Was bedeutet dieses Statement?

3 Antworten

Vom Beitragsersteller als hilfreich ausgezeichnet

Folgende Antwort habe ich bekommen, nachdem ich deine Frage auf einem Sprachen-Forum zur Diskussion gestellt habe, auf dem hauptsächlich Native Speakers antworten. (Die Antwort stammt von einem Amerikaner.)

This is actually a very cool question. It goes to the very heart of what symbolic language is, and what it means. For any experience, you can make a sound from your mouth, and use that sound as a symbol of that experience. The symbol allows you to use that experience in ways that are displaced from its existence in space and time. The only requirement is that others recognize that symbol as being associated with the same experience, or one close enough to create mutual understanding.

It doesn't matter if the experience is unique in the entire history of the universe. The one person who has the experience can make a sound in response, and that sound will represent that experience so long as other people recognize it as doing so. This is why it's possible to represent any concept or idea in any language on the planet, regardless of vocabulary or syntax.

adabei  07.09.2012, 23:15

Thanks. - adabei


Redner können auf jede Erfahrung, die sie machen könnten, mündlich reagieren.
Nicht 100%, aber inhaltlich sollte es stimmen.

etwas mehr Kontext wäre hilfreich