse. The answer to that was the development of  self-help organizations for caribbeans and the launch of "The Voice", one of the first newspapers, aimed at a black audience in Britain. But times changed, nowadays, the most of them are well-established in London. Many caribbeans had become business people running their own shops, and some of them also achieved high positions in big business and public life. They provide as well role models for future. So their situation has changed a lot .

So ich bin mir sicher, dass ich leider ein paar Sätze einfach vom deutschen ins englische übersetzt habe :/  naja ich würde gerne Tips von euch bekommen was ich besser machen könnte, was total falsch war, und so weiter ;) Den "echten " Text findet ihr im Anhang als Bild. Hab ihn nur als Bild gefunden, hoffe man kann ihn lesen... Danke :)
Englisch, London, Feedback, Green Line, summary
Englisch Berichtigung 11.September

Wäre sehr nett wenn jemand mein referat korrigieren könnte. Vom zweiten teil schreibe ich ein link drunter. Vielen Danke im voraus!

The 11th September 2001 I think if I say the three magic words World Trade Center everybody knows what it means!

I want to tell about the 11th September 2001.The day the world has changed.

Four terror attacks were carried out on important buildings in the U.S.A. It has begun at the airport in Portland in the morning of 11 September. Mohammed Atta bought a ticket to Boston and met three other men at the airport. In Boston he climbed into the plane of American Airlines to Los Angeles. Mohammed Atta hijacked the machine, and bringed them into his power. The police was informed less than 20 minutes later

At 8.46 Clock the first airplane flied in the 417 m high north tower of the World Trade Center. Hundreds of people died.At first many people thought it was an accident. Worldwide TV channels reported live about the supposedly accident in New York. At 9.03 a second plane flied into the South Tower of the WTC. A huge fireball shot on the opposite side of the building. A large fire brought out. The people escaped from the buildings, some People jumped out of the window to save. Thousands of humans all over the world look at these scenario. At this time it was clear that these are targeted attacks. At a time in which the WTC was full the plane flies into it.

The President George W. Bush heared about this attack during a school visit to Sarasota. Later he remarks: "Today we are witness a national tragedy ... It is apparently a terrorist attack on our country." Many volunteers are spilled during their evacuation. It was a hell for thousands of helper. But 87% of the people who were at the building could be saved. At 9.37Uhr the attack is not over yet, another Plane flies in to the Pentagon. All 64 passengers on the machine are killed. The government could close the whole airspace. All machines must be controlled to the nearest airport and land. Perhaps is the white house the next target? To make sure was it evacuated.

The last machine is flying over Pennsylvania at the rate Washington DC. It can happen, however passengers to overpower the hijackers. The plane crashed in an open field near Pittsburgh. 44 people on board, the courage to try to prevent something worse, pay with their lives. The 415 meter high south tower collapses in just 10 seconds. The north tower just half an hour later. It was the collapse destroyed much in the near including a German bank. At 17.20 clock the building WTC 7 brok-down

The sad outcome of these attacks: 3,000 people killed and 6000 are hurt. More than 3200 children lose their parents on this day. The U.S. is in a state of shock. For the first time since 1814 (since the struggles for independence), These were the first attack in their own country.

Englisch, Referat, 11.september, Berichtigung

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