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Today I am going to tell you something about Istanbul. First I will begin with the geographical position of Istanbul, after that I tell you something about the history. Afterwards I will say something about the culture of Istanbul. And last but not least I will show you some sights. Istanbul is the largest city in Turkey and it is located in northwestern Turkey within the Marmara Region on a total area of 5,343 square kilometers and it has about 12 mio. Inhabitants. The position of Istanbul is very interesting; even it is located in two continents, Europe and Asia. In 330 BC Istanbul was called Byzanz. From 330 to 1930 it gets the name Constantinople and takes the name Istanbul since 1930. When Istanbul still was called Byzanz, it was a Greek colony town, but 196 BC it was destroyed by the Romans and later it was rebuilt by the Roman Dominion. In 330 the Roman emperor “Konstantin the Great” reigns. To honor himself he renamed Byzanz to Constantinople and made it to the capital of his empire. 1453 the Ottoman conquered the city and made it from 1455 to 1923 to their capital. In the year 1930 it was been renamed to Istanbul. When it’s about art and culture, Turkey has to provide a treasure and is extremely rich in tourist attractions such as archaeological collections, historic buildings and world famous museums. For centuries, various peoples were living in this country with different religions. In addition, there are six universities in Istanbul, Research Institutes and numerous museums. The Hagia Sophia was a Byzantine church, where the emperors have been crowned. It was built by the command of Justinian the first. After the conquest of Istanbul by the Ottomans in 1453 the church was converted into a mosque by attaching four minarets among other things. Since 1934 the Hagia Sophia is a museum. Another famous and popular attraction is the Sultan Ahmet mosque even called “Blue Mosque”. By the six minarets, the mosque is unique. With the allowance to built a bigger, more beautiful and more important mosque as the Hagia Sophia, Sultan Ahmet`s architect has designed and built the Sultan Ahmet mosque in 1616. Istanbul is also famous by the Bosporus Bridge, who is nearly 30 m above the Bosporus. The 1560 meters long bridge is one of the longest suspension bridges in the world. All in all Istanbul is a great city you have to visit. . Thank you for interest. . Are there any questions ?

Englisch, Istanbul
florida referat

ich habe jetzt mein Referat fertig... Aber ich bin mir sehr unsicher! Stimmt das so? Ich meine alles! Rechtschreibung, Inhalt und ist es auch interessant? Soll ich noch was einbauen oder rausnehemn, oder umformulieren?

Sports and Recreation

Florida’s climate attracts millions of tourists every year. The famous sports are boating, jogging, water skiing, skin diving, and hunting. In Orlando there are Disney World and Epcot Centre. Sebring and Dayton Beach are famous for car races. Land

Florida is a large peninsula (Halbinsel) which lays between the Atlantic Ocean and the Gulf of Mexico. Florida is a country in the southbound of the USA. The nearby states are Georgia and Alabama. Florida is the 22nd largest state. Flordia’s coastline is 2175km long. In Florida there live 14 million peoples. The capital is Tallahassee. The largest towns in Florida are Miami, Jacksonville and Tampa.

Rivers and lakes Florida has only four big rivers, there are all in the northern part. The largest river is the Apalachicola. The second biggest river is the Suwannee. The two other large rivers are Saint Johns and the Escambia. There are many hundred lakes in the south there’s for example Okeechobee. The south of Florida is covered by swamps and marshes.

Plants The types of plants that grow in Florida often vary greatly. I think one of the most beautiful flowering trees is the royal Poinciana. Palms grow in the southern part of the state. Also orange trees.

Animals In Florida there are many animals. I'll tell you big and small animals but just a few. Big animals are the black bear, wild cat, gray fox, crocodile key deer
and Florida panther . Small animals are rabbit, opossum, and squirrel. Florida has 700 species of fish in the rivers, lakes, and coastal water. Very often are mullet, trout, bass, red snapper, pompano, catfish, Shrimp, lobster, crabs, and clams.

