Summary "Caribbean London" feedback

2 Antworten

The text "Caribbean London" by Green Line tells about the integration and the influence of Caribbeans in London. The actual London owes them a lot (such as arts or food). They did a great contribution regarding the prosperity of today’s Britain. When they first arrived in London in the late 1940s in order to offer their aid to the postwar nation, they encountered many difficulties. Despite being underpaid, the Carribean were forced to do inferior jobs which nobody else wanted to do. They had also to pay for their exaggeratedly high rents, although they lived in bad house conditions and many of them experienced racial abuse. The answer to this is the foundation of self-help organizations and the launch of “The Voice”, one of the first newspapers, aimed at the black audience in Britain. Now that times have changed, most of them are well-established in London. Many Carribeans have become businessmen running their own shops and some of them also attained high positions in big business and public life, they even provide role models for the future. As a result, their situation has entirely changed.

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userbg2020  14.06.2020, 15:17

du hast dies zu einer mitlerweile 9 jahre alte frage gestellt xD