Wie kann ich meine englisch Präsentation verbessern?

Hi diese englisch Präsentation ist für den 1 teil meiner mündlichen Prüfung und ich habe das Gefühl das die Struktur schrecklich ist, kann mir jemand helfen?

Das ist die Präsentation wie sie jetzt ist:

Hi my name is xy and today I will present to you the Job of a dentist.

A dentist is responsible for anything regarding the health of the mouth, including teeth, gums and dental issues.They need to be licensed to perform their duties.

Dentists can be general practitioners or specialized in specific areas (e.g. pediatric dentistry, endodontists or periodontist dentistry). In this case they'll need to develop specific dentist skills. Often they are required to complete additional studies.

Some general dentist duties include conducting oral screenings to idendiseases and infections, removing tooth decay and plaque. They also need to apply prosthetics,sealers and whiteners.

A dentists responsibility is to have experience in this department more specifically experience with dental equipment and tools, surgeries and teeth extractions. Dentists should have a pleasant and compassionate personality with the ability to make patients feel comfortable. Some qualities they should have are attention to detail and the ability to remain calm under pressure.

To become a dentist you need to have the license "doctor of dental surgery (DDS)", "doctor of medicine in dentistry (DMD)" or a similar degree that gives license to practice the dentist profession.

I choose this Job because I used to have braces for about three years and therefore had regular check ups and appointments with both my orthodontics and my dentist. Because of that my interest in this department grew a lot and I decided to present this job to you.

What fascinated me is the unique skill associated with dentistry. The job provides you with the opportunity to learn to learn how to manipulate various drills, instruments and materials to physically create the desired product weather its an extraction or a crown, there is a specific and unique technique and skill required for each procedure and I find that very interesting and unique.

Most people I've met hate going to the dentist but I personally really love it because of the great interactions I have with my dentist and how they educate me about me about the importance of dental hygiene.

I'd like to thank you for you attention and let me know if there are any questions.

Ich brauche das ganz schnell weil ich mir EXTREM unsicher bin ob ich das so vortragen kann.


Englisch, Schule, Sprache, Präsentation, mündliche Prüfung
Welcher Satz ist korrekt (Englisch)?

In diesem Satz habe ich das present perfekt progressive benutzt, was mir auch als korrekt angezeigt wurde (hier ist es ja aufgrund des folgenden "Signalwortes" ("at the moment") offensichtlich:

Tom has been working in the book shop for five years. (work)

Satz im Kontext: "Tom has been working in the book shop for five years. But he doensn't like his job at the moment. So he is looking on the internet for other jobs. Yesterday he found something interesting. He thinks he will apply there later." (Quelle: grammarbox.de; 19.03.22)

Hier auch, allerdings sei das falsch:

They have been being a couple for six months. (be)

Richtig wäre: They have been a couple for six months.

Satz im Kontext: "Tessa is at the train station. Her train to London leaves at 4:54 p. m. She is going to visit her boyfriend Jack. They have been a couple for six months. On her last visit, Jack bought her a wonderful ring. They really had a great time so she didn't want to leave him." (Quelle: grammarbox.de; 19.03.22)

Kann mir jemand genau erklären, warum beim zweiten Satz das present perfect verwendet wird, wohingegen beim ersten das present perfect progressive korrekt ist? Es handelt sich doch bei beiden um "Zeit-betonte" (Sätze im Verlauf), die sich noch auf die Gegenwart beziehen.

Ich muss schon zugeben, mit dem present perfect progressive hört sich der zweite Satz auch sehr merkwürdig an, jedoch erschließt es sich mich nicht ganz, warum ich es nicht verwenden darf. Stehe ich vielleich gerade einfach nur auf dem Schlauch...? Oder liegt es daran, dass beim ersten Satz (im Gegensatz zum zweiten) noch zusätzlich Bezug auf die Situation in der Gegenwart genommen wird ("But he doensn't like his job at the moment.")?

Englisch, Present Perfect, present-perfect-progressive, Tenses, Zeitformen
Englisch Blog Comment: Text verbessern?

Hi Foodie_26,

Considering the fact that you are kind of worried for eating meat because some reports tell us that meat should be unhealthy or is responsible for climate change, I wonder why people still believe in these stupid reports. Certainly, people can be naive and I know that some reports tell the truth but let’s be honest: Meat can’t be unhealthy because it is a rich source of protein and several vitamins and minerals.

However, people can argument on that: Meat isn’t necessary for your health or survival, that’s for sure. There’re also other alternative kinds of food instead of meat, for example: Tofu, black beans, mushrooms, grains etc. They all give us as much protein as meat. I can understand if you don’t like all but give it at least a try. I’m sure that you will find an alternative food that you will like too.

I also like eating meat but I take care of how much I consume it. Therefore it is also very tasty. Choosing to eat or not eat meat is a personal choice and I do like to eat meat. Humans are eating meat sine the beginning. Our original natural diet contained a lot of meat and fish.

You should decide what the right thing is for you. If you and your family love eating meat, it’s all fine. People have different opinion on everything including reports. We are evolved omnivores. It is natural for us to eat meat.

 I would love to see more blog posts from you. 😊

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