Letter of motivation - kann jemand probelesen?

Hallo, Ich wurde bei einer Organisation für Freiwilligendienste im Ausland angenommen und jetzt muss ich mich bei den einzelnen Einsatzstellen bewerben. Dafür muss ich jeweils ein englisches Motivationsschreiben verfassen. Das erste habe ich jetzt fertig, jedoch habe ich mit damit echt schwergetan. Kann es vielleicht jemand probelesen und Verbesserungsvorschläge geben?

Das würde mir echt helfen und vielen Dank schon einmal im Vorraus. Habt keine Hemmungen so zu kritisieren, wie ihr es für richtig haltet.

Letter of motivation

Dear Ms XXX,

Hereby I apply for a position within your volunteer programm. My name is XXX and I am 18 years old. Currently, I am doing my Abitur, which is similar to the British A-Levels, at the XXX, a compehensive school in XXX, Germany.

After school, I would love to visit Amsterdam on the one hand to improve my personal soft skills, including learning a new language, experiencing a new lifestyle, living an more independant life, and taking reponsebility. One might suppose that there are no cultural differences between Germany and the Netherlands because they are so close, but I think, that I will get to know quite a different culture. On the other hand I want to do something usefull, something not only I will benefit from.

As working at a school contains a lot of work with children, it is very interesting for me and I really want to support your project. I already have some experience in working with children. The village I used to live in organises troughout the year different events for children, for example hiking or forest days and different handicraft activities. I was often involved in these events and helped to look after the children.

The fact that your school association is based on the Waldorf Pedagogy catched my interest in doing my voluntary service at the XXX with finality. In my opinion Waldorf Pedagogy is a really good form of educating children. This is why I want to learn more about it and I would like to experience it. I, for myself, have never been at an school like this but about three years ago I changed to the school I am recently at. That had an big impact on me because it is an school which focuses on the students to evolve their own personality. So I want to become a part of a team which allows children to evolve as the person they are and which benefits their creativity and other skills they are willing to learn.

I am not only good in interacting with children, but also I can do office work. In 2013, I had an 3-Week internship as clerk in public administration which came naturally to me. Additionaly I am always geared up to deal with something. It is no bother for me if I have to sweep the yard or to carry out repairs.

I would be very happy if I could do my volunteer service at the XXX and I think that I am suitable for this place of assignment.

Yours sincerely

Englisch, Ausland, Freiwilligendienst, Motivationsschreiben
Facharbeitsthema Englisch : Verbesserungsvorschläge oder neue Vorschläge?

Guten Tag, ich muss demnächst eine Facharbeit im Fach Englisch schreiben und weiß nicht genau, worüber ich schreiben soll. Ich habe gerade ein Brainstorming gemacht und bin auf folgende Themen gekommen:

Is the American Dream dead? - Der American Dream und seinen Wirklichkeitsanspruch in der heutigen Zeit

Die Todesstrafe - ein Vergleich von deutscher und amerikanischer Einstellung gegenüber der Todesstrafe

  1. September 2001 - Die Folgen der Terroranschläge auf die USA und die Welt

U.S. Civil War

Stonewall riots - Der Beginn des Gay-Lesbian Movements?

Barack Obama - Did obama keep his promises?

Die Geschichte der amerikanischen Nationalparks

Das amerikanische und deutsche Schulsystem im Vergleich - Warum das amerikanische Schulsystem besser als das deutsche ist

Schulische Förderung in den USA: Inwiefern half der “No Child Left Behind Act” Schülerinnen und Schülern in den USA?

Yes We Cannabis - Sollte Deutschland dem Beispiel einiger US-Bundesstaaten folgen und Marihuana legalisieren?

SAT und ACT - Welche Vorteile und Gefahren haben standardisierte Tests?

Homeschooling in den USA - Geschichte, Vor- und Nachteile und Kritik

Die Präsidentschaftswahl 2016 - Ein Indikator für Schwachstellen im amerikanischen politischen System?

Abraham Lincolns Ermordung und deren Auswirkungen auf die amerikanische Literatur (“O Captain! My Captain!”)

Susan B. Anthonys Beitrag zur Emanzipation der Frauen in Amerika

The Crucible - Ein Vergleich von Mccarthy Ära und den Hexenprozessen von Salem

Die Ivy League - Was unterscheidet die Eliteuniversitäten der USA von herkömmlichen Universitäten?

Welches Thema davon findet ihr am besten/interessantesten? Hätte jemand noch weitere Themenvorschläge oder Umformulierungen für mich?

Schon mal vielen Dank im Voraus.

Englisch, Schule, USA, Aufsatz, Facharbeit
Könnte sich jemand mein referat durchlesen über die Great depression 1929 in den USA?

Hello Ladys and gentleman. Today I will tell you something about the great depression, the black Thursday and about the New deal.

The Great Depression was from 1929 until 1939 and had a bin influence on the industrialized countries like europ, the british emprire and the USA. During the Great Depression the number of unemployment increased of 25 percent, there were many bank failures and the eonomy of the industrial production fell very much, But before diring the 1920, after the wartime, the economy increased very strongly. For example the technological developments were improved. Better goods, like electric washing maschines and radios, were produced more quickly and more cheaper than ever before. But not only the technological industry were imoroved. Also the car-, steel-, road- and many other industries were improved and developed. So the people got more money for handle. Due this situation, more people than ever before, invested in stocks, because they hoped to got very high share gains. And because of the many new investments the companies got a new capital for more developments and for expansions. Due this economic boom the Down Jones Index increased on a high score of 381 points and the share values tripled themselves since 1925. But since 14 october 1929 the share values started declining because the Investors became aware about the uncertainty about their Investments. So, the most of the investors stoped investing in stocks. Due this situation the Down Jones Index stoed increasing and started declining. Meantime the factories still produced in high rates, during the people stowed down their purchaising.It arose an overproduction of goods. This lead to stop of the production an many employees were dismissed. After that the people didn't have money and purchaising power. And the people who realized that the stock prices were falling tried to sell their stocks very quickly to get real money. Due this situation many banks ran out of money. So, the people got more and more panic and on "black Thursday" on the 24 october 1929 every investor tried to sell all their stocks, no matter what price. So the stock market on the wallstreet crashed on the "black Thursday". Because of the stock market crash, the government reclaimed all credits. Due this act, many countries in the world come into an economy crisis. The consequeces were an big unemployment an a return of the world trade. For example, in Germany were about 6mio people unemployed, in the early 1930s. But in 1933 everything changed for the USA beacuse of the election of Franklin Delano Roosevelt. The previous president Hoover promised many things for his next election. But Franklkine Roosevelt promised more important things. He promised government action to end to Great Depression and reforms to avaid future depressions. So, the Democrates chose Roosevelt, who became the new president of the USA. And at the same time he introduced the New Deal.

Englisch, Schule, Text, Referat, Weltwirtschaftskrise

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