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Hallo, Ich muss am Mo. in Englisch über eine US-Stadt ein Referat halten. Hab Atlanta genommen. Habe mein Referat bis jetzt mal auf Deutsch geschreiben. Lest es euch mal durch und sagt mir was ich noch dazuschreiben soll oder ob es so passt:

Heute stelle ich euch die Stadt Atlanta vor (Today I want to tell about Atlanta): Atlanta hat 420.000 (Gerundet) Einwohner und ist die Hauptstadt sowie die größte Stadt im US-Bundesstaat Georgia. Sie wurde früher Hotlanta und heute "The A-T-L" genannt. Die Jahresdurchschittstemperatur beträgt 16,4°C. Die Jahreshöchsttemperatur wurde im Juli gemessen, mit 26°C und im Dezember ist es am kältesten, mit 6,7°C. Trotz der subtropischen Lage fällt in Atlanta im Winter fast immer ein bisschen Schnee. Im Sommer kann es wegen Regenmangel zu Dürren kommen. In und um Atlanta entstehen regelmäßig Tornados z.B. Atlanta Tornado Outbreak 2008.

Jetzt zur Geschichte: Die Indianer besiedelten Atlanta als erstes. 1823 kamen weiße nach Atlanta. 1837 bekam sie erstmals den Namen "Terminus". 1845 bekam sie ihren jetzigen Namen, dessen Herkunft nicht richtig geklärt ist. Am 11.Nov. 1864 brannten die Unionstruppen in einem Krieg die Stadt nieder. 90% der Gebäude waren zerstört. 1868 wurde Atlanta zur Hauptstadt von Georgia. Dem Wiederaufbau nach dem Krieg hat Atlanta sein Wappen zu verdanken (Phönix). Die berühmteste Straße Atlantas ist die "Peachtree Street". Der Hartsfield-Jackson International Airport in Atlanta ist der Flughafen mit dem höchsten Passagieraufkommen der Welt. Die Coca-Cola Company, CNN,UPS und viele mehr siedelten sich aufgrund der niedrigen Steuersätze in und um Atlanta an. In Atlanta befinden sich eine Reihe von Universitäten z.B. Die Georgia State University. Martin Luther King wurde 1929 in Atlanta geboren.

Attraktionen: Eine Attraktion in der Umgebung von Atlanta ist Stone Mountain, der weltgrößte freiliegende Granitfelsen. 1996 fanden die 26. Olympischen Sommerspiele statt. Das höchste Gebäude in Atlanta ist der "Bank of American Plaza", mit 317m. (Ist das 9 höchste Gebäude der USA.

Englisch, Referat, Atlanta
Könnte jemand über meinen Essay drüber schauen?
         Every school should demand school uniform

In some countries all over the world school children have to wear uniforms the color scheme and style varies from school to school. In other countries pupils can wear to school what ever clothes they choose. In those countries it could be difficult to introduce school uniforms, because they are not traditionally used to wearing one. In the following essay I want to discuss the advantages to introduce school uniforms world wide.

In my opinion school uniforms ind schools are positive but negative too because not every student have the same style and they cant decide which school uniforms they wanted to wear.

School uniforms are on the one side good because a lot of children are victims of bullying because some of theme haven’t enough money to buy expensive and nice clothes. In this case the school uniform is very practically and maybe a good problem-solving.

On the other side pupils cant find our style and have to wear clothes that they don’t wanted. School uniforms can be nice but not every day ,It quickly becomes boring .However, there are people around the world for which it is too expensive ,always to buy a school uniform. Children grow fast and because of that they have to buy an again and again. We must take into account that the school uniform is maybe expensive but the clothes that the kids need for school is not cheaper and they have to be buy again and again, too.

On the other hand if the pupils wear school uniforms there is not a difference between rich and poor.

I have come to the conclusion that school uniforms are not everywhere positive and children should be able to develop their own style. Cause the bully is not reduced by a school uniform.

Englisch, Erörterung, Grammatik, Hausaufgaben, Rechtschreibung, Essay
Ist diese Rede über den Amazonas Regenwald ok?

Deforstation of the Amazon rain forest.

The Amazon rain forest - If you hear this, you think about beautiful green forest landscapes, wildlife and pure nature. But that will not remain forever. Arround the year 2070, there will be only a barren savanna. Whose fault is it ? This is easy. We humans are the guilty.

The rain forest in the brazilian Amazon is getting faster and drastically cut down. For example : Only in the June of 2011 310 square kilometres of the Amazon rain forest were cleared. This corresponds perhaps to the area of Dresden. Compared with June 2010, this is an increase of 28 percent. The people don´t think about the situation. There are bitterly consequences.

The rain forest is still being cut down. Why should it care us if a couple of plants, animals, fungi and microorganisms are extinct ? The Amazon is often hot and humid. They are difficult to access, and fully insects have an elusive animal and plant life. The problem is not the extinction of plants and animals. For humans it is about much more. By destroying the tropical rain forests we risk our quality of life. We put the stability of climate and regional weather on risk. We endanger the existence of other species. Farmer and other workers lose their jobs. What you can do : - only use recycled paper (for example, a blue angel). - Drink coffee with Fair Trade certification. -Buy furniture with wood from local forests. -Eat less meat. Eat meat from Biohaltung. -Support actions.

A single person can not do much about it. But if all stick together, we can ensure that the Amazon rain forest and others, remain preserved in the future as well.


Englisch, Schule, Unterricht
Englisch mündlich Prüfung Monolog


Da ich in einer Woche meine Englisch mündlich Prüfung abgeben muss, muss ich 5 Minuten über mich frei reden und weil ich jetzt anfangen will dass auswendig zu lernen will ich euch bitten dass ihr mir die fehler in meinem Monolog verbessert :) weil ich weiß dass er nicht fehlerfrei ist :D

Hello My Name is ****** and I'm ** years old i was born on ..**** and i life in ******* in a flat, ******* is a small town in germany you can make lots of things here like go shopping, playing football,go skying or eat ice cream. I go to the schalksburgschool in ******* too my favourite subjects are englisch beacause i'm one of the best in the class in this subject. sport is my favourite subject too because im good in it that was about my school now i tell how i look like .. i have green-blue eyes and brown hair, my height is one meter and seventy eight centimeter.. my shoe size is 43 and i'll keep an eye on my style. now i tell you about my family, my father is ** years old and he have green eyes and work in a factory, my mum is ** years old and she have green eyes and works in a factory too, my sister is * years old and she has brown eyes and go to the schalksburgschool too, when i was six years old i travel from russia to germany now every second summer holidays i travel for three to russia because my grandma and my old friends lifes there. in the future i will do my 9+1 to get a better job my hobbys are playing football and basketball at the weekends with my friends.

bitte alle wörter die ich falsch gesetzt habe verbessern ;)

danke :)

Englisch, Prüfung, Text, Wort, monolog

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