Ist diese Rede über den Amazonas Regenwald ok?

Deforstation of the Amazon rain forest.

The Amazon rain forest - If you hear this, you think about beautiful green forest landscapes, wildlife and pure nature. But that will not remain forever. Arround the year 2070, there will be only a barren savanna. Whose fault is it ? This is easy. We humans are the guilty.

The rain forest in the brazilian Amazon is getting faster and drastically cut down. For example : Only in the June of 2011 310 square kilometres of the Amazon rain forest were cleared. This corresponds perhaps to the area of Dresden. Compared with June 2010, this is an increase of 28 percent. The people don´t think about the situation. There are bitterly consequences.

The rain forest is still being cut down. Why should it care us if a couple of plants, animals, fungi and microorganisms are extinct ? The Amazon is often hot and humid. They are difficult to access, and fully insects have an elusive animal and plant life. The problem is not the extinction of plants and animals. For humans it is about much more. By destroying the tropical rain forests we risk our quality of life. We put the stability of climate and regional weather on risk. We endanger the existence of other species. Farmer and other workers lose their jobs. What you can do : - only use recycled paper (for example, a blue angel). - Drink coffee with Fair Trade certification. -Buy furniture with wood from local forests. -Eat less meat. Eat meat from Biohaltung. -Support actions.

A single person can not do much about it. But if all stick together, we can ensure that the Amazon rain forest and others, remain preserved in the future as well.


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