Vorstellung von sich und Ausbildung in Englisch

Hi, habe bald eine mündliche Prüfung in Englisch in der wir uns am Anfang vorstellen sollen und unsere Ausbildung beschreiben sollen, habt ihr zu meinem Text Verbesserungsvorschläge?

Hello everybody. First of all I would like to introduce myself: My Name is xxx and I am 18 years old. I was born in xxx in 1993 and I live in xxx, that is near xxx. I have an older sister, her name is xxx and she is 21 years old. My hobbies are riding on horses and meeting my friends. At the moment I do an apprenticeship as a administrative professional salaried at the town xxx. Im at the first year of apprenticeship, which duration is 3 years. My tasks are very varied. In the course of my apprenticeship I go through all departments. For example, these are the regulatory office, building authority, tax office, registry office or head office. During my time in the individual departments, I visit the vocational school and courses once a year. My working hours are very varied, too. Twice a week I have at 12 o’clock end of work. Once a week only at 7pm. I have an 39 hour week. One of my tasks is writing a lot of letters to the citizien or business. Other big tasks are: - working out administrative provisions and decisions - implement decisions - records management - advice citizien - do organizational and administrative tasks - process operations in the budget and accounting process In my apprenticeship I was already in five departments. My colleagues are very friendly and solicitous to me.

Very important „book“ are the DVP’s. They contain all important legislations.

Englisch, Lernen, Prüfung, Noten, Verbesserung, Verwaltung, Vorstellen, mündlich, Verwaltungsfachangestellte
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