Morgen mündliche Englisch Realschulprüfung, Text Korrektur

Hallo, ich habe morgen meine mündliche Realschulprüfung. Wir haben heute die Aufgabe für die Kurzpresentation(2-3min.) bekommen und wollte eure Meinung wissen. Es geht um ,,My Dream Job,, Hier ist der Text: My dream job Now I will tell you something about my dream job. My dream is to be a police officer because the uniform gives me strength. When I was a child I always wanted to arrest criminals to secure the city. I had three weeks internship at the police station and it was very interesting. So I can imagine to work as a cop. There are many departments in this job. Once the police protection, second the criminal police and finally the district police. The police protection has many interesting activities. They are called to inserts, to traffic accidents but anyway it is very dangerous because they arrest criminals. The criminal police is also an interesting department. They consult witnesses, they consult victims of crime, write reports and they are civil. That’s very important so they are not recognized by the criminals. The district police is something for older cops because they don’t have much action. They attend schools and speak with the pupils. That is not a thing for me. I want to work more at the police protection because it is very interesting. In this job you can earn about 2000 € a month. But it also can increase. That was my presentation about my dream job.

Englisch, Prüfung, Text, Grammatik, Korrektur, morgen
San Francisco 5minuten englischreferat okay so?

San Francisco, officially the City and County of San Francisco, is the leading financial and cultural center of Northern California and the SF Bay Area. It is the most densely settled large city in the state of California and the second-most densely populated major city in the United States after New York City. with a population of 805,235 people, is San Francisco, after Los Angeles, San Diego and San Jose, the fourth most populous city in California.

SF is located on the West Coast of the United States at the north end of the San Francisco Peninsula and includes significant stretches of the Pacific Ocean and San Francisco Bay within its boundaries. Several islands—Alcatraz, Treasure Island and the adjacent Yerba Buena Island, and small portions of Alameda Island, Red Rock Island, and Angel Island—are part of the city. Also included are the uninhabited Farallon Islands, 27 miles (43 km) offshore in the Pacific Ocean. The mainland within the city limits roughly forms a "seven-by-seven-mile square," a common local colloquialism referring to the city's shape, though its total area, including water, is nearly 232 square miles (600 km2).

The city is famous for ist hills,too. There are exactly 42. Some neighborhoods are named after the hill on which they are situated, including Nob Hill, Potrero Hill, and Russian Hill.

SF (Spanish for "Saint Francis") was founded on June 29, 1776, from spanish colonist.

The climate is influenced by the situation at the Pacific primarily of the northern cold California current. Therefore San Francisco has exceptionally cool and rainless summers and mild and rainy winters. The hotest months are September and oktober.

After NY have SF the biggest Chinatown in the USA, but there are more men than women. There is a high earthquake risk. The worst earthquake was on April 18th, 1906, which killed 3000 People and destroyed 75% of california. Experts fear more earthquakes in the next 30 years, which are so bad as that on 1906

SF is known for it victorian houses,which are build in the middle of the 19. century.But cause o fthe earthquake 1906 the half houses were destroyed, so the price increased about the hundredfold. Near the catrals and museums there are many sightseeings, like the market street, where you can go shopping, or the transamerica pyramid.A 260 metre high scyscrapper with 48 floors.It was build from 1969 to 1972 under the architect william pereia. But the probably popularest sightseeing ist the world-famous golden gate bridge.The architect from the 2,8km long and 25m wide bridge is joseph b strauss. The bridge was completed on April 19th, 1937, and authorized for the traffic officially on May 28th the year.It is the connection between the Pacific Ozean and the San Francisco Bay. And it’s 67m high and 2739m long. In the past many people who have considered to commit suicide, jumped off the Golden Gate Bridge. Nowadays it’s secured with a higher fence.

Freizeit, Englisch, Referat, San Francisco
Fragen für Referat " Martin Luther King and the Civil Rights Movement"

Hallo, also morgen habe ich meine Englisch mündlich Prüfung.

Ich würde gerne wissen ob dieser text für das Referat in Ordnung ist ich habe 2 wichtige Punkte zugeteilt bekommen Montgomery Bus Boycott und The march on Washington wäre gut wenn sich jemand mal das durchlesen könnte.

