Frage zu Englisch?

Hii, ich habe eine Frage zu Englisch. Kann pls jmd drĂŒber lesen (ob Grammatik& Rechtschreibfehler sind). das ist eine summary

The text "America and Americans" was written by John Steinbeck. As the title suggests, the text is about the Americans, the past and the American dream. 

The author introduces the text with a quote. The quote is "E pluribus Unum". This is the motto of the United States and it corresponds to the fact.  America is a country where many different people live together, of all races. America is a unit and came into being in just over four hundred years.  

The beginning of American history is not a good start. America was a foreign continent for the ancestors. Some people were not in America by choice. They had to work very hard to build up the country. Furthermore, there are diseases that were unexplored at the time. There are people who die because of it. So much work is needed to build America to make it the country it is today. 

The author then writes about the disagreements Americans have with themselves. Americans often change their minds. For example, Americans are sometimes against the government, but sometimes for it. They don't know what exactly they want. 

Furthermore, the American people have achieved a great deal in the past. They do a lot, but when they get tired of being successful they prefer to think about what makes them unhappy. Americans live paradoxically. 

The author also writes that the people who live in American high society are not advanced in their thoughts. For example, a man needs electricity every day but doesn't know how to fix the problem if the fuse breaks. 

In addition, it has become American culture that the child must be educated in a family. The parents assume it and want the child to be successful. It's their dream. 

Englisch, Sprache
Au Pair, Demi Pair, Work&Travel oder doch was anderes fĂŒr ein ganzes Jahr?

Hallo Leute,

ich möchte nach meiner Ausbildung fĂŒr mindestens 6. Monate und maximal ein ganzes Jahr

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und wĂŒrde gerne wissen, welches Programm fĂŒr die oben genannten Kriterien am besten wĂ€re? Welches Programm ist am kostengĂŒnstigsten? Bei welchem Programm kann man am besten seine Sprachkenntnisse verbessern? Bitte teilt eure Erfahrungen und bringt eigene VorschlĂ€ge (fĂŒr andere Programme) ein.

Anderer Vorschlag 42%
Work & Travel 33%
Au Pair 25%
Demi Pair 0%
China, Italien, Englisch, Geld verdienen, Studium, England, Sprache, Schweden, Kanada, Amerika, Spanien, Sprachkurs, USA, Ausland, Schweiz, Island, Neuseeland, Frankreich, Japan, Französisch, Chile, Arbeiten im Ausland, Au-pair, Auslandsaufenthalt, Auslandserfahrung, Auslandsjahr, auslandspraktikum, Auslandsreise, Auslandsstudium, Australien, Belgien, DĂ€nemark, Finnland, Irland, Luxemburg, Norwegen, Österreich, Schottland, Spanisch, sprachaufenthalt, Sprachkenntnisse, Weiterbildung, Work and Travel, WorkTravel, amerikanisches englisch, Au-Pair-Jahr, britisches englisch, Gap Year, Organisationen fĂŒr Auslandsjahr, Weiterbildungsmöglichkeiten, Ausbildung und Beruf, Ausbildung und Studium, Kulturen anderer LĂ€nder, Reisen und Urlaub
Ist dieser Comment gut (sollte die Monarchie in der UK abgeschafft werden)?

The monarchy system is a hot topic in the UK, is it useful for the country or is it just for the show. Opinions often differ here, because there are many arguments pro and against this system. But what is the right answer.

On the one hand the Royal Family which is given by this system personifies the state and British nation, which represent it more human. Due to this more human presentive the people will be more connected to the government because many of the civilians got a member of the Royal Family as an idol which is also fine in view of the fact they exemplify British values like good manners, good style and honesty. Furthermore, by keeping this system, we also keep a part of history alive owing to the fact that the monarchy is no longer a widely used system.

On the other hand, there are many arguments against a monarchy system: It’s a life long burden for anyone who gets born into this, which is also against the spirit of democracy because their role is not earned but inherited. Additionally, they don’t have any power and are mainly there for the public eye, but this gets worse by the fact that if a member of the Royal Family does something wrong, the whole state will be ashamed and it will damage the national image of Britain. On top of that, you know the big palaces, the expensive cars and their wealth? This comes partly from slavery, oppression and discrimination.

All in all, you can say that the monarchy system has many reasons to be abolished but also many benefits. From my perspective it should be abolished, because it’s simply a show and doesn’t do anything for the country in a financial or lucrative way, furthermore we know that other countries like Germany has also a working system which doesn’t waste money for an unqualified family.

(Bitte schreibt mir VerbesserungsvorschlÀge)

Englisch, Schule, Nachhilfe, Politik, Englischunterricht, europÀische Geschichte, Monarchie, britische geschichte

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