Englisch Arbeit Text über Globale Erwärmung?


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ich schreibe morgen eine englisch Arbeit, und muss wahrscheinlich auch ein Text über globale Erwärmung schreiben

wie ist dieser Text?

Was würdet ihr ändern? Ist er in Ordnung?

,,Global warming is the average temperature increasing all over the world over an extended period of time. But it doesn't mean it's happening equally all over the world.

The burning of fossil fuels, deforestation and animal husbandry are increasingly affecting the Earth's climate and temperature.

The amount of naturally occurring greenhouse gases in the atmosphere increases enormously, which intensifies the greenhouse effect and global warming.

You can also do something about global warming if you use bicycles and public transport instead of driving your own car or if you can choose to use electric cars because they have a better climate footprint.

You can also pay attention to which country your fruit and vegetables come from next time you go to the supermarket. It is best to try to buy fruit or vegetables that are locally sourced, as this way you can reduce the distance that the food needs to get to you.

Polar bears are also dying due to global warming as they have less and less habitat because the ice is melting.

Glaciers have been melting for more than 20 years. In addition, sea levels are rising, resulting in flooding.

In countries where it is very hot, forest fires occur, such as in Turkey.

Because of climate change, around 40% of all insects may become extinct.“

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Hallo Leute, könnt ihr eventuell diesen Artikel lesen und wenn da Fehler sind, es zu korrigieren oder umzuschreiben? Wäre super nett von euch, meine Hausübung wird nämlich benotet und schreibt noch euren Feedback rein, ich danke euch :)

Los Angeles has seen the evil

A recent school shooting in Los Angeles has brought the issue of school safety in the bad light. So, people became aware of these happening. On 30th April 2023, two 17-year-old students have armed their high school with two guns which left 11 people dead and 5 injured. This incident has left people worried about the safety of students and staff at schools.

Gun violence, especially in schools, is still a national crisis in the United States and migrants are still allowed to carry a gun because of the “national firearms agreement”. Due to the licenses of weapons, such acts are occurring more and more frequently. In order to protect students and school staff, most schools have security guards. There are also usually controls at the entrances. As a way to prevent non-schoolers from entering the school, they have their own school cards, which clearly show the identifies of the students. In addition, the police have increased their presence at schools.

Students, who have witnessed such incident, are usually traumatised and can hardly cope without psychological help. Many students and parents report terrible feelings and perceptions. “I was so scared when I heard gunshots. I ran and hid under a desk until the police came. Now I’m afraid to come back to school,” says a victim who survived this cruelty. Parents were calling desperately for their children, they even got more scared when they didn’t respond. These are just a few. As a result, the police has to deal with such incidents more and more often. “It is nothing scary anymore, we are already used to it”, claims a policeman. “We are already best prepared for such acts”, adds another officer. They have certain educations and trainings for these hardships.

Due to the school shooting on April 30th, this issue is more present than ever. Many students and parents are extremely frightened that they can also be victims. This clearly shows that much more could be done preventively.

Englisch lernen, Englisch, Deutsch, Schule, Mathematik, Text, Übersetzung, Abitur, Aufsatz, Englisch-Deutsch, englische Grammatik, Englischunterricht, Grammatik, Hausaufgaben, Rechtschreibung, summary, comment

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