Englisch Referat über Royal Flying doctors

Ich weiß, dass es viel Text ist, aber ich hoffe, dass mir trotzdem jemand hilft...ich weiß nicht ob die Texte gut sind...und Fehler sind wahrscheinlich auch massenhaft drin...aber trotzdem danke...für jede Hilfe...

Way of Working:

The Rdfs owns circa 60 planes on 21 locations with more than 1000 staff. Calls are answered in the control center via telephone or radio and then taken to require a doctor for medical advice connected.The radio is 24 hours every day around the clock for emergency preparedness inement for failure of the telephone. If the RFDS flights performs is only needed a doctor on board.Many flights are accompained by nurses.Often drugs or blood products only with no medical personnel transported. Besides these, the RFDS stationed boxes with drugs on many remote locations and isolated farms


The cost of the RFDS are financed by federal grants of the government and the Norhtern Territory.The cost for the equipment and medical devices must pay the service itself. Therefore, it is very dependent on donations and other activities such as e.g. the visitors center in Alice Springs.Besides these, it generates revenue through reimbursement of costs for medical services by insurance or patient.

Service Area:

The RFDS looks after almost all low settles places in Australia. They serve a zone out of 7.15 millions sqare kiolmeters, this is two-thirds of the total area of Australia. Alone the base in Alice Springs is for a zone of 1,25 million sqare kilometers responsible, in this almost 16. 000 people live. 90 percent of them are Aboriginie. Within 2 hours the RFDS can give medical attention to any person in Australia.

Alice Springs:

The base in Alice Springs is the most famous station. The station is very popular for turists because the can visit it.

Und noch etwas zu der Geschichte wo ich mir nicht sicher bin:

1934 the Australian Aerial Medical Service was founded and opend bases in whole Australia. 1942 the name was changed in Flying doctor service and 1955 with the agreement of the English crown, in Royal Flying Doctor Service. Step by step the RFDS got their own planes and was now independent of the regional airlines, which the planes until then provided.

Danke, schonmal vorträglich!!!

Englisch, Referat
Englisch Text verbessern! Bitte! :(

Kann bitte jemand mal meinen text anschauen ich geh in die 5 Klasse und bin eine völlige Niete un Englisch

The economy in the 80s in England is very chipped. In the streets of north England you see many strikes. Many mines workers are striking because mines should be closed. One of these protestants is Jackie, a father of two boys, Tony and Billy Elliot. He had lost his wife and now he is living with his children and their grandmother in a small flat, because the family doesn’t have much money. The father is a very strict and hard man and he want that his 11 years old son, Billy, be hard to, so he send him to boxing lessons. But Billy doesn’t like the unnecessary violent, he is much more interested in that what is happening in the other side of the gymnastic hall. There Mrs. Wilkinson, a slightly unment women, she is teaching some girls ballet. Finally Billy dares to exchange his box gloves for ballet shoes. Every day he goes to the ballet class without telling his father. One day his father sees that his son is dancing ballet instead of boxing. Jackie forbids his son to dance this unmanly ballet but Billy and his dedicated dance teacher Mrs. Wilkinson decide to continue the training secretly. The major goal of both is a dance audition at the Royal Ballet School in London. When his father caught Billy again when he was dancing, he was sure that Billy has Talent. Jackie becomes a blackleg to save money for his son. Finally Jackie comes with Billy to the dance audition in the Ballet school. Billy gets a letter from the Ballet School, he is taken. At the same moment the strike is broken. A few years later, Jackie and Tony Elliot go to London to see Billy dancing his first stage appearance in "Schwanensee".

und gibs ein Programm oder eine Seite die texte verbessert?

Englisch, Schule, Text
Ist die Rechtschreibung richtig? Referat über Linkin Park auf Englisch

Hallo! Ich bin gerade fertig geworden mit meinem Referat über Linkin Park für Englisch. Bin mir aber nicht 100%ig sicher ob die Grammatik und Rechtschreibung stimm. Kann jemand von euch gut englisch? Sind da irgendwelche Fehler drin?

Würde mich über Tipps freuen :)

Hier ist mein Referat:

Linkin Park was founded 1996 in Los Angeles. At first the band was called Xero. The founder-members were Mike Shinoda, Brad Delson, Rob Bourdon, Joe Hahn and Mike Wakefield, who left the band 2 years later. Xero, now with no vocalist, asked Chester Bennington to sing for the band. He sent them a demo, and since that day he is member of Linkin Park. After Chester joined the band, they changed their name into “Hybrid Theory”, but there was one band with the same name, so they had to change it again into Linkin Park.

Their first album, called “Hybrid Theory”, was released 1999. “One Step Closer”, one song of the album, was on the soundtrack for the movie “Das Experiment” too. 3 Years later a remix of their fist album, “Reanimation”, was released. 2003 they released their second album, “Meteora”. 2004 “Collision Course”, an album in cooperation with the rapper Jay Z, was released. 2007 Linkin Park released their latest album, “Minutes to Midnight”.

Now I want to tell you something about the current members of Linkin Park.

Chester Bennington, the lead-vocalist of Linkin Park, was born in Phoenix 1976. Before he came to Linkin Park, he sang for the Band “Grey Daze”. When he was a little kid, he got abused. He was addicted to drugs, much of his friends committed suicide.

Mike Shinoda, the rapper, guitarist and keyboarder was born in Agoura 1977. His mother is Russian, his father is Japanese. He is one of the founder-members of Linkin Park.

Joseph Hahn, the DJ of Linkin Park, was born in Glendale 1977. His parents are from Korea. He produced the music videos for Linkin Park.

