Writing a Leaflet?


Wie findet ihr diesen Leaflet? Folgende Punkte müssen beantwortet werden:

  • give information about the centre
  • discuss why being there is beneficial for the refugees
  • suggest events to bring the community closer together


Use your time! – Everybody is welcome! (Hauptüberschrift)
Have you ever thought about joining the local youth centre Yolo? Wouldn’t you like to make new friends and have fun while learning new skills? If yes, then we have an exciting opportunity for you.
What is the Yolo local youth centre?
Yolo is a place where young people come together to learn and build a sense of community. We provide various activities that can help you improve your German and social skills, as well as your computer skills. This can ultimately increase your chances of finding a job.
Why Yolo is the best!
Learning German is an essential skill for refugees and migrants living in Germany. Not only in your job, also when you ask for advice. Yolo provides a supportive environment for young refugees to learn and practice German, while also meeting and interacting with other young people in their community.
But guess what: That is not all. The world also gets more and more modern. You learn everything you need to know about computers nowadays at this centre.
Events to bring the community closer together!
At Yolo, we organize several social events every week to bring our community closer together. These events include cultural festivals, sports tournaments, and even swimming trips. One of our most popular events is the weekly football match on Saturdays. It's a great way to get active and have fun with other teenagers.
So what are you waiting for? Join us today by writing to youthcentreyolo@gmail.com .
And if you are feeling overwhelmed, do not hesitate to contact our support.
See you soon!
Englisch lernen, Englisch, USA, Text, Übersetzung, Aufsatz, Englisch-Deutsch, Englischunterricht, Grammatik, Hausaufgaben, Rechtschreibung, comment
Englisch Text korrigieren oder umschreiben?

Hallo liebe Community,

ich wollte euch fragen, ob ihr eventuell meinen Englisch Text korrigieren und wenn der Satz generell nicht stimmen sollte, umschreiben könnt? Ich habe versuch in ein leichtes Englisch zu schreiben, weil meine Lehrerin das auch besser bewertet also ein kompliziertes Englisch. Ich würde mich echt freuen wenn ihr mir helfen könnt! :)

Hi Leah,

I came across your blog post about your opinion about Shakespeare's poems. You claim that they are all boring and have strange illusions. Well, I really don't agree with you, but I want to introduce you one of my favourite poems by William Shakespear "Shall I compare thee to a summer's day?"

Let me summarize this masterpiece for you: The Sonnet starts with a flattering question "Shall I compare thee to a summer's day?". William Shakespeare explains that his love is as beautiful as the most beautiful things in the world, such as a summer’s day. In the next line, he rejects this idea immediately. He says that the beauty of summer is fleeting and that it will eventually be replaced by the harshness of winter. However, the speaker also claims that the person’s beauty will be immortalized in the poem, since her beauty will supposedly never fade or die. This special thing about her is what gives her life and it’s a tribute to how couples see their partner as the only one for them.

In my opinion, it is a poem of admiration and adoration, almost certainly the best known piece of Shakespeare’s work. The simplicity and loveliness of this poem is outstanding and one of the main reasons for the poem’s success. The major themes in Sonnet 18 are the timelessness, nature, love, beauty and the death and immortality. I think the main theme is timeless and I specifically like it because it is a deeper theme of immortalization. Lack of time is a theme that has and will affect humans forever and therefore the wish for eternity reflects a universal experience.

Let me know what you think now about this poem. Don't worry, I am not mad if you still defend your opinion but let me know if you have changed your mind! :)

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Englisch Prüfung 10 Klasse (Hilfe)?

Könnte bitte jemand über meinen Text rüber schauen :)?

Muss auf 2-5 Minuten kommen

Hi, my name is Felix, iam 15 years old and i live with my family in a small town, called x in germany.

Its really nice here,It's quiet and it's nice to live here with your family, but sometimes im sad too, i would like to live in a big city like berlin where you can go shopping or where are thousands of restaurants. 

Overall its nice here.

But lets get back to me and my family, in my family there is my little sister x , and my mom and dad.

In my free time i like it to go outside with my friends or to drive to the nearest town, x.

If im not outside with my friends i often go to the gym, like 4 times per week and to be honest, im really proud of myself that I'm going through with it and I hope I will continue to do it.

After my 10th class i will start my apprenticeship as a chemical and i’m really thankful for that, because i will earn enough money and i won’t be longer dependent on my parents. I will save the half of the money and spend the rest on clothes and other things.

I would like to invest half of the money that i’m going to safe and use it to build up a business so that I can be self-employed when I am about 20 years old.

One of my big goals is to be self-employed so that i can organize my working hours be myself and have more time for myself and my family

About a year ago i founded a fashion brand with a friend and we really wanted to do it, we even went to the town hall and registered a business

But unfortunately it didn't worked because we didn't have enough money for that, after my training we want to try it again

Iam really good about social media and have a great experience in this field, and i’m always learning english with it

Thank you for taking the time to get to know me a little better.

Prüfung, Text, Englisch-Deutsch, Grammatik, mündliche Prüfung
Englisch-Block Entry?


Wie findet ihr diesen Block Entry? Ich musste diese Bullet Points einbinden:

  • Die Wichtigkeit des Themas erklären.
  • Die negativen Dinge über Autofahren.
  • Die positiven Dinge über Fahrradfahren, Öffentliche Transportmittel, Zufußgehen.

Have you ever considered what you can do to effectively protect the environment? Every individual can take steps to reduce their carbon emissions on a daily basis.


As a
student, I learn about climate change every day at school, and it's evident
that our planet is at risk. While some people may feel powerless to make a
difference, everyone can do their part. Personally, I start my day by using
public transportation instead of driving to school.
Do not get
me wrong, I understand that many people prefer driving for its comfort and
convenience. However, it's important to remember the environmental impact of
burning fossil fuels and emitting car exhaust. In addition, opting for a bike
or bus ticket can be much more cheaper than owning and driving a car. Furthermore,
driving a car is not only harmful to the environment but also to our physical
health due to the negative effects of inhaling car exhaust.
the fact that there are alternatives, such as cycling, public
transportation, or walking, it simply doesn't make sense to rely on cars as our
primary means of transportation. On the one hand all of these alternatives are
better for the environment. On the other hand, there are much more positive
aspects about them. When you use public transport, you can talk to other
people. When cycling, you can see much more of the surroundings. Personally, I
find walking to be the most relaxing and enjoyable way to travel.
your opinion on this issue, and how do you usually travel?
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Blog comment korrigieren: bitte helft mir, die hausübung wird sogar benotet?

Hallo, das war die Angabe (Nummer 11):

Könnt ihr bitte meinen Blog comment korrigieren, umschreiben, alles was geht, damit es ein guter text wird? ich würde mich echt freuen, es wird sogar benotet, bitte hilft mir dabei:

Hi Artsy Tiger,

there is a difference between spray painting and vandalism. If your friend use to paint an wall, which is not someone’s property, then it is not viewed as vandalism. However, if he painted for example a school or a market wall, can be considered as a crime and it may also carry consequences because of damaging the property belonging to others without permission. It is important to respect other people’s property and seek permission before making any changes on it, like spray painting. 

So, as already mentioned and also according to the law, spray painters painting on public property without permission is considered illegal and can result in serious consequences for the artist. I guess, your friend was not properly informed about this and didn’t do it on purpose, maybe for fun. I mean, spray painting is also a form of art, just not the typical type of art. I can imagine that they are doing it from their heart, let their voices hear and from the experience of something that really impacts them like your friend, who painted his “world” on the wall.

By the way, there are many crimes in general considered worse than spray painting, such as violent offenses like assault or murder, which can cause physical harm or death to others.

I don’t know if it was fair though but I hope that your friend gets released as soon as possible!

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Englisch lernen, Englisch, Deutsch, Schule, Text, Übersetzung, Abitur, Englisch-Deutsch, Englischunterricht, Grammatik, Hausaufgaben, Rechtschreibung, summary, comment
Unterschied zwischen Deutsch und Englisch? (Text & Reime)?

Die Frage ist etwas komplizierter als sie in der Überschrift steht.

Ich verfasse gerne englische Texte und Reime, mal auf einem Instrument, mal nicht.

Seit einem Jahr versuche ich diesen Style ins Deutsche zu verfassen und stoße immer wieder auf eine "unschöne Aussprache".

Wenn ich einen Satz ins Deutsche übersetze oder umschreibe, verändert sich der Klang dieses Satzes so extrem das es einfach nur hässlich klingt.

Unsere Aussprache spielt eine große Rolle. Unsere Botonung funktioniert anders als wie im Englischen. Klar. Wir haben viele Mehrsilbige Wörter, Viel zu viele Konsonanten. Viel zu viele Artikel. Das "ch" in Wache, ganz schlimm.

Selbst wenn man diese Kriterien beachtet, Wörter mit wenig Konsonanten benutzt, mehr einsilbige Wörter verwendet hat es keine Auswirkung und der ümgeschriebene Text hört sich vom Klang und Aussprache grässlich an, im Vergleich zu dem Klang vom Englischen. (Exakt die selbe Silben Anzahl)

Es ist eine andere Sprache keine Frage aber was ist der eindeutige Grund warum es nicht funktioniert oder wenn es machbar ist, wie funktioniert es.

Vokale, Konsonanten, Glotisschlag, die Buchstaben, Betonung und viele andere Dinge scheinen einen Einfluss darauf zu haben aber sind anscheinend nicht der Grund warum es auf deutsche nicht mehr so melodisch klingt.

Ist es eine andere Anordnung? Muss man die deutsche Sprache zu sehr brechen und biegen um auf diesen melodischen Klang zu kommen?

Englisch, Deutsch, Text, Buchstaben, deutsche Grammatik, Englisch-Deutsch, englische Grammatik, Reim, Wort, Betonung, Reimschema, Silben

Meistgelesene Beiträge zum Thema Englisch-Deutsch