Ist diese Charakterisierung gut (english)?

Also einmal im generellen, Sara wird gleich charakterisiert und sie ist die Freundin von Chip. Miles ist Chips Zimmergenosse.

So in der Szene die ich analysieren soll, ging es darum, dass Chip und Sara zusammen mit den Eltern von Sara in die Oper gehen wollen, allerdings gab es dann ein paar Streitigkeiten zwischen Sara und Chip.

Hier die Charakterisierung:

In the following I want to characterise Sarah, the girlfriend from Chip, who is one of the protagonists from the novel “Looking for Alaska” by John Green.

Sarahs Outward appearance is described as a girl with long blonde hair, which is pulled up into a twist with a strand of hair falling down each side of her face. Miles thinks, that she looks like a movie star, a bitchy one. (L. 27) Sara seems to be Very terrified, when she perceives that Chip can’t iron. This gets distinct with the observation “Can’t you at least press your shirt?” (L.25) The statement of Chip “we don’t all have maids to do our ironing”(L.30) Sara can be described as a rich and privileged girl, who doesn’t get confrontrated with chores at home. Moreover, Sara’s parents seem to be very descent, because they want to go “in the opera”(L.33) which is an sign of noble an elegant characteristics. In the following conservation between her an Chip the atmosphere seems to be very tense. She answers very annoyed and serious “Look, we’re going or we’re not going”(L.37) after Chip tried explain to her, that her parents hate him. Then Chip says, that “he doesn’t want to go with her anywhere”(L.38), Sara shows an an angry behaviour because she “slammed the door”(L.40) and said in an ironical way “Fine. Have a great night”(L.40) The relationship between them, can be interpreted intently and negative charged. After Sara leaves the room, Miles explaines to Chip, that he finds her “nice”(L.45) Shortly afterwards, the pay phone rings outside (L.48) an it was Sara, who wants to talk with Chip again. She may feels sorry or wants to resolve the conversation they had. But after an unknown conversation they had, Chip shouts “Screw you to”, which is an evidence, that the conversation didn’t turn out well.

All in all, the relationship between Sara an Chip is not good. Sara often gets angry and annoyed in the presence of Chip. They also don’t harmonier together.

Nicht gut 43%
Gut 29%
Mittel 29%
Englisch, Deutsch, Schule, Charakterisierung
brauche Hilfe morgen englisch Prüfung.?

Könnt ihr mir bitte sagen wenn ich etwas falsch habe?

Hello today I am going to give a presentation about California. First, I am going to tell you the most important infromation about California, then I am going to explain its history and after that I will talk about some of the attractions.

So what is California. California is a western state in the USA. It is bordered by the pacific ocean in the west, Oregon in the north, Nevada and Ariyona in the east and Mexico in the south. The capital city is Sacramento. California has a population of about 39 million people and the land area is 403,934 sq km big. It is the third largest state after Alaska and Texas in the US by area, while by population it is the most populated state. It also has the largest economy of 2.9 trillion dollars of all the american states.

The origin of the name of California came after Califia, a myth island paradise from a spanish roman that was written about 1510. The nickname of california is the golden state because of the gold that was discovered back in 1848, but it has many more nicknames like the Grape state, sunshine state and golden west

The states largest cities are Los Angeles, San Jose, San Fransisco, San Diego. The most common languages are English, Chinese and Spanish. Another information is that California has the highest point Mount Whitney and the lowest point Death Valley in the United States.

Now I am going to talk about the history. From the beginning , California has been inhabited by native americans. The first european that visited California in 1542 was a portuguese explorer Juan Rodriguez Cabrillo. In 1821 when Mexico became independent from Spain California became a province of Mexico. In the 1840s settlers started to rebel against the mexican rule.After that in 1846, it bacame an independent country because of the group of settlers who were led by John Charles Fremont.The new independent country was called the bear flag republic.

This independence didnt last long because of the mexican american war so 1848 the republic became a territory of the USA. In 1848 the gold rush began because James Marschall discovered gold at Sutters Mill the gold rush lasted from 1848 to 1858. Between 7 years over 300,000 people moved to California . California first beecame a state on september 9th 1850as the 31st state of the US.

Englisch, Schule, Prüfung, california, eurocom, Grammatik
Sprachniveau verbessern?

Benötige gute Tipps zur Verbesserung meiner Sprachkenntnisse in Englisch. Derzeitiges Niveau ist schon so B1. Mein Ziel ist C1 oder höher.

Wieso will er den Gottes willen so schnell und zeitaufwendig Englisch lernen? - WEIL die Einstellungsvoraussetzung meines Traumjobs das so verlangt...!

———————————————————————Zurzeit bevorzuge bsw. mach ich nur die Methoden die unten aufgezählt wurden. Natürlich bin ich dafür bereit mehr zu tun.
Mit Netflix, Büchern und evtl neuen Hobbys würde ich mich gerne aufarbeiten.

Zu meiner Person, besuche die 9. Klasse einer Realschule somit hab ich noch ein paar Jahre bis zum Abi vor mir.

Meine Schwächen sind eher das Sprechen und die Aussprache/Wortschatz. Grammatik fällt mir nicht so schwer wie gedacht.

