Suche Englische Zitate über liebe,gebrochene liebe, traurigkeit ,träume hoffnung....

4 Antworten

  • "The happiest man who walks the earth is the one who finds his real love." (aus dem Film "Bram Stoker's Dracula")
  • "I have crossed oceans of time to find you." (aus dem Film "Bram Stoker's Dracula")
  • "To die, to be really dead... that must be glorious!" - "But Count Dracula!" - "There are far worse things a man has to stand than death." (aus dem Film "Dracula" (1931))
  • "The lion fell in love with the lamb." - "What a silly lamb!" - "What a sick, masochistic lion!" (aus dem Film "twilight")
  • "Live your dream, don't dream your life. You better let your dream survive!" (aus dem Lied "Live Your Dream" von beFour)
  • "Give a little, little love and you'll get it back..." (aus dem Lied "Little Little Love" von beFour)
  • "I have winter in my heart 'cause I miss you more than words can say." (aus dem Lied "Winter In My Heart" von beFour)
  • "Baby for all my life, don't you know that it's true? I'm living to love you! So baby don't think twice. If you feel what I feel, trust your heart and do what I do... 'cause I'm living to love you." (aus dem Lied "Living To Love You" von Sarah Connor)
  • "Light up, light up! As if you have a choice... even if you cannot hear my voice, I'll be right beside you, dear!" (aus dem Lied "Run" von Leona Lewis)
  • "She's out of my life! She's out of my life! And I don't know whether to laugh or cry... I don't know whether to live or die. And it cuts like a knife. She's out of my life!" (aus dem Lied "She's Out Of My Life" von Michael Jackson)
  • "Sometimes in life, when all hope is gone and you feel like you're on your own, a friend comes along and makes you realize that everything's OK..." (aus dem Lied "Best Friends" von Us5)
  • "Tell the angels ´No. I don't wanna leave my baby alone.´ I don't want nobody else to hold you. That's a chance I'll take, maybe I'll stay. Heaven can wait. No. If the angels took me from this earth, I would tell them ´Bring me back to her!´ That's a chance I'll take, baby I'll stay. Heaven can wait!" (aus dem Lied "Heaven Can Wait" von Michael Jackson)
Woher ich das weiß:Hobby – Ich bin C2-zertifiziert in Englisch.

Ich weiß, nicht ob du so einen Spruch suchst, aber mir gefällt dieses Zitat von Friedrich Nietzsche ziemlich gut: "The lonely one offers his hand too quickly to whomever he encounters".

Du mußt bei google nach quotes oder nach sayings suchen, da findest du jede Menge.

 27.12.2011, 21:02

danke,genau das problem hatte ich.Ich weiß nämlich nie welches Wort ich dafür eingeben muss.


Geh mal auf:

Die "Abteilungen" zu "Love", "Life" und "Sadness" sollten dir was bringen. :3

Ich hoffe, Du kannst damit was anfangen.

 27.12.2011, 21:01

Danke schön!! Und ja ich kann damit genug anfangen. (: