Englisch: Blog Post korrigieren?

Das war meine Aufgabe:

Und folgendes habe ich geschrieben (280 Wörter) Ich habe einfach ein Museum erfunden, könnt ihr mir meinen text ausbessern? passt auch meine beschreibung zu den bildern? :)

From: EdaK3

Subject: A visit to the Newcast Museum

Hey Bloggers!

Did I ever mention that I never visit a museum in my life? Well, now I have and I really want to share some exhibits of the Newcast Museum with you guys! I know that you will ask why some stupid museum exhibits and not about an interesting topic? Well, I really want to be more creative on my blogs and I was just thinking that I could change my blog posts a little and try something new.

Let’s just start with the first exhibit: A slice of a pizza with body parts! I know, sounds weird but I was impressed about the colours which the picture had. It was painted very dull and also from the shading. I really like drawings with dark colours.

The second picture was also stunning: A Mona Lisa painting! The colours were exactly the same but what stood out the most, was the appearance of the exhibit. Her face is just a mask and therefore it shows her head skeleton which it looks much creepier and that reminded me of Halloween, which is also soon!

Lastly, I want to introduce you two more: A urinal exhibit and a tie exhibit that has been very accurately placed on a map. Both of them give me the same vibes, they look real and inspiring. They would brighten up my room if I had own them.

Maybe some of you guys find this kind of blog post strange but I really recommend you to go to the Newcast museum. Your interest of art would grow and it is really fun to look at works of art that are not common. I would appreciate your comments.

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Arbeit, Englisch, Deutsch, Blog, Schule, Mathematik, Sprache, Aufgabe, Museum
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