ich sitze schon seid 12:00 Uhr an einem 5- minuten Referat über Indien .. Ich habe mir 100derte von Seiten durchgelesen und habe grad mal 2 Minuten gefüllt in den letzten 5 STUNDEN !! Brauche dringend Hilfe!!

India has with a population of over 1.2 billion people the second largest population and the second largest population density of more than 361 inhabitants per km² The form of government is a palamentary federal republic and the president is pranab Mukherjee, who has won the elections in July 2012. Hinduism is in India with 83% of the whole population the most widespread. The 2nd of the largest religion with 130 milion followers is the Islam. Unfortunately, there are many fights between these religions. One of the most brutal attacks in recent times to the Muslim culture took place in 1992, in which thousands of Hindus stormed the mosque in Ayodhya and destroyed them. It conducted nationwide to many riots in which more than 3,000 people died. But not only the conflicts between religions are a big problem, but also the poverty that is especially prevalent in India. last year 1.7 million children have died of malnutrition. 500 million Indians are suffering from poverty. monthly earnings of these people is the equivalent of 15 euro a year. A third of children in India die before they are six years old. Two-thirds of the 15 years old children are illiterate, and half are unemployed. In India there are thus two parts, the small, wealthy part, and the large, poor part. Very important for the poor Indians are their children, because they are cheap labor, and also plenty of children in India means a blessing from heaven. BRAUCHE IDEEN!!!

Englisch, Indien, Referat
Charakterisierung Englisch Just Along for a Ride Fehle?!

Wäre lieb, wenn jmnd. drüberschauen könnte und evtl. Fehler findet, Verbesserungsvorschläge...

The story “Just Along for the Ride” by Dennis Kurumada in 1972 is about young boys who dirve in a car and try to flatten a kid. This plan gets out of control and doesn’t turn out well. The main character of the story ”Just Along for a Ride” is a male student, about 16 years old. The protagonist uses everyday language (l.15) He describes himself being “pretty dull” (l.3), because he drives around with his friend who just got his license. In fact he is “cold, damp and bored” (l. 5) what the narrator also tells us directly (the main character is also the narrator. That implies that they aren’t very creative, otherwise he wouldn’t be bored. As the other boys want to flatten a kid he doesn’t agree. On the one hand he has feelings of guilty, he’s a thoughtful person. On the other hand he is scared, which means that he is a careful person and thinks about the consequences. Because of this characteristic he is gibed by his friends. They think that he is a killjoy and not humorous. For example: “You worry too much. Whenever we wanna have some fun, you always chicken out.” (l.15). He isn’t very assertive or strong-minded in the beginning. His friends retune him and oppress him. For instance: “We drive up slow, then swing open the door real fast, and knock the guy on his can,” says Phil (l.10). The protagonist is against it. “You guys are nuts,” he says and “What if they call the cops?” (l.15) Although they still do it. Or in line 34 he wants the driver to stop the car but the driver convinces him that it is necessary to drive on. In the end he feels guilty even if it hasn’t been his idea and he tried to stop the others. That’s why he is really responsible-minded but he also doesn’t want his friends to get in trouble, he’s kind of loyal. He shows his feelings what makes him sensible (l.30). Finally he gets strong-minded and assertive. At night his friends visit him and propose him to forget about the crime. He gets mad and visits the victim, what nobody expects. All in all I think the protagonist is a adorable person. I can identify with the character because it’s realistic how he reacts. Besides I liked it a lot that he did not do what his friends want him to do. He goes his own was and that’s brave. In opposite to the protagonist there’s Phil also a co-driver. He is male, a student and about 16 years old. The first time he says something he cuts off the protagonist (l.8). That’s impolite and not respectful. On top of that he is vicious, careless and sneaky because he has the idea “to drive up to somebody….some kid….and flatten him.”(l.8) He is language is colloquial, e. g. “We wanna have some fun…“ (l.16) and firstly he doesn’t speak fluently (l.8) It seems that he tries to be funny and cool, so the others respect him. In conclusion I think Phil isn’t very authentic and very likeable. I have the impression that he is a daredevil and a false friend.

