Ich habe einen Brief in Englisch verfasst. Jetzt würde ich gerne wissen ob der in Ordnung ist, da ich mich aber nicht selber einschätzen kann würde ich euch gerne fragen ! Danke schon mal im Vorraus !:)

Dear Katrina, London is great! My guestfamily is very nice. We went t the Buckingham Palace and to the St. Paul's Cathedral. Shopping in the London street is very expensiv. But the clothes looks very cool. The weather is OK. It's rainy and windy. We will go to the London Eye tomorrow. I took fotos for you! After that we will go to the teashop 'Hansons of London'. The tea is 200 years old! Sometimes the people speak so quick and I don't know what they say. And then i asked them "Sorry, what?" My guestmother tell me about Nessie in Loch Ness. That's crazy! I miss you, but when I came home I tell you more about London and my guestfamily. Best wiches for you. Love Kathi