Written discussion?

Hallo wir haben als hausaufgabe aufbekommen eine written discussion zu schreiben. Ich hab mal eine geschrieben könntet ihr den mal durchlesen und meine fehler korrigieren oder verbesserungen vorschlagen?

Nowdays, Car accidents are a big issue that we are facing .Every day we hear in the news about a car accident that caused death to a group of people . Most people think that Young People are bad drivers, for this reason people want to ban under 25s from driving after 10Pm. But the question is, would that be a good idea? does it really help?

In the following I'm going to discuss whether baning und 25s from driving after 10 pm is a good idea.

on the one hand, it would have some advanteges, because most car accidents happen at night. That way maybe car accidents would be less than before. Moreover, young people or Even teens are mostly drunk at nights because they go to parties. Also most of them drive even if they are drunk, which can cause a car accident, and the person might lose his life for a Stupid reason .one of the reason why car accidents happen, is that most fof teenagers use their phone while diving. this is a big Problem , becaus While using your phone you can't concentrate on the road which also might Cause a car accident. Further more ,I believe that people under 25 years old are not good drivers. The reason Why I thinke that young people cant drive good, is beacause they aren't resposible and as I Sayed before most of them use their Phone while driving or are drunk While driving. Another point to consider is that they learnt how to drive at a young age, thats why they Still can't drive very well. 

But on the other hand, banning driving for under 25 years olf after 10 pm would cause Some Problem . In the first place , banning driving for young People after 10 pm because some unresponsible young teens caused a car accident is unfair for the responsible drivers. There is also alot of drives who don't use their Phone while driving. Moreover, there are some teens who have to work at night to earn some money. if they are not going to be allowed to drive at night, then most of them can't work because they need to drive to the place they work in.

Another point to consider is that not only peoply under 25 who cause car accidents at night. In fact, there is alot of old people who are unresponsible divers as well.

after looking at both sides, I would Say that it is not a good idea to ban under 25s from driving after 10 pm . I believe that the age doesn't play any role whether a person is a good driver or not .Also old people can cause a car accident. That's why I think that it isn't a good solution for the problem .

Englisch, written discussion
Englisch Written Discusion Verbesserungsvorschläge?

Danke schon mal im Voraus

Boot camps

In America teenagers who can‘t behave are send to boot csmps by there parents.

The teenagers go for 5 months to the boot camp and learn there discipline, the boot camp help them to get back on the right path and straighten up there life. When the teenagers arrive at the boot camp, the drill instructors will teach them the rules, one of this rules is, that you can only answer with sir, yes sir or madam, yes madam.
Some people say that boot camps are a good idea. Is it a good idea to send teenagers who vandalise and can’t behave to send them to a boot camp? There are advantages and disadvantages . The first argument is that boot camps help people to stay out of trouble and help them to get back on the right path and straighten up there life. The second argument is that the teenagers learn to follow the rules, discipline and respect. The third argument is, teenagers don’t go in the prison. On the other hand there are disadvantages. The first argument is, teenagers soon forget about boot camp and get in trouble again. Another argument is boot camps do not solve the problems at home or school, for example the family have money problems or they are bullied at school, because they don’t do anything illegal, such as tailing drugs or dell with drugs. The last argument is that the boot camp can teenagers make Ill and they can get a trauma. After looking at both sides, I think boot camps are not a good idea, because the disadvantages outweigh the advantages.

Englisch, written discussion
Wer kennt Bands, Alben, Lieder über Tempelritter, Kreuzritter, Kreuzzüge?

Hallo ihr Lieben! 🫂

Heute suche ich Lieder, Bands, Alben über Tempelritter, Kreuzritter, Kreuzzüge, vorzugsweise in deutsch, gern aber auch in englisch - naja, und wenn es so motivierend und vitalisierend wie Hosanna meus ist, auch in Latein - .. Dabei suche ich so etwas wie zb:

  1. Sabaton - "The Last Stand"
  2. Heimataerde - "Bruderschaft"
  3. das sogenannte "Palästina"-Lied
  4. Globus - "Preliator" (Hosanna meus)

Keine Songs, die kritisch zu dem Thema stehen, sondern pro sind.

Ich brauche solche Songs zum einen wegen meines gläubigen Hintergrundes, zum anderen weil ich oft mit meinen eigenen Sarazenen in Form von Depressionen zu kämpfen habe und solcherlei Songs das einzige ist, was mich erreicht, was mich von dem tiefen Punkt, an dem ich mich oft befinde, abholt .. das einzige, was mich aus dem Gewölk grauer Gedanken im tristen Einerlei unserer Tage herauszieht, auf die Beine stellt und freier atmen lässt.

Deshalb bin ich sehr dankbar für jeden guten Tipp, was da noch in diese Liste passen könnte.

Musik, Song, Englisch, Deutsch, Liedsuche, Religion, Lied, Jesus, Kirche, Spiritualität, spirituell, Christentum, beten, Akon, Band, Bibel, Christen, Christenheit, christlich, Christliche Musik, Christus, Crusader, deutsche Lieder, evangelisch, Evangelium, Gebet, Gemeinde, Gläubiger, Glaube, Gott, Gottes Wort, Gottesdienst, Heilige Schrift, Israel, Jahwe, Jerusalem, Jesus Christus, katholisch, Kirchengeschichte, Kreuzzüge, Latein, Lobpreis, Messias, Mittelalter, Musikband, Musikgeschmack, Musiktherapie, Musiktitel, Naher Osten, Orient, Palästina, Papst, Pilgern, rockband, Tempelritter, Templer, Teufel, Gläubig, Gotteshaus, Musikart, papsttum, Pilgerweg, Bethlehem, Bruderschaft, christliche lieder, Dogma, Gottessohn, Kreuzritter, Musikalben, Musikalbum, Musikempfehlung, musikfrage, Musikrecherche, Musikrichtung, Musikvorschläge, Nazareth, Pilgerfahrt, Pilgerort, Pilgerreise, religiös, spiritual, suche-song, tracksuche, aleppo, Evangelisation, Brüderlichkeit, JHWH, Theokratie, Yeshua, christliche Werte

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