Englisch Essay: Kann jemand bitte darüber schauen, würde mich sehr freuen?

Essay: Pet and Teenagers

Should teenagers be exposed to pets at their age?

Having a pet at a early age helps teenagers learn about responsibility and taking care of others. At the same time, it can help them learn to take care of themselves. Some teenagers though, should never have pets of their own if they can’t control themselves and have difficulty with empathy. Therefore: Should teenagers be exposed to pets at their age?

Teenagers mature at different rates. Some can handle the responsibility of caring for a pet already and others not. That’s why the age is for the parent to decide. If teenagers are animal-friendly, then cats make excellent pets. They can be playful and entertaining, especially if people adopt a kitten. They are also relatively easy to take care for: good quality food, clean water, a clean litter box, toys and interaction with their owners for affection.

As mentioned, owning a pet helps in the development of a teenager for example learning to take responsibility for another life and experience what it means if someone depends on them. A pet also helps teenagers learning to give attention even if they are not in the mood for it.

Despite of that, how can teenagers even cover the costs of keeping a pet? Well, pets are expensive but if teenagers have a pet, they can buy cheap food or cheap toys, if they want to cover their costs. Teenagers can also spend their pocket money more for their pet or can earn some money in holidays.

To conclude, I would say teenagers should keep a pet, if they are ready to take care of it. If they care for their pet, they return the love. A pet doesn't question what kind of job the kid’s parents have or how much money they make, etc. They would love their owners if they show affection to it.


Englisch lernen, Englisch, Deutsch, Schule, Sprache, Text, Übersetzung, Abitur, Englisch-Deutsch, Englischunterricht, Grammatik, Hausaufgaben, Rechtschreibung, summary, comment
Habe ich diese wichtige Nachricht auf englisch richtig geschrieben?

Auf Social Media habe ich eine junge Frau entdeckt dessen Stiefvater ihre Mutter u jüngere Geschwister ermordet hat. Sie hat keine Familie mehr. Ihr Vater und ihre Großeltern leben ebenfalls nicht mehr. Und nun verkauft sie Nudes auf onlyfans um über die Runden zu kommen. Ich will ihr helfen und will ihr diese Nachricht schreiben.

hi, i saw your videos on tiktok and it made me incredibly sad. Your current situation also seems to be quite difficult. I know what it’s like to be alone and coming from difficult backgrounds. I was just lucky enough to end up in Europe. I saw your video with the health insurance and the bills. In Germany, a woman is helped a lot and visits to the doctor and insurance are free here.

Studying here is free and there are many Americans in the city where I live. If you want to make a fresh start and need help, feel free to contact me. I was also in a very difficult situation and I was helped.

I also had to leave home and had problems. The difference with America was that there are many programs for women. I wish you all the best from my heart and a lot of strength for the time to come.

Here you will find the regulations for coming to Germany. The text is in German, but you can translate it with Google Translate. You could apply to an international German university. as far as I know, that’s possible with an American high school diploma. If they take you, you would also get a student apartment. you could take your brother with you too. You are still very young, you could study here. I know people from countries at war who have even been admitted to German universities.

you could try learning the language with Babbel. this is an app with which you can also get certificates for B1 and B2. And you could study at an international university. they speak english there. If you study here, you will quickly find contacts. If you are interested, I will send you the links of some universities.

Your brother could go to school here and also have a chance to study.

Allgemeinwissen, USA, Psychologie, Behörden, Englisch-Deutsch, studieren, Philosophie und Gesellschaft

Hallo, ich habe einen English-Article über Holidays geschrieben.

Enthalten muss sein:

  1. positive Dinge über deine Ferien
  2. negative Dinge über deine Ferien

Habt ihr Verbesserungsvorschläge?:

Holidays make the life better

Nearly everybody go on vacation in their holidays. Fortunately, my family do this every year.


During my last summer holidays my family and I went to Italy to a theme park called ,,Luna Park”. The good things were that I spent a lot of time with my family and my brother and I rode several rides, for example ,,White Shark” or ,,Xtreme”. Another funny moment was when my sister was spat at by a llama. Moreover, I could convince my mother to go swimming in the sea because it was really hot in Italy. We had about 30 degrees Celsius. “Luna Park” has access to sea, which I really appreciated. For me food is one of the most important things in the world and that is why I was happy to see such good meals at the restaurant. Of course, this food was not cheap, but I think it was worth it.

But there were not only good memories because when we were eating in a restaurant we saw an ambulance and an injured child. I think the child had had an accident in the playground. The paramedics took care of the child and he was allowed to go back to his parents. Furthermore, this theme park was crowded with tourists. In my opinion, this destroys the pleasure of holidays.


All in all, I have to say that it was a nice vacation and I hope everybody will have such good holidays.