Verbesserungsvorschläge sind natürlich gut! Außerdem wüsste ich gerne was ihr mich fragen würden wenn ich das Referat vorgetragen hätte.

Hier der Text:

Montgomery Bus Boycott:

The Montgomery Bus Boycott was a 381 days long protest. The campaign lasted from December 1, 1955, when Rosa Parks, an African American woman, was arrested for refusing to surrender her seat to a white person. White people was sitting in the front rows and was filling the bus to the back. Black people had to take the take the seats in the back rows. When there were more white people than the black people had to stand up and the white people created a new row. The Black People had to pay at the front and had to reenter at the backdoor. On December 1, 1955 Parks was sitting in the most front row for black people. A White man entered the bus and the bus driver ordered all black people to move back to make a new row for the whites. The City - Rules enable the bus driver to move people out of their seats to others. Exactly this happened parks, the bus driver gave the order for all of the blacks to move. The other blacks followed him, but Parks refused and was dragged off of the bus. Her arrest immediately followed. On December 5, the day of the process from Rosa Parks nearly 100 percent of the black population came to protest.

The march on Washington:

On August 28, 1963, more than 250,000 demonstrators descended upon the nation's capital to participate in the "March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom". Not only was it the largest demonstration for human rights in United States history, but it also brought a rare display of unity among the various civil rights organizations. The event began with a rally at the Washington Monument featuring several celebrities and musicians. Participants then marched the mile-long Mall to the Lincoln Memorial. The three-hour program at the Lincoln Memorial included speeches from important civil rights like• Meaningful civil rights legislation• A $2 minimum wage• Protection for all civil rights protesters• Federal law prohibiting racial• Public works program for all unemployed

and religious leaders, including one of the most famous speeches ever made, the " I have a Dream" speech, made by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Afterwards, the day ended with a meeting between March leaders and President John F. Kennedy at the White House.

Ich weiss, dass noch viel zu Martin Luther King fehlt, wie " I have a dream" oder King's method of non violent resistance.

Danke schonmal

Englisch, Apartheid, Menschenrechte, übersetzen, Martin Luther King
Englisch Referat über mich und meine Familie! VERBESSERUNG BITTE!

Ich muss ein Referat halten über mich und meiner Familie deswegen wollte ich mal fragen wie ihr das hier findet. Ich würde mich freuen wenn ihr mein Referat verbessert! :))

Mfg. Linda

Hello, my name is Linda G... and I am 16 years old since the 10. April 1997. Now I tell them some things about my family.

I have 1 brother and 1 sister both are younger than me. The name from my brother is Labinot he’s 12 years old. He goes at the Dreifaltigkeits-Mittelschule Amberg. The name from my sister is Shkrute she’s 15, in other words, she enters puberty. She goes to the Luitpoldschule Amberg. My father and my brother have birthday on the same day. My father will be 50.

My mother is 48 years old she has married my father at the age of 25. she couldn't have any children about 7 years. My mother and my father was born in Kosovo. They first went after Kroatia and live there about 4 years because my father has worked there. They live in Kroatia with my oncle and his wife. After 4 years they went to Germany as asylum seekers. First they was in Cham, after then they went amberg. Then I was born.

My family and I live here in Amberg. We life in a beautiful house. At home we speak more Albanian than german. It's very important be able to master his mother tongue, because we visit our home country. We visit every year my related in Kosovo they live in the capital, Prishtina. And we visit Ulqin for 10 days. this is a beach city in Montonegro.

Now I tell them a little about myself and my best friend. In the future i would to work in a büro. I would like have a nice future. The important is that I have a good Job, and a nice family. But first i must have a good school graduation. My favourite hobby is shopping. I love it to buy new clothes. But I have so little money. I'm a stundent and have no money.

I have a best friend. Her name is Isabel she's 15. She has long fair hair. She looks like a Barbie. She is so beautiful. Sometimes she is a bit crazy, but it's very funny. We just laughter every day when we are at school. That's not ok, but we can't otherwise. She is awesome.