Englisch, Text, Charakter
Kann ich mit einer 3 in MATHE als BAUZEICHNER bewerben?

Ich wollte mich echt gerne als ein Bauzeichner bewerben, doch langsam fange ich an daran zu zweifeln, da ich nur eine 3 in Mathe habe (Englisch auch nur). Ich weiß, eine 3 ist nicht sehr schlecht, aber gut ist sie für diesen Beruf auf keinen Fall !

In den Naturwissenschaften bin ich überall 2 (und etwasbesser), aber diese Fächer werden für solch einen Beruf gar nicht mehr gefordert. (Es stand zumindest in keinem Stellenangebot mehr drin)

Jetzt wollte ich euch fragen, vielleicht ist ja jemand Bauzeichner bzw erster in der Ausbildung und/oder bekommt da mehr mit, ob heut zu Tage ne 3 in Mathe zu schlecht ist bzw ob man auch noch auf andere Noten (Kopfnoten sind ja klar ...) schaut. Das wäre mir echt sehr wichtig!

In den Naturwissenschaftlichen Bereich will ich aber gar nicht gehen, die Noten darin hatten einfach etwas mit LERNEN zu tun. In Mathe muss man es verstehen bzw kann sich ganz schnell verrechnen. Ich weiss auch, dass es bei mir an dem Thema in Mathe gelegen hat und etwas an der Zeit aber das spielt ja jetzt keine Rolle mehr.

Ich hoffe mir kann da jemand "EHRLICHEN Rat geben" Es wäre mir sehr wichtig - es geht schließlich um meine Zukunft wenn man es so betrachtet. Und ja ich werde es auch feststellen, wenn ich jetzt bald Antworten auf meine Bewerbungen bekomme, aber ich muss/möchte es jetzt schon ganz gerne wissen, denn irgendwann hat es dann ja echt keinen Zweck und die schreiben auch nicht "Mathe Note zu schlecht" ...

MfG FrageSteller (Ich hoffe es nimmt sich jemand Zeit und Danke im Vorraus!)

Beruf, Englisch, Mathematik, Bewerbung, Bauzeichner, nehmen, note-3, Arc S
Kann jemand über meinen Englischtext einmal rüberschauen?

Kann mal jemand über diesen En glischtext drübergucken und ein paar verbesserungsvorschläge dazuschreiben? Wäre echt nett! Achtung: Es ist eine Zusammenfassung!

Wo ich mir besonders unsicher bin - ist fett!


First of all the text presents a few facts about an average Briton. Among other things Tim Wardle occupy himself with the question, if Mr. or Mrs. Average exists in real world. And, if they exist, the author would like to know everything about him and his social environment(soziales umfeld).

First Mr. Wardle collects statistics to find out what is average and what is unaverage. A really important fact which he finds out while his data-recall facility is that the average person hast two children (statistical data: 1.8). He starts to search but for the present he does not find anyone who matches the criteria. But then Tim Wardle finds Army wife. He thinks that she is Mrs. Average but later he finds out that there are things she does which are hardly average. So the author visited the company CACI, because this company knows where which people live and if you give any information they will be able to tell you where the searched people live. Mr. Wardle gives information about an average person and so the company tells him where the average persons live - scilicet in Essex.

For this reason he drives to Essex and continue his quest right there, but again he does not find the Mr. or Mrs. Average. He now is about to give up. But suddenly there is a gleam of hope: National newspapers print Wardles(oder: Wardle´s) questions and in the following days many people contact the author and assure him that they are the average Briton. One of these is Peter Williamson who lives in the outskirts of Swindon where Tim Wardle drove(wohin T.W. (nun) fährt). When he arrives he tried to explain his aim. The married office worker and father of two children is exactly what the author had been looking for all the time.

In the end of the article he recognizes that being average is not bad and boring but a recipe for contentment.

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