Englisch, Referat, Florida
englisch referat ( fast food)

Hallo kann mir jemand weiter helfen ? ich muss ein für meine englisch Prüfung (am montag) einen englischen vortrag halten 5 min. 1. über sich selbst erzählen. 2. über ein spezielles Thema ( fast Food.) - ich weiss nicht mehr weiter und das was ich jetzt geschrieben habe geht nur so 3 min ...

bis jetzt habe ich das :

My Name is ................. and I am 15 years old. I was born on May. 21st.1997 in Heidelberg- Germany .My mother is 51 years old . When I was four years old my father died of a heart attack. In the meantim I have a stepfather I also have four sisters, one younger and two older. Melanie is 14 years old, daniela is 25 years old and Sabine she's 27 years old.My grandparents are already dead. I live with my family in Wiesental.. My favourite colour is green and my favourite food is Chicken wings. My favorite animals are penguins . I enjoy going to the cinema because I love movies. I prefer to listen to music but I spend a lot time with my friends . My best friend is Debora. Every sunday I go to the swimming pool. I like reading books very much especially about love , my favourite book is „weil du bei mir bist“. My special topic is Fast food and overweight children in the Usa. Today, about one in three American kids and teens is overweight or obese. The USA has the most overweight teenagers in the world : 14 % of 15 year old boys and 15 % of 15 year old girls.The problem is Fast Food, because most of the food has lots of calories and the people eat too much. Burger, Sandwiches, Hot Dogs and Fried Chicken are typical Fast Food. The most famous restaurants are Mc Donalds, Burger King and Subway. They are located in over 100 countries. Most of the fast food restaurants got a drive-through.Fast Food restaurants are perfect for people who havent got much time and money to eat. Mc Donalds is located in 120 countries and operates over 31.000 restaurants worldwide. The first Mc Donalds was opened on the 15 may 1940 in California. Burger King has more than 11.000 restaurants in more than 65 countries. Subway has 31.000 Restaurants in 90 countries. Today the United States has the largest fast food industry in the world. On the one hand , I think fast food resturants are Ok. You get your food quckly and the food is cheaper than in other resturants. The Resturants are good place for teenagers to meet because you don't have to behave quietly or wear anything special. The Resturants are always open too. On the other hand, most of the food is unhealthy. Some food is OK, but most of it has lots of calories. All the paper isn't good for the environment and the Resturants aren't very nice.

Ich hoffe mir kann jemand helfen ? :(((( danke im vorraus !

Englisch, Schule, Prüfung, Fast Food, Referat
Hilfe bei Englisch Kurzreferat über Steve Jobs?

Ich muss ein Kurzreferat über Steve Jobs halten und weiß nicht ob die Grammatik so stimmt

Einmal das was ich auf Deutsch alles herausgefunden habe

Steve Paul Jobs wurde am 24 Februar 1955 in San Francisco, Kalifornia geboren Er wurde von Paul und Clara Jobs adoptiert Die Familie zog nach Los Altos um, wo Steve die Homestead High School besuchte. Auf der High School lernte Steve ,Steven Wozniak kennen Steven Wozniak entwickelte ein gerät mit dem man kostenlos telefonieren konnte 1976 gründeten Jobs und Wozniak zusammen mit Ronald Wayne die Apple Computer Company in Jobs’ Garage in Los Altos Im August 1974 entwarfen steve and Steven den Apple I 1985 wurde Steve Jobs bei Apple gekündigt und gründete daraufhin NeXT Die Technik von NeXT war die Grundlage zur Entwicklung des World Wide Web Außerdem gründete er Pixar ein Filmstudio für per Computer animierte Zeichentrickfilme . Von Pixar stammen z.B die Filme Toy Story und findet nemo 1996 wurde NeXT von Apple aufgekauft und so kehrte Jobs in das Unternehmen zurück* 1997 Steve Jobs wurde wieder Geschäftsführer von Apple mit einem Jahresgehalt von 1 Dollar In dieser Zeit entwickelte er Geräte wie den IPod das IPhone und das IPad* Er starb am 5 Oktober 2011 in Palo Alto Kalifornien

Steve Paul Jobs was born on February 24, 1955 in San Francisco, Kalifornia. He was adopted by Paul and Clara Jobs. The family move to Los Altos, where he visets the Homestead High School. In the High School time he met Steven Wozniak. Steven Wozniak develop the machine with you can phone for free. 1976 Jobs and Wozniak established the Applle Computer Company in Jobs garage in Los Altos. On August 1974 Steve and Steven creat the Apple 1. 1985 Steve Jobs must leave Apple and than he established NeXT. The technology of NeXT was the basis for the evolution of the World Wide Web. Furthermore he established Pixar a film-studio for computer animate animatinfilms. Pixar make films like Toy Story and Findet Nemo. 1996 Apple buy NeXT and so Steve come back to apple. Steve Jobs becomed again manager of Apple with a yearly salary from 1 Dollar. In this time he develop electronic equipment like the IPod , the IPhone and the IPad . Steve Jobs died on Oktober 5, 2011 in Palo Alto ,Kalifornien .

Englisch, Schule, Referat

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