Englisch lernen, Englisch, Aufsatz, Englisch-Deutsch, Grammatik, Hausaufgaben, Rechtschreibung, article
Steam Betrüger?


mir wurde gesagt das ich mich mit einen steam mitarbeiter auf discord in verbindung setzen sollte weil mein account 255 reports hatte

dann sollte ich kontoauszüge von E-Banking oder STeam zeigen meine Kauf verlauf

und dann sollte ich den link zum konto ändern oder so sendet und nicht auf RESUME RECOVERY  

und habe gefragt ob ich noch andere banken und so habe.

und jetzt soll ich diese anweisungen befolgen

sind das betrüger und ich habe die meldung bekommen das die steam e-mail geändert wurde.

We are now going to validate all the money that you have spent in your steam account if it is a clean money or if it is from scamming people in our community.


You are now required to fund your steam account for clearance.The required amount that you need to add in your steam account is 20 USD of your overall spendings in your account. In this process we will validate the card that you are going to use if it has been linked in scams or fraud activities.


After this investigation you will have the option to reimburse/refund the money into your chosen bank account or Master/Visa Card.


https://www.g2a.com/steam-gift-card-20-usd-steam-key-for-usd-currency-only-i10000000258091 (NICHT KLICKEN)

You will be required to purchase this so it would be directed on your steam account and for us to start the process


[You don't have anything to worry here because 100% of the money you will use will be refunded by Steam Refund System within 5 minutes once we have finished the process]


You don't have to worry for you will not spending anything here for all of the money will only pending on your bank account and refunded back to you once we reach 100% of finished the process then you're good to go, Understood? 

sorry aber ich bin sehr aufgewühlkt

Text, Englisch-Deutsch
Email of Compalint Verbessern bitte?

Heyy ich habe bald English Schularbeit und brauche eure Hilfe und Feedback! Danke im Voraus :) Habt einen schönen Tag! Unten ist die Angabe!

Email of Complaint

From: Lucas_Hannerer@gmail.com

To: Summer_2022@gmail.com

Subject: Feedback on Summer Camp

Dear Sir or Madam,

On 30th July I attended the Summer Camp which is located in Santa Monica. In all honesty, I was very satisfied with this journey. However, there is a reason why I am writing to you. Firstly I have to admit that the meals were significantly amazing. It is remarkable that there is finally no fast food unlike to other summer courses I have been to. Moreover, the Los Angeles sights and surfing at Venice Beach in my free time were very enjoyable. 

As far as I could tell, it seems to me that I have learned nothing necessary in courses. Please don`t get me wrong but in my view, there were more leisure activities like sports, parties etc than learning opportunities. I invested all my money and time to learn something new but the quality of the learning strategy was like at the middle school level. I was on Campus not to only have fun but rather zu study.

As you will appreciate, considering the problems I faced during my stay, I would be grateful if you would give me a refund of part of the price back. I look forward to your reply and a resolution to my problem.



Bild zum Beitrag
Text, Englisch-Deutsch, Grammatik, Hausaufgaben, Rechtschreibung
Welcher dieser Fakten über Deutschland verwundert euch am meisten?

Welcher dieser Fakten über Deutschland verwundert euch am meisten? Ich habe mehrere verwirrende Fakten über Deutschland herausgefunden.

Nach dem wir im Allgemeinwissen herausfanden das ein Name mit 6 Namensträgern in ganz Deutschland bekannter ist als einer der beliebtesten Mädchennamen https://www.gutefrage.net/frage/ist-mein-name-tatsaechlich-bekannter-als-ihrer, der FC Bayern kein Bundesliga Gründungsmitglied im Gegensatz zu preußen Münster war https://www.gutefrage.net/frage/welcher-dieser-fakten-verwundert-euch-am-meisten-2 und das wir ohne unseren kleinen Finger vermutlich 50% schwächer wären https://www.gutefrage.net/frage/welcher-dieser-fakten-verwundert-euch-am-meisten-2. Jetzt kommen aber ein paar verwirrende Fakten über Deutschland.

1 Der HBF Leizig ist der Flächenmäßig größte Bahnhof in ganz Europa. Der Nordbahnhof in Paris ist auf Platz zwei.

2 Berlin ist Flächenmäßig größer als New York. Berlin ist 76 Quadratkilometer größer als New York.

3 Die Stadt Mönchengladbach im deutschen Bundesland ist die einzige Stadt weltweit die zwei Hauptbahnhöfe besitzt. Es gibt der Mönchengladbach HBF und den Rheydt HBF.

4 Deutsch wäre fast zur Weltsprache geworden. Deutsch wurde bei einer Abstimmung in Amerika knapp nicht zur Weltsprache gewählt.

Fakt 4 42%
Fakt 2 29%
Fakt 3 23%
Fakt 1 6%
Englisch, Deutsch, Fakten, Berlin, Amerika, Deutschland, Welt, Alltägliches, Deutsch-Englisch, Englisch-Deutsch, Hauptstadt, Mönchengladbach, New York, verwirrt, Verwirrung, alltägliches Leben, Fakt, verwirrend, verwundert

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