Verbesserung zur summary vom ersten Kapitel von After the first death...

The first chapter of Robert Cormier's novel "After the first death" consists of a series of thoughts from a boy, named Benjamin. In the beginning he thinks about his injury, namely the path the bullet took. Then, he thinks about the visit of his father and then he tells about a conversation with his mother. They speak unimportant stuff and then he tells about Mr. Chatam, who is his math teacher and might have taught his father a generation ago. (Das bringt sie zu dem Thema über die Bennung des Berufes von Bens Vater, Mark). After Ben called his mother reprimands him because his father doesn't want to be called a general. Then, he starts to describe his life with picture postcards. The first one is Fort Delta. It's an ancient army post. It has something to do withthe bus and the bridge. An incient, which Ben often mentions, but never says what exactly has happened. The next picture postcard is his father. He thinks about his father's job. ben doesn't know (genaueres, obwohl inzwischen manches rausgefunden hat). he remembers the once, when he saw his father in uniform. It was a formal meeting. Ben felt both scared an excited, because his father (ließ ben an seiner Arbeit teilhaben). In the end of the chapter Ben thinks about the shortest horror story and then he thinks again about his father and how it will be (wie sein würd)

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