Also dies was jetzt folgt ist eine eher schlechte Summary wie ich finde aber zu meiner Verteidigung hatte auch nicht sehr viel zeit Wäre schön wenn ihr mir schnellstmöglichst(da ich es morgen abgeben muss) mit Verbesserungsvorschlägen helfen könntet

The lost girl

The folk tale 'The lost girl' is about a family on a north Island with a daughter, who disappeared.One day the father and his sons come to a beautiful house on an island. A man, who lives in the house and invite them, introduce them his wife, who is the lost girl. They was very happy to see her again! After the man ask the father, if he has cows to sell, but he must tell him the way to get here. The man says, that he will come and get a cow. As exchange the father can choose anything, that he would like. Then they go home and the cow was dead!