Hallo Leute! Da bald meine Englischklausur ansteht wollte ich euch bitten über meine Charakterisierung rüberzuschauen und mich zu verbessern, da ich noch sehr unsicher bin. Ich hatte die Aufgabe den Erzähler in "The Big Race" zu charakerisieren.

The short story "The Big Race" by Toby Sweet is about a swimmer who tooks pity on his opponent and lets him win. This characterisation is about the narrator of the story. This boy is a fast swimmer and has to swim two length backstroke at Chester-le-Street, at that day. One of his opponents is Gordon Hayes. Before the race the narrator notices Gordon talking with his father. Out of curiosity he askes Gordon what the matter is. He gets the answer that Gordons father will his his son, if he doesn't win the race. After that, while he is warmin up and planing his strategy the narrator always has think about that. He is worried and can't concentrate. During the race the boy descides to let Gordon win, because he wants to prevent him from his father and feels sorry about that. At first, the boy regets his second place and doubts about his descision. But then he is pleased to see that Gordons father is smiling and knows it has been worth it.

Das war's. Wie kann ich den am besten auf den Charakter eingehen und weniger vom Inhalt erzählen? Ich glaube das ähnelt eher einer summary. Danke im vorraus:-)