Englisch-Grammatik-1 Minute Talk-the Statue of Liberty?

5 Antworten

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Auf die Schnelle:

The Statue of Liberty is probably the best known landmark of New York. In 1886, it was given as a present to New York, United States of America by France as a sign of --- freedom and independence and was meant to symbolize hope. In the left hand it holds a stone board with the date of the ‘’American Declaration of Independence’’ (July 4, 1776) written on it. In the right hand ’’Miss Liberty’’ holds a torch with golden flames. The statue of Liberty has a proud height of 102 metres (= BE; meters = AE) and weighs more than 250 tonnes. If you **finally come top of the statue after 22 floors, you have a beautiful view of the beautiful skyline of Manhattan.

Ich hoffe, ich habe nichts übersehen.

:-) AstridDerPu

AstridDerPu  24.08.2012, 09:24


  • a torch with a golden flame
  • If you finally come to the top of the statue
  • you have a perfect view of

:-) AstridDerPu

AstridDerPu  21.01.2013, 20:55

Schön, dass dir meine Antwort gefallen hat und danke für das Sternchen!

:-) AstridDerPu


The Statue of Liberty is probably the best known landmark of New York. As a sign of freedom and independence, she was given to the United States of America in 1886 as a present of France and should symbolize hope. In her left hand she holds a stone board with the date of the ‘’American Declaration of Independence’’ (4th of July, 1776) on it. In her right hand, ’’Miss Liberty’’ holds up a torch with a golden flame. The statue of Liberty has a proud height of 102 metres and weighs more than 250 tonnes. If you reach the top of the statue after 22 floors, you can look at the beautiful skyline of Manhattan.

Der Text war schon ganz gut. Hier findest du noch ein paar weitere Infos: http://www.magazinusa.com/us/cityguide/show.aspx?state=ny&unit=newyork&doc=206


  • Ehe du "she" sagst, muss du die "Miss Liberty" erwähnen. "the statue" ist nicht weiblich!
  • If you come after 22 floors, finally, completely on top of the statue ist arg: on top of = oben drauf; überdies. >> If, after 22 floors, you have at last/finally arrived at the top (level) of the statue you have a splendid view of the skyline of Manhattan

Das Übrige ist nicht übel -

  • stone board > stone tablet;
  • a torch with a golden flame
  • As a sign of [the] freedom and independence and as a symbol of hope
  • it was presented to the United States by the people of France in 1886. (oder umdrehn)

Koschutnig  24.08.2012, 10:41

Ups, If (= wenn/falls)gefällt mir auch nicht >> Once, after 22 floors, you have at last/finally arrived at the top ...

once = sobald, wenn... einmal

if würde hier nur passen, wenn man auch an die Kurzatmigen (mit Emphysem oder COPD) denkt, die's nicht bis ganz hinauf schaffen, doch die Masse kommt ja wohl oben an und genießt die Aussicht (enjoys the view)


Klingt größtenteils richtig, habs einmal durchgelesen, ist das aber wirklich ne Minute? ^^

 23.08.2012, 20:14

vllt wenn ich's gaaaanz langsam lese ..aber da komtm ja auch noch was dazu ;)


Meine Verbesserungsvorschläge: letzter Satz. : Finally after 22 floors ,on the top of the statue , you can look at the beautiful skyline of Manhattan. ''If u come after....'' hört sich ein bischen komisch an , aber sonst ist der Text richtig gut ! mfg