
Hallo! In Englisch sollen wir einen Aufsatz über den Brexit schreiben. Kann jemand meinen durchlesen und mir vielleicht Tipps geben, was ich besser machen kann oder Beispiele hinzufügen?

Unthinkable. The UK no longer belongs to the EU. The exit was completed and after long negotiations England is outside the EU. Many Britons voted "Yes to Brexit" in the elections, despite the fact that only half of the population understood what they were voting for. After less than a year, the British noticed the enormous consequences and their ex-partner EU for help.


Firstly, the UK can regain its sovereignty, making it the controlling influence of having supreme authority.

Besides, the UK could follow Norway’s example and still trade with the EU even if they are not part of the EU.

Moreover, being free from restrictions would be beneficial. They could make their own laws and control immigration.                

On the other hand, there are many arguments against the Brexit.

Initially, many Britains could lose their jobs. If their job is linked to the EU and the job is no longer needed, then millions of them must look out for a new job.

Furthermore, Britain could lose its influence. As part of the European Union, member states have more power than being a middle-ranking country. If we glance back at history, we can see that the UK has lost a lot of his power, meaning that it would lose even more.

Besides, leaving the EU will make the UK politically and economically suffer. Britain used to be the EU’s main trading partner. Leaving would mean that they are not enabled to move goods, services and people like they did before. They will also become an outsider.


Considering the pros and cons, I think it is hard to make a decision. As with so many things, only time will tell whether the Brexit was right or wrong. It is also not certain that other states will not leave the UK. In my opinion, the member states primarily see the financial advantage of the EU, but if sovereignty is more important to the UK, I can totally understand that.

Englisch, Schule, Hausaufgaben, Essay, Brexit
Englisch: Blog Post korrigieren?

Das war meine Aufgabe:

Und folgendes habe ich geschrieben (280 Wörter) Ich habe einfach ein Museum erfunden, könnt ihr mir meinen text ausbessern? passt auch meine beschreibung zu den bildern? :)

From: EdaK3

Subject: A visit to the Newcast Museum

Hey Bloggers!

Did I ever mention that I never visit a museum in my life? Well, now I have and I really want to share some exhibits of the Newcast Museum with you guys! I know that you will ask why some stupid museum exhibits and not about an interesting topic? Well, I really want to be more creative on my blogs and I was just thinking that I could change my blog posts a little and try something new.

Let’s just start with the first exhibit: A slice of a pizza with body parts! I know, sounds weird but I was impressed about the colours which the picture had. It was painted very dull and also from the shading. I really like drawings with dark colours.

The second picture was also stunning: A Mona Lisa painting! The colours were exactly the same but what stood out the most, was the appearance of the exhibit. Her face is just a mask and therefore it shows her head skeleton which it looks much creepier and that reminded me of Halloween, which is also soon!

Lastly, I want to introduce you two more: A urinal exhibit and a tie exhibit that has been very accurately placed on a map. Both of them give me the same vibes, they look real and inspiring. They would brighten up my room if I had own them.

Maybe some of you guys find this kind of blog post strange but I really recommend you to go to the Newcast museum. Your interest of art would grow and it is really fun to look at works of art that are not common. I would appreciate your comments.

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Arbeit, Englisch, Deutsch, Blog, Schule, Mathematik, Sprache, Aufgabe, Museum

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