Englisch Berichtigung 11.September

9 Antworten

Vom Beitragsersteller als hilfreich ausgezeichnet

Hier eine korrigierte Fassung:

I want to tell about the September 11th, 2001, the day which has changed the world Four terror attacks were carried out against important buildings in the U.S.A. It began at Portland airport in the morning of September 11th.. Mohammed Atta bought a ticket to Boston and met three other men at the airport. In Boston he climbed into the American Airlines** plane** to Los Angeles. Mohammed Atta hijacked the machine, and brought it into his power. The police was informed less than 20 minutes laterThe 11th September 2001 I think if I say the three magic words World Trade Center everybody knows what it means! At 8.46 o’clock the first airplane flew into the 417 m high North Tower of the World Trade Center. Hundreds of people died. At first many people thought it was an accident. Worldwide TV channels reported live about the supposed accident in New York. At 9.03 a second plane flew into the South Tower of the WTC. A huge fireball shot out of the building at the opposite side. A large fire broke out. [---]People tried to escape from the buildings, some people jumped out of the windows to commit suicide rather than being burnt alive.. Thousands of humans all over the world watched this scenario. At this time it was clear that these ”accidents” were targeted attacks. The planes flew into the WTC at a very busy time. [---] President George W. Bush heared about this attack during a school visit to Sarasota, Florida. Later he remarked, ** "Today** we are witness of a national tragedy ... It is apparently a terrorist attack on our country” [---] It was [---] hell for thousands of helpers. But 87% of the people who were in the building could be saved. At 9.37Uhr the attacks were not over yet, another plane flew into the Pentagon in Washington D.C.. All 64 passengers on the machine were killed. The government [---[---] closed the whole airspace. All machines had to ** be **guided to the nearest airport where they landed in order to be controlled. Perhaps the White House would be the next target? In case of it it was evacuated. The last machine flew across Pennsylvania with the destination Washington DC. The passengers, being informed by cell phones about the events in N.Y and Washington, were able to overpower the hijackers. The plane crashed into an open field near Pittsburgh. All 44 people on board paid their courageto prevent something worse, with their lives. The 415 meter high South Tower collapsed in just 10 seconds, the North Tower just half an hour later. The collapse destroyed many buildings around including a German bank. At 17.20 clock the building WTC 7 broke down The sad outcome of these attacks: 3,000 people were killed and 6000 were wounded. More than 3200 children lost their parents on this day. The U.S. was in a state of shock. For the first time since 1776 (since the War of Independence), the United States were attacked by an enemy in their own country.

Mein Lieber, für den 2.Teil suche dir einen anderen Dummen … oder lerne erst mal richtig Englisch.

At 8.46 Clock the first airplane flied in the 417 -----> das heißt auch flew oder so ;D

also als erstes fällt mir auf dass der if-sentence falsch ist.. ich glaub es heißt: everybody will know what it means...

 31.10.2011, 00:05

danke,ja glaub ich auch


Thousands of humans all over the world look at these scenario und At a time in which the WTC was full the plane flies into it.

vergangenheit oder??