Ist das gut auf englisch geschrieben? Aufsatz/Präsentation? Könnt ihr mich bitte verbessern wenn etwas nicht richtig geschrieben ist?

Hello dear class today I present you a presentation free time activities with the client. Here is my contents. at the first I tell you about my client – general. then I check up is my client fit for the activities. I did an interview with Mr. T and I present you my question and her answer from the interview. Next I ask the class two question About clients and activities. then I talk about activity in the zoo and swimming pool. I show you the locality at the zoo and swimming pool. Then comes my activity goals with Mr. T. Subsequently comes my preparation on the day of the excursion. emergency situation and now. what is my client looking for? can I have a video for you. to the end comes my sources.

Here is the avatar of my client. he is 1 meter 70 high and he weighed 70 kilograms And he likes to wear colorful clothes. he carries caps and jeans and sport shoes. Mr. T comes from Romania and he spoke good German. On the last time said His parents Mr. T is too overweight and the employee don’t give him fast food and drinks with caffeine. The crazy on this Situation is: the parents gifts him food from McDonald's and pizzastation and that’s its ok when he makes after food one hour sports. he was in Romania on the Christmas holiday and now he weighted 95kilogram. Parents said Mr. T don't watch TV when he doesn’t make sports. Mr. T likes sports football, swimming and running on the city.

Ready for the activities? before the activities starts I asked my client: are you motivated and when he said no I motivated him. is it a good day for the activity with the question is he physical resilient? Then I check the clothes is suitable for the weather? Then I notice the documents were the emergency informations.

 These are the goals I want to promote with this activity with Mr. T

promotion for movement

promotion for social contacts

strengthening of her confidence

One the day of the destination I will control the emergency medications.  Has Mr.T a cell phone included and enough to drink and eat.

In Emergency Situation gives rules and 4 of them are call the 911, I calm the client when he is in panic, I help him with first aid or hole people they can help him. The last point is inform the supervisor and the residential home of NRD

Präsentation, Übersetzung

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