Englisch Hausaufgaben Verbesserung

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  1. How do you feel about this song? When I listened for the first time to Beyonce´s song “Proud to be an American”, I recognized that the melody and the rhythm are very catchy. You can distinctly hear the hymn-character the performer has given her song and the idea to combine lyrics and melody to convince the listener of your opinion. I do not like this kind of forcing you into a specific opinion. I prefer artists who animate you to form your own point of view or at least make you think about the topic in general. Moreover, the strong opinionated message of pride and patriotism is repulsive to me. In my experience pride, as long as you use it to feel self-confident and motivated, can be a good character trait, but too much of it can block your view. No one could deny that this is proofed not only in the History frequently, this thought is also often covered by literature, movies etc. In relation to the topic of Beyonce´s song, this means, that you should not just praise America to the skies. There are also not so commendable sides of the “Country of liberty”. Instead of this homage to the bright sides of America the singer should more directly mention that this country is too beautiful and stand for too much to let it destroy by political and societal problems. On the other hand I am impressed by the directness of her opinion about America. Such a passionate patriotic message is not very often seen in Europe, especially in Germany. Patriotism can be good for a nation, because it supports the cohesion and the mood in the society. Maybe Germany should finally, ages after World War Two, start to build up a healthy Patriotism and Pride of their country.
  2. Summary “Proud to be an American” is a in 2008 re-released cover by the famous patriotic American song “God bless the USA” by the R&B singer Beyonce. Beyonce expresses in her patriotic song, that you should count one´s blessings, in this case the unimpeachable freedom America has given to her, even if everything else would have been taken away from you. With this and by reminding the listeners of the all the people who died in past acts for the liberty she can thankfully enjoy nowadays, the praises the whole American attitude of life: The priority of being more or less free to do whatever you want and act independent. Especially in the refrain and the second stanza Beyonce shows the deeply in the American history rooted pride for their whole country and it´s symbols. Just like the all- American moral concept is even God asked for his blessing and peace for the nation. In this song are all listeners called up to be proud of America, and express that patriotism passionated, as well as trying to keep the country worth for this and protect it as good as you can.
Englisch, Lernen, Schule, Grammatik, Hausaufgaben, Vokabeln

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