Englisch - Kommentar kontrollieren?

Nowadays, many people believe that people have to start their own family, included a husband or a wife and children. But is that right? In the following comment, I will present my opinion of Will's attitude towards family life. 

My first argument is that children enable parents to become grandparents. Otherwise it isn‘t possible to become a grandma or grandpa. If these grandchildren then also decide to breed, parents have the chance to become great-grandparents.

Besides that you share your whole life with one another. The other helps you in difficult life situations and is always available with advice and action. For example, you don't have to deal with problems alone because you always have someone who help and listen.

Above all you put your own flesh and blood into the world. Children are the only thing that has genes or DNA. You can see it grow up and how it becomes more and more independent. Children also give you a lot of love in return, which can also be expressed in the form of gratitude. For example, the children take care of them when the parents are older and can no longer do things independently.

In conclusion, I disagree with Will's statement. In my opinion, children are great and can make you very happy. I also think that a partnership or marriage strengthens a person because you always have someone by your side. All in all, I think that when starting a family there are only positive aspects.

Englisch, Schule
Gastfamilien Brief, ich mache 22/23 ein Auslandsjahr in den USA und würde gerne wissen ob ich Fehler in meinem Brief habe oder irgendwas neu schreiben sollte?

Dear future host family. First of all, I would like to thank you for reading my letter and giving me the opportunity to live in the USA for ten months and being part of your Family.

Now I would like to introduce myself. My name is xxx, xxx for short, and I am xx years old (turning xx in February)

I am living in xxx with my Family which consists of my mum, my sister, my brother and our dog Cooper. I love animals but unfortunately, I am allergic to cats and can’t live with them.

My parents are divorced. My dad lives about 15 minutes away from me with the car, and I also have a big sister, but she is old enough to live on her own. I have a really good relationship to my family, and we all get along pretty well. We try to spend as much time as possibly together, at Holidays, the weekends or on a walk with our dog.

I found some new friends in my new school, and I really like them, they are all extremely different with their personality and looks but at the end they are the kindest people that I have met so far, and I am so grateful for having them. I am already sad thinking about leaving them here in my home country, but they know that it’s my dream to live in the USA for 10 months and they are also excited for me.

I am attending the ninth schoolyear (Highschool). The focus of the school is technology and architecture. I need to take the train to get to the school and also the bus. My grades are good and its easy for me to learn new things, but I am also really clumsy, and I talk a lot and fast, but when I meet someone for the first time, I am really shy but as soon as they get to know me, I talk more.

I am spending my free time at the lake or going on bike rides. I am not doing any sports, but I would love to try something new in the USA, like Track & Field or Cheerleading. Some of my hobbies are swimming, biking, traveling and reading. I love to read. I try to read as many books as I can but it’s difficult because of all the schoolwork. I also love to bake and cook.

My Family and I are often in Italy especially in the summer holidays, my aunt loves to go there and most of the time we are going with her, we are all really close and help each other if we need anything.

I am helping my mum to keep the House clean. I am doing chores like vacuuming, doing the dishes or taking out the trash. We don’t have a chores plan (e.g., who does this chore on this day...) but if my mum asks me to do anything I will do it for her.

My dream is to become an Interior designer and work abroad, and after my graduation I would like to travel the world or be an Au pair in the USA, Australia or Canada.

I am hoping that I can bring you my culture, language and my Country closer by cooking you my favorite dish and teaching you some words in my mother tongue.

The reason why I want to go to the USA is not just to improve my English but to get to know the culture and eating habits and just to see if it really is like in the Movies.

der Rest ist in den Kommentaren.

Englisch, Brief, Sprache, USA, Ausland, Auslandsjahr, Gastfamilie, Grammatik

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