Englischen Text: Wie würdet ihr den bewerten?

Hallo ich habe einen essay geschrieben über compulsory first aid courses for fourteen year olds und das ist ein maturabeispiel gewesen und ich wollte fragen, ob jemand das durchlesen könnte und es bewerten könnte, welche note das wäre, vor allem mit den fehlern und so. Ich habe den Text komplett alleine geschrieben und das in 20 Minuten, weil bei der Matura haben wir sehr wenig Zeit für zwei Texte also nur eine Stunde. Ich würde mich echt freuen. :)

Nowadays young people has access to more goods like education. In our modernity, they can extend their knowledge pretty easily as technology, for instance, is spread all over the world and as they can attain school which offers a ton of diverse subjects. However, people still argue that many of these don’t teach valuable lessons about the real life. Instead, young people already want to accomplish experiences that educate them for certain situations, perhaps helping someone out in hazardous situations. In result of these arguably issues, people suggest signing 14-year olds up for compulsory first aid courses.

Compulsory first aid courses can be ideal and influential for young people collecting more real life based experiences. Moreover, they can even give them an insight on how a situation can alter in only one instant and how people can put themselves in danger, precisely fighting against death. Teaching sessions about helping someone, in terms of surviving, can reflect young people’s interests. Some students already complain on having deplorable teaching sessions at school, regardless of their subject area. Maths, science, biology,  physics might enforce their intellectual thoughts but what about focusing on their mind set. Are they even that mentally stable to handle emergency situations? Would they even risk themselves to help someone out after they crashed their car into a tree? Are they even willing to sacrifice themselves and is it even worth?

At this point, students would take school more seriously as compulsory first aid courses influence students mental mind set. In this case, the integration of first aid courses into school is essential for young people. 14 year olds must bear the importance of life teaching sessions. So, the government need to go after their obligations to pay these courses. After all, education should be free and accessible to everyone. School subjects should not only consist of languages or natural sciences, but the government also have to consider the fact that students have to train their cognitive skills as well.

Moreover, the government can also detect people’s reactions would shape in a deferential way if the education system would be more comprehensive and creative. I mean, how can someone not find it intriguing that the education system develops more on its way to be immaculate. It would pique everybody’s curiosity how young people desirably helps out to change the world into a better place. Knowledge has the power for it.

In conclusion, it can be said that if someone comes up with compulsory first aid courses, it should be already associated in the school’s education system. Fourteen year old should be, at this degree, handle emergency situations and activate their human instincts to sacrifice themselves. 

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Englisch Artikel bitte korrigieren oder umschreiben?

Hallo Leute, könnt ihr eventuell diesen Artikel lesen und wenn da Fehler sind, es zu korrigieren oder umzuschreiben? Wäre super nett von euch, meine Hausübung wird nämlich benotet und schreibt noch euren Feedback rein, ich danke euch :)

Los Angeles has seen the evil

A recent school shooting in Los Angeles has brought the issue of school safety in the bad light. So, people became aware of these happening. On 30th April 2023, two 17-year-old students have armed their high school with two guns which left 11 people dead and 5 injured. This incident has left people worried about the safety of students and staff at schools.

Gun violence, especially in schools, is still a national crisis in the United States and migrants are still allowed to carry a gun because of the “national firearms agreement”. Due to the licenses of weapons, such acts are occurring more and more frequently. In order to protect students and school staff, most schools have security guards. There are also usually controls at the entrances. As a way to prevent non-schoolers from entering the school, they have their own school cards, which clearly show the identifies of the students. In addition, the police have increased their presence at schools.

Students, who have witnessed such incident, are usually traumatised and can hardly cope without psychological help. Many students and parents report terrible feelings and perceptions. “I was so scared when I heard gunshots. I ran and hid under a desk until the police came. Now I’m afraid to come back to school,” says a victim who survived this cruelty. Parents were calling desperately for their children, they even got more scared when they didn’t respond. These are just a few. As a result, the police has to deal with such incidents more and more often. “It is nothing scary anymore, we are already used to it”, claims a policeman. “We are already best prepared for such acts”, adds another officer. They have certain educations and trainings for these hardships.

