(Korrekturlesen bitte) Summary von einer Textausschnitt?

alsoo..ich habe hier ein summary geschrieben zu einem kleinen textausschnitt des buches slam (zu finden im green line 6). da mein englisch (wie manche vllt schon in meiner frage von gestern gelesen haben) nicht das beste ist, würde ich gerne mal über mein summary drüberlesen lassen, ob grammatikalisch alles stimmt und ob es vllt noch ein paar verbesserungsvorschläge für die formulierung gibt:)

The extract from „Slam“ by Nick Hornby is about teenage pregnancy and shows us a 16-year-old boy who is scared of becoming a father. The action takes place at the time of the narrator’s 16th birthday. His name is Sam. In the morning he gets some cards, presents and doughnuts which his mum bought him before and he already plans his birthday-afternoon and –evening. After the breakfast Sam gets a message from Alicia. She writes that she has to see him very urgent. Locked in the bathroom, Sam answers her and gets nervous. Some time ago he and Alicia petted and he didn’t prevent. Now he’s scared that her urgent message could be that she’s pregnant. He has already that strange feeling in his guts. He writes her that he has no time, but she answers that he has to come. So they arrange a meeting at the Starbucks at 11 am. Sam gets very nervous and wants to sit on his mother’s lap, like a child. And he also wishes he would still be one and not to have such problems. He is also scared, that his mother wouldn’t love him anymore if she knew what he did. While going to the coffee shop he tries to deal with god. He wants Alicia not to be pregnant and promises God that he will neither skate, nor go to McDonald’s, nor watch TV anymore. He also thinks that he won’t ever have sex after this experience. At the Starbucks he buys a drink, trying to lengthen the time he doesn’t know the result yet. Suddenly he sits next to Alicia with his Frappuccino. She wishes him a happy birthday and tells him that her period is late.

Englisch, Text, Grammatik, summary, Textverarbeitung
Englisch: Blog post about teenagers and tattoos?

Hallo! Ich habe jetzt zum ersten Mal einen Blog Post geschrieben und ich wollte fragen, ob mir jemand meinen Text verbessern kann :) Könnt ihr mir dann auch sagen, ob der Aufbau eh so richtig ist und vor allem der Schluss: Muss ich mich da verabschieden oder passt das eh so, wenn ich das so hingeschrieben habe:

Hey Bloggers!

How long has it been since we finally talked about a new topic? Well, it is time to do that, right? So, let’s talk about Teenagers and Tattoos! You guys know the rules: I will start with my opinion and my experiences with Tattoos at a young age. Certainly, I will also give you guys some advice by examples I will mention later.

First of all in a general way: Tattoos are a major topic at these days especially in our society. In my opinion, some teenagers want to show rebellion, but other want to imitate their friend. They just think about how they look like and if they are cool. But I think that teenagers do not know about the consequences there might be.  

For example: If you want to work later, it will maybe be hard for young people, who want to find a job later. Some bosses don't want people who wears tattoos because they do not like it or the look don't fit in the kind of job. Maybe you want to work as a businessman, you have good grades and you get interviewed, but they rejected you because of your tattoos.

I am honest: I do not have any experiences with tattoos but just think smart about the consequences later and also be aware of them. I do not like tattoos either but if some teenagers enjoy having tattoos, I accept their choice.

Now, you guys are asked: What do you think about Tattoos for young people? Do you have tattoos? Let me hear your thoughts in the comments! 😊

Englisch, Deutsch, Blog, Schule, Sprache, Tattoo, Irezumi
Korrektur Englisch?

Hallo Leute,

wäre nett wenn einer mir meinem Text korrigieren könnte!🙃

Hi folks,

I went on a camping holiday in Bavaria with my family. As you probably know from my other posts, I don't really like going camping. But I had no choice but to go with my family! To be honest, I enjoyed it a bit! I'm sure you're wondering now, but seriously, it wasn't as bad as the last few times. I mean, of course the weather was mostly bad but otherwise I had a good time. And this time I wasn't alone - I met other teenagers and spent a lot of time with them! We talked about a lot of topics such as celebrities, football and au pairs. And my blog post today will mainly be about au pairs. To be more specific about male au pairs ... you heard it right! Most of you would surely say that there are only female au pairs! Because the teenagers I met on vacation didn't want to believe me either! But no, there really are male au pairs! Maybe not too many like female au pairs but there are some! The main purpose of this post is to make it clear to all of you that no profession has a label. It means that everyone can do anything, no matter if you are a male or a female! And another reason is because I want to draw attention to male au pairs! I want to encourage many guys among you to do something like this too.Last week I read a testimonial from a German boy named Timo. He had written about his time as an au pair in New Zealand. After graduating from high school, he decided to go to a distant country as an au pair. He too was initially unsure whether he would even have a chance as a boy. Nevertheless, he did not give up his hope and after a month a host family contacted him. He lived in Waikato with his host parents and host brother. His main job was to take care of their 4 year old son. In addition, he was also responsible for the household. He had to look after the pets and clean the whole house one day a week. All in all, he felt very much at home in New Zealand, his host brother became like his own brother and he had a lot of fun going to play parks with him, building caves, jumping on trampolines and teaching him to write and play the piano. He enjoyed this trip so much that he would be willing to do it all over again! So don't wait boys and girls! If you have such an opportunity I would definitely use it to have an unforgettable experience! Please let me know your opinion on this au pair topic! Thanks for reading and see you on another post! Good night:)

Englisch, Schule, Sprache, Grammatik

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