Englisch Aufsatz zum Theme Ferien Erlebnisse

Hallo zusammen,

undzwar sieht es so aus, mein Englisch ist nicht wirklich das beste und wir sollten nun einen Englischen Aufsatz über unsere Ferien schreiben. Jetzt wäre ich euch sehr dankbar wenn ihr euch meinen Aufsatz einfach einmal durch lest und mir eventuell helfen würdet diesen zu verbessern. Ich danke euch allen und wünsch noch eine schöne woche :-)

This winter I spent six days, together with my brother, in Bregenz, a small town in Astria. The town is a really great place in the winter because of its excellent snow pist, restaurants and small forests. You can also do trips on the snow pist both around the town and to other towns such as Lech. At the beginning in the town were only a few people, but in the next days the town was really crowded. Hundreds of tourists were coming, mostly from UK and Germany. Although some websites told us the temperature will not be high, it was -5°C. Most people visited the old castle in the town but some of them stayed on the snow pist even in the late afternoon. Bregenz has very good restaurants where people can eat very tasty seafood as well as, wiener schnitzel, a national symbol of Astria. After Bregenz, I visited Salzburg, too, a splendid and very clean city with a lot of inhabitants. We did the bus tour through the city, a two hour long guide of all sights. This were fantastic holydays. I hope I can stay longer there next year.

Englisch, Schule
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