Due to the school shooting on April 30th, this issue is more present than ever. Many students and parents are extremely frightened that they can also be victims. This clearly shows that much more could be done preventively.

Englisch lernen, Englisch, Deutsch, Schule, Mathematik, Text, Übersetzung, Abitur, Aufsatz, Englisch-Deutsch, englische Grammatik, Englischunterricht, Grammatik, Hausaufgaben, Rechtschreibung, summary, comment
Englisch: Blog Post korrigieren?

Das war meine Aufgabe:

Und folgendes habe ich geschrieben (280 Wörter) Ich habe einfach ein Museum erfunden, könnt ihr mir meinen text ausbessern? passt auch meine beschreibung zu den bildern? :)

From: EdaK3

Subject: A visit to the Newcast Museum

Hey Bloggers!

Did I ever mention that I never visit a museum in my life? Well, now I have and I really want to share some exhibits of the Newcast Museum with you guys! I know that you will ask why some stupid museum exhibits and not about an interesting topic? Well, I really want to be more creative on my blogs and I was just thinking that I could change my blog posts a little and try something new.

Let’s just start with the first exhibit: A slice of a pizza with body parts! I know, sounds weird but I was impressed about the colours which the picture had. It was painted very dull and also from the shading. I really like drawings with dark colours.

The second picture was also stunning: A Mona Lisa painting! The colours were exactly the same but what stood out the most, was the appearance of the exhibit. Her face is just a mask and therefore it shows her head skeleton which it looks much creepier and that reminded me of Halloween, which is also soon!

Lastly, I want to introduce you two more: A urinal exhibit and a tie exhibit that has been very accurately placed on a map. Both of them give me the same vibes, they look real and inspiring. They would brighten up my room if I had own them.

Maybe some of you guys find this kind of blog post strange but I really recommend you to go to the Newcast museum. Your interest of art would grow and it is really fun to look at works of art that are not common. I would appreciate your comments.

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Arbeit, Englisch, Deutsch, Blog, Schule, Mathematik, Sprache, Aufgabe, Museum
Englisch: Blog post about teenagers and tattoos?

Hallo! Ich habe jetzt zum ersten Mal einen Blog Post geschrieben und ich wollte fragen, ob mir jemand meinen Text verbessern kann :) Könnt ihr mir dann auch sagen, ob der Aufbau eh so richtig ist und vor allem der Schluss: Muss ich mich da verabschieden oder passt das eh so, wenn ich das so hingeschrieben habe:

Hey Bloggers!

How long has it been since we finally talked about a new topic? Well, it is time to do that, right? So, let’s talk about Teenagers and Tattoos! You guys know the rules: I will start with my opinion and my experiences with Tattoos at a young age. Certainly, I will also give you guys some advice by examples I will mention later.

First of all in a general way: Tattoos are a major topic at these days especially in our society. In my opinion, some teenagers want to show rebellion, but other want to imitate their friend. They just think about how they look like and if they are cool. But I think that teenagers do not know about the consequences there might be.  

For example: If you want to work later, it will maybe be hard for young people, who want to find a job later. Some bosses don't want people who wears tattoos because they do not like it or the look don't fit in the kind of job. Maybe you want to work as a businessman, you have good grades and you get interviewed, but they rejected you because of your tattoos.

I am honest: I do not have any experiences with tattoos but just think smart about the consequences later and also be aware of them. I do not like tattoos either but if some teenagers enjoy having tattoos, I accept their choice.

Now, you guys are asked: What do you think about Tattoos for young people? Do you have tattoos? Let me hear your thoughts in the comments! 😊

Englisch, Deutsch, Blog, Schule, Sprache, Tattoo, Irezumi