ich sitze schon seid 12:00 Uhr an einem 5- minuten Referat über Indien .. Ich habe mir 100derte von Seiten durchgelesen und habe grad mal 2 Minuten gefüllt in den letzten 5 STUNDEN !! Brauche dringend Hilfe!!

India has with a population of over 1.2 billion people the second largest population and the second largest population density of more than 361 inhabitants per km² The form of government is a palamentary federal republic and the president is pranab Mukherjee, who has won the elections in July 2012. Hinduism is in India with 83% of the whole population the most widespread. The 2nd of the largest religion with 130 milion followers is the Islam. Unfortunately, there are many fights between these religions. One of the most brutal attacks in recent times to the Muslim culture took place in 1992, in which thousands of Hindus stormed the mosque in Ayodhya and destroyed them. It conducted nationwide to many riots in which more than 3,000 people died. But not only the conflicts between religions are a big problem, but also the poverty that is especially prevalent in India. last year 1.7 million children have died of malnutrition. 500 million Indians are suffering from poverty. monthly earnings of these people is the equivalent of 15 euro a year. A third of children in India die before they are six years old. Two-thirds of the 15 years old children are illiterate, and half are unemployed. In India there are thus two parts, the small, wealthy part, and the large, poor part. Very important for the poor Indians are their children, because they are cheap labor, and also plenty of children in India means a blessing from heaven. BRAUCHE IDEEN!!!