Englische Twilight Zitate. (:

3 Antworten

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Breaking Dawn: Edward: I´m just checking for cold feet. Bella: Mine are toasty warm.

Edward: I can´t live without you.

Jacob: If you die, what´s the point of you loving him and me loving you?

Edward: What´s a wedding without some drama?

Bella: You have to accept this for what it is.

Bella: Hopefully a year from now I´m gonna look in the mirror and see someone like you. Someone capable of courage, sacrifice and love.

Jacob: The best man didn´t have time to get a tux.

Bella: Why can´t you see how perfectly happy I am?

Edward: I´ve waited a century to marry you, Miss Swan.

Edward: No measure of time with you, would be long enough. But we´ll start with forever.

Edward: Last night was the best night of my existence.

 17.01.2012, 19:23

Vielen Dank (:


Victoria: "I'm the one with the wicked curve ball" Jasper: "Oh I think we can handle that"

Edward: "Hold on tight, spidermonkey"

Bella: " I've never given much thought how i would die, but dying a place of someone you love, seems like a good way to go"

Edward: "Hello! I'm sorry i didn't get the chance to introduce myself last week. I'm Edward Cullen. You're Bella...

Alice: "Hi Bella! I'm Alice.... Oh, you do smell good! Edward: "Alice...What?!" Alice: "It's okay, Bella and I are gonna be great friends"

Carlise: "Sorry, Jasper is our newest vegetarian. It's a little difficult for him." Jasper: "It's a pleasure to meet you" Alice: "It's okay Jasper, you won't hurt her"

Bella: "Well everybody's staring" Edward" Oh, not that guy...he just looked. Breaking all the rules now anyway, since i'm going to hell..."

Rosalie: "Is she even Italian?" Emmett: "Her name is Bella."

Rosalie: "Here comes the human.."

aus twilight forum=)

 17.01.2012, 19:24

danke (:


"I've never thought about how I would die - even if I had many good reasons for it in the last few months. But to die instead of someone you love... I think this is a good way to go."

Woher ich das weiß:Hobby – Ich bin C2-zertifiziert in Englisch.