Englischen Text, Kontrolle lesen?

Hallo, da ich so meine Probleme im Fach Englisch habe, bitte ich euch darum meinen Text zu verbessern..

Danke an jeden der sich dafür die Zeit nimmt.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Hier der Text in Englisch.

Hello Jack,

I'm fine, how are you ?

Which talent would you like to try?

I look forward to your email and support you in your project, but there are many risks. I recently read an article about casting shows that was very interesting.The article was called "You're in a Soap Bubble" from the Frankfurter Allgemeine he was written in 2013 by Worte Morten.It was about casting shows with the participants.

More and more young people take part in the shows, they are then brutally told how bad they were. Many young people can not handle the very harsh and direct assessment. Everything will then be filmed and published.

The IZI and Lfm have made a joint study on long-term consequences on adolescent pysche. 59 former participants completed an online questionnaire. The answers show how the mental stress is felt.

Even participants who took a good seat in their show felt great pressure and have self-doubt.

The participants of the study were divided into several groups.

The study showed that one third of the respondents could use the casting show as a platform for their careers. One fifth found the experience positive. The third group was disappointed after a good start and a fourth group reported negative experiences with the show, they were used and misrepresented. All others were disappointed with the downfall with their person.

Also, in the article that the producers of the casting shows themselves know very well what they possibly do to the participants, and therefore they contractually protect against physical and psychological consequences. Pictures and sounds are manipulated and scenes are readjusted.

The audience is also hardly aware that the show is staged. According to Maya Götz, head of the IZI, around 80% of female and 60% of male adolescents believe in the style of the programs. "Casting shows are a targeted staging," said Maya Götz.

Jack, I hope that the text stimulates you to think a bit and you think again about your decision.

Nevertheless, I support you, should you participate in a castingshow.

Please tell me your decision.

In love your friend

Englisch, Übersetzung
Kann mir einer bitte helfen diesen text zu übersetzen?

Lektion 17: Ein untypischer Gefangener

Caesar comitesque prope litus Asiae erant, cum unus ex eis nonnullas naves procui apparere conspexit. lam ceteros comites celeriter vocatos monuit: 'Eccde piratas! Mox navem nostram capient! Vae: nobis!" Profecto piratae navem Romanam a paucis militibus defensam brevi tempore occupaverunt. Dux piratarum Caesarem virum nobilem esse statim animadvertit. "Certe', inquit, dives es et divi amicos habes. Si libertatem recuperare2 cupis, solve nobis viginti talentas!" Caesar risit. Tum nullo modo territus respondit: Tantumne viginti talenta poscis? Num vitam caesaris tam vilem esse putas? Solvam tibi quinquaginta talenta." Caesar comites, qui cum eo capti erant, in urbes propinquas misit eosque pecuniam ex amicis colligere iussit. Tum comites has urbes petiverunt. tamen audaciter apud piratas se gerebat. cum dormire cupiebat, silentium ab eis poscebat. Cum carmina, quae ipse scripserat, recitabat, laudem poscebat. Tandem piratae audacia eius perturbati rogaverunt: 'Nosne captivi tui sumus an t captivus noster es?' Caesar risit et respondit: "Nunc teneor, mox vos capiam et supplicio puniam! Ubi comites, qui i urbes Asiae missi erant, redierunt, pecuniam piratis tradiderunt. Libertas Caesari reddita est. Qui in li expositus in urbem proximam properavit. Tum milites navesque paravit et piratis institit. Eos in missos supplicio punivit.

Übersetzung, Latein
Die deutsche Übersetzung von einem Gedicht von Mevlana Rumi?


ich habe eine sehr große Bitte . Ich suche die deutsche Übersetzung von dem folgenden Gedicht von Mevlana Rumi der persische Philosoph .

ich wäre vielmals dankbar, wenn jemand mir die entsprechende Übersetzung geben könnte .

mit besten Grüßen

Das Gedicht im original und in der englischen Übersetzung :

MY SOUL IS FROM ELSEWHERE BY Mawlana Jalaluddin Rumi (K.S)  

روزها فکر من اینست و همه شب سخنم

in days my thought is and in nights its my talk

که چرا غافل از احوال دل خویشتنم

that why i am unaware of my heart’s condition

از کجا آمده ام، آمدنم بهر چه بود؟

where i am from, what i’ve came for

به کجا می روم؟ آخر ننمایی وطنم

where am i heading to? finally you wont show me my fatherland

مانده ام سخت عجب، کز چه سبب ساخت مرا

i am extremely amazed why he created me

یا چه بوده است مراد وی ازین ساختنم

what was his point in creating me

جان که از عالم علوی است، یقین می دانم

surely my spirit is from the higher world

رخت خود باز برآنم که همانجا فکنم

i’m going to spread my bed in there again

مرغ باغ ملکوتم، نی ام از عالم خاک

i am the bird from kingdom not from earthen world

دو سه روزی قفسی ساخته اند از بدنم

it’s just a couple of days they have made a cage from my body

ای خوش آنروز که پرواز کنم تا بر دوست

what a nice day that i will fly next to my beloved

به هوای سر کویش، پر و بالی بزنم

to flap my wings in his state

کیست در گوش که او می شنود آوازم؟

who is in my ears that hears my voice

یا کدامست سخن می نهد اندر دهنم؟

or who is putting words in my mouth

کیست در دیده که از دیده برون می نگرد؟

who is in my eyes watching out

یا چه جان است، نگویی، که منش پیرهنم؟

or what spirit is, dont tell that im his clothing

تا به تحقیق مرا منزل و ره ننمایی

until you clearly show my home and path

یک دم آرام نگیرم، نفسی دم نزنم

i will not rest a moment, i will not talk a bit

می وصلم بچشان، تا در زندان ابد

taste me the whine of connection, so in jail of eternity

از سر عربده مستانه به هم در شکنم

i will break the jail with an intoxicated cry out

من به خود نامدم اینجا، که به خود باز روم

i haven’t came here by myself, to go by myself

آنکه آورد مرا، باز برد در وطنم

whom got me here, will take me to my fatherland

تو مپندار که من شعر به خود می گویم

you! dont think i write poems by myself

تا که هشیارم و بیدار، یکی دم نزنم

while i am conscious and awake i dont talk a bit

شمس تبریز اگر روی به من بنمایی

O! shams if you face me

والله این قالب مردار به هم در شکنم

swear to god, i will break down this carrion shape


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