Englisch, verbessern, Referat, Quali
Harry Potter Englisch präsentation

hi leute, morgen muss ich meine Probe-Eurokom halten, dies ist eine Präsentation auf Englisch , in der man mindestens 5 min freisprechen sollte... Ich hab schon meinen Text aber komme nur auf so knapp 4 min , vllt kann jemand noch was empfehlen was man noch so sagen könnte, mein Text is bereits:

Why did i choose Harry Potter ? I chose it ,because i watched all Harry Potter films and I really like them. I like films like these with adventures and with Magic. I have already read a few books too, and I liked them as well

Joanne K.(Kathleen) Rowling Joanne Rowling was born in July 1965 in England. J.K. Rowling lives in Edinburgh with her husband and three children. She started writing the Harry Potter series during a delayed Manchester to London train journey, and during the next five years outlined the plots for each book and began writing the first novel.

Books: The books are translated into 67 languages. Joanne K. Rowling wrote 7 books between the years 1997 and 2007. The Harry Potter novels are the best-selling book series in history. The books have gained immense popularity and commercial success worldwide. According to Rowling, the main theme is death. There are also many other themes in the series, such as prejudice. The book series got lots of awards and honours.

Original title 1 Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone 2 Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets 3Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban 4Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire 5 Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix 6Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince 7Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (hier zähle ich nur die titel auf ..vllt sollte ich noch zu jedem teil einen satz sagen ? wenn ja welche?...)

The books are about the adventures of a wizard Harry James Potter and his friends Ronald Weasley and Hermine Granger, all of whom are students at Hogwarts School They attend Hogwarts School to practice magic under the guidance of the headmaster Albus Dumbledore and other school professors. .The mainstory is Harry's quest to overcome the Dark wizard Lord Voldemort, who wants to destroy everbody who stands in his way , especially Harry Potter. In the first book, Lord Voldemord killed Harry's parents Lily and James Potter, but Harry survived the attack. In the other books, there are lots of fights between Harry, Ron, Hermine and their friends and Voldemort

Films: There are 7 books , but 8 films, because the last (7th) part is divided into 2 parts. Each film is longer than 2 hours. The main characters are Daniel Radcliffe as Harry Potter, Rupert Grint as Ronald Weasley and Emma Watson as Hermine Granger. The films were made at the Warner Brothers Studios in London.

Games: There are eleven Harry Potter video games , for example Harry Potter :Quidditch World Cup or Lego Harry Potter.Those video games are produced by Electronic Arts.

vllt habt ihr noch nen tipp, wie fange ich am besten meine englischpräsentation an?welcher satz?

Englisch, Präsentation, Harry, Potter
Englisch oder Physik LK? :)


Ich muss mich bald entscheiden, welches der beiden Leistungskurse ich belegen soll.

Also klar ist jetzt schon, dass ich Mathe LK nehme, weil ich dass eig. ganz gut alles verstehe und auch ganz gut kann.

Zum Englischen:

Ich habe gehört, dass man im Englisch LK, so, wie auch teilweise jetzt schon im Deutschen sehr viel analysieren muss. Und dass liegt mir eig. weniger. Ich spreche ganz gut Englisch, und kann auch wohl Texte schreiben, sodass auch meine 1-2 auf dem Zeugnis bekomme, aber in Deutsch habe ich ne 3. Grund dafür ist, dass ich einfach nicht so gut analysieren kann. Ich kann Texte verstehen und auch sehr gut Englisch reden, aber analysieren liegt mir nicht ganz so.

Physik: Also habe ich, da ich Mathe gut verstehe an Physik gedacht. Formeln auswendig zu lernen und anzuwenden ist nicht das große Problem. Es wird aber immer wieder gesagt, dass Naturwissenschaften als LKs verdammt schwierig werden. Dadurch bin ich mir etwas unsicher.

Berufsrichtung: Ich würde so, wie es bis jetzt aussieht gerne in den wirtschaftlichen Bereich gehen und auch studieren. Die grobe Richtung gehr zu Jura (später Notar, Rechtsanwalt etc.), VWL (Banking&Finance als Schwerpunkt), oder BWL (Banking&Finance als Schwerpunkt.

Wie gesagt, das ist alles nur eine grobe Berufsrichtung. Genau so könnte ich mir vorstellen als Manager oder was auch immer zu arbeiten, wenn mir die Möglichkeit kommt.

Was würdet Ihr mir also empfelen?


Englisch, Mathematik, Abitur, Gymnasium, Oberstufe, Physik, Leistungskurs

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