Rob Bourdon, the drummer of the band, was born in Calabasas 1979. The Aerosmith-drummer, who was a friend of his mother, taught him how to play with drums.

Brad Delson, the lead-guitarist, was born 1977 in Agoura. He is – like Bourdon – a believing Jew, and his parents spend a meal for homeless persons every year.

David Farrell, the bassist of Linkin Park, was born in Plymouth 1977. “Hybrid theory” was made without him, because he played in another band, which was called “Tasty Snax”. After one album of the band, he rejoined Linkin Park.

Englisch, Vortrag, Referat, Grammatik, Linkin Park, Rechtschreibung
Vorstellung von sich und Ausbildung in Englisch

Hi, habe bald eine mündliche Prüfung in Englisch in der wir uns am Anfang vorstellen sollen und unsere Ausbildung beschreiben sollen, habt ihr zu meinem Text Verbesserungsvorschläge?

Hello everybody. First of all I would like to introduce myself: My Name is xxx and I am 18 years old. I was born in xxx in 1993 and I live in xxx, that is near xxx. I have an older sister, her name is xxx and she is 21 years old. My hobbies are riding on horses and meeting my friends. At the moment I do an apprenticeship as a administrative professional salaried at the town xxx. Im at the first year of apprenticeship, which duration is 3 years. My tasks are very varied. In the course of my apprenticeship I go through all departments. For example, these are the regulatory office, building authority, tax office, registry office or head office. During my time in the individual departments, I visit the vocational school and courses once a year. My working hours are very varied, too. Twice a week I have at 12 o’clock end of work. Once a week only at 7pm. I have an 39 hour week. One of my tasks is writing a lot of letters to the citizien or business. Other big tasks are: - working out administrative provisions and decisions - implement decisions - records management - advice citizien - do organizational and administrative tasks - process operations in the budget and accounting process In my apprenticeship I was already in five departments. My colleagues are very friendly and solicitous to me.

Very important „book“ are the DVP’s. They contain all important legislations.

Englisch, Lernen, Prüfung, Noten, Verbesserung, Verwaltung, Vorstellen, mündlich, Verwaltungsfachangestellte
Hier meine Summary von "No Tigers in Africa", Chapter 3, kann mir das jemand korrigieren? :D

In Chapter 3 of the novel „No Tigers in Africa“, written by Norman Silver, published in 1990, the main character Selwyn explains his familiar situation, especially the difficult relationship between his father and his mother, and his resulting problems by comparing the events in Bristol with those in South Africa. The action is set at Bristol in the present and the narrator remembers details of his dormer life in South Africa.

At the beginning Selwyn tells about how hard his father works, so that they could have the same standard of living as they had in Africa. However he says that for his mother the situation is difficult too, because in Africa she used to have a good life with lots of friends, but not in England. In addition he criticises how difficult it is to make friends in England in contrast to Africa and says because of that problem, his mother is not (oder no?) longer her old self, she is uncertain. Besides that he compares the situation in England with their move from Cape Town to Johannesburg, when he was seven. Selwyn admits that he needs time to “arrive”, but that the time, when they settle to Joburg, was actually more easy than settle to this country. After he mention he often skips school and goes to a place where he could see the gorge and the suspension bridge, however he hears that that bridge is a favourite place for suicides and finds similarities to his situation. Thereafter the narrator speaks about Brunel and the Voortrekker Monument which was built because of the victory of the whites over the blacks years ago in South Africa. Moreover he describes his feelings when he stays at the gorge at this time by comparing it with the thoughts he had when he looked over the railway of the Voortrekker monument, because there was a voice in his had, saying he should jump. However the voice means that he should jump over the cliffs inside him .He concludes that he needs to built such a bridge, metaphoric meaning, inside him. On top of that Selwyn tells when he walks once from gorges to the market, where he is instead of school often too, one day he recognizes his mother who is cheating on his dad with a black man. This is a big shock for him. The boy tries to explain his feelings, says he is confused and cannot believe what has happened. Selwyn describes his condition by comparing it with the a ground which has opened under his feet, describes that it is deeper than the liftshaft his dad fell down once at Christmas after he has drunk too much. Finally Selwyn feels very bad and sick, basically helpless and lost, he does not know what to do and starts to be silent again.

Englisch, Buch, summary
Englisch Text kontrollieren


könnte evtl. jemand meinen Englischtext kontrollieren bitte? Ich weiß ist jetzt nicht der beste und vieles mehrmals geschrieben aber ich muss 200 Wörter haben^^ Hier der Text über Rassentrennung in Amerika:

Segregation in America

Segregation in America was till the 1960s. Till 1865 the black American had to work as slaves for the white but this ends after the Civil War. Then the Civil Rights Movement began with a leader, who was called Martin Luther King. They didn’t fought with violence, just with speeches and demonstrations. Martin Luther King was murdered in 1968. Now, in America there isn’t segregation any more, but some people are prejudiced against Blacks any more, but I think the situation of African American has improved a lot since the Civil Rights Movement. There are more blacks who have a good education and good jobs. Many blacks are famous sportlers or music and film stars. And besides the President of America is a black one – Barack Obama. So the situation of blacks is much better, but not as good as the situation of whites, because some whites are prejudiced against blacks and so often they don’t get such good jobs as whites. There are more blacks than whites, who haven’t got a good education or who haven’t got a job. And in America, there is still prejudice and discrimination against blacks, because some people think there are criminal or dirty. So the situation of blacks is better than before the Civil Rights Movement, but isn’t such good as the situation of Whites.

Englisch, Schule, Text, korrigieren, segregation

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