Schüleraustausche kommen für mich nicht in Frage genauso wie Aufenthalte.


Methoden: z.B. Vokabeln lernen, Lieblingssongs nachsingen und verstehen

Netflix: Gute Serien/Filme für Anfänger bsw. Fortgeschrittene ?

Bücher: welche die man so im Jugendalter liest bsw. Keine Romane oder sowas... . Harry Porter z.B.

Hobbys: Kennt jemand hobbies oder irgendwelche Plattformen wo man gegenseitig auf englisch kommuniziert?^^

Sonstiges: für weitere Vorschläge bin ich offen...

Meine anderen Fragen wären:

  • Wie habt ihr eine Sprache auf dauerweise gelernt?
  • Wie lange hat das gedauert
  • und was waren eure Methoden?

So danke für das Durchlesen, alles gute und schon mal im Voraus bedanke ich mich herzlich bei euch :)

Liebe Grüße

BecomeAPilot, kurz Max

Englisch, Lernen, Schule, verbessern, Sprache, Englisch-Deutsch, englische Grammatik, Realschule, Merkfähigkeit
Englisch Zeitungsartikel Pollution/Environment - bitte um Korrektur?

Ich muss bei meiner Arbeit einen Zeitungsbericht über Umwelt/Pollution schreiben und bitte um die Korrektur folgender Arbeit. Danke!

Earth is becoming "Planet Plastic"!Can we still save our planet?

Author, 23th of November 2019


We create more and more pollution. Air, water, land and soil pollution effect all of us. Can we still manage to save our planet?

We are creating more pollution than ever before. The biggest problems on humans’ health come from air, water, noise and land pollution. What does these types mean in detail? The major reason of air pollution is cutting down trees. Burning fossil fuels and driving every short distance with the car effects the environment as well. The health effect of air pollution are serious – one third of death from stroke, lung cancer and heard diseases are due to air pollution. The main problem is that the microscopic pollution can slip past our body’s defence. Water pollution is when waste, chemicals or other particles cause a body of water to become harmful to the fish and animals that needs the water to survive. The main problem caused by water pollution is that it kills organism that depend on these water bodies. Dead fish, crabs, dolphins and other animals often wind up on beaches, killed by pollutants in their living environment. Another big problem is air pollution. That is anything that damages or contaminates the land. The effect on human health include breathing disorders, birth defect, skin diseases and cancer. Another potential type of pollution is the so-called “noise pollution”. That refers to the reference of noise (from machines, transportations systems, trains, etc.) in the environment that is very harmful to the mental and physical health if living beings on earth. Hearing lose, raise blood pressure and pulse rates are only some of the main problems by this type of pollution. What can we do against this? First, reduce the number of trips taken in your car. Second, never throw something away, that someone else might be able to use. A third and last tip: Use re-useable shopping bags made of cotton and avoid plastic bags.

We all have to change our behaviour a bit. On the other hand, do we really want to destroy our planet?

Englisch, Schule, Umwelt, Korrekturlesen, Zeitungsartikel, Pollution
Vortrag in Englisch über The Vampire Diaries?

hey, ich habe gerade einen Text geschrieben, ich werde am Freitag diesen so vorlesen und würde deswegen gerne wissen, ob dieser okay ist... (ich habe jetzt nicht arg auf Kommasetzung sowie Groß und Kleinschreibung geachtet, hoffe das ist okay!)

Hello, now I want to talk about my favorite show too, The Vampire Diaries, which is available on Netflix or Amazon Prime. In the past, the show came on Pro Sieben too, but not anymore. This drama television series by Kelvin Williamson and Julie plec is based on the book “the vampire diaries” by L. Smith.

The protagonists of the show are Nina Dobrev as Elena Gilbert, Paul Wesley as Stefan Salvatore and Ian Sommerhalder as Damon Salvatore. Elena and her younger brother Jeremy lost their parents by a car accident a few months ago. Elena survived the accident but her parents died. in the new school year, after the summer holidays, Elena has her the first school day, she hopes everything going to be better.

Elena meets the new student Stefan Salvatore on her first school day. she fell in love with him but there is something she doesn't know, Stefan is a vampire and so he is over 100 years old. He and Elena start a relationship but she doesn't know anything about his secret and his past.

some strange things happen in Mystic Falls the place Elena, her friends and Stefan live. a lot of people get attacked and die because of too little blood in their bodies. Doctors and reports sell these outbreaks as attacks from dangerous animals, but later they realize that the vampires are back in Mystic Falls, terrorizing the city.

Stefan doesn't kill anybody so he wants to find out who is killing all the humans and after his search, he meets his older brother Damon who is really angry about him. Damon doesn't leave Mystic Falls, so Stefan’s and Elena's life change hardly, especially, when Damon starts to fell in love, with his brothers girlfriend. The story repeats, Damon and Stefan fall in love in the past, with a girl, named Katherine. Both want to win over Katherine, but she love the both an can‘t pick one.

I hope I was able to give you a little insight into the series, but I do not want to go into more detail now to avoid spoiling or confusing you.  Thank you, for your attention.

Danke für eure Hilfe!

Englisch, Vampire Diaries, Mädchen, Vampire, Serie, Filme und Serien, Hausaufgaben, Netflix

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