Hilfe bei der Vorbereitung, für die Englisch Prüfung?

Hallo, Ich Habe bald eine Englisch Prüfung weshalb Ich gerne fragen würde ob Meine Englisch Präsentation gut ist oder man was ändern könnte, danke für jede Hilfe.

My Presentation today is about Elon Musk. 

I will answer on the questions who Elon Musk is, what he is doing and why he is a hero for the earth.

First I’d like to tell you who Elon Musk is : Elon Musk was born in South Africa in Pretoria at the 28 June 1971 where he went to school as all other kids there. His mother worked as a popular model and his father as a mechanical engineer, so they didn’t worried about money. 

But Elon Musk worried about him self because his life wasnt very easy it was hard because he was a victim of bullying every day at school, so that one day he end up in a hospital because he got thrown down the stairs by his bullies. 

After a few years he graduated a university of programming and economy.

A few years later he and his brother started a company named Zip 2 which they sold for 22 Million $. 

Then Elon Musk started alone the next company called PayPal which he sold again to eBay.com for 165 Million $ 

Elon Musk is a workaholic that means he loves to work 24/7, so he created the next company named Tesla, Tesla is the most popular electro car in the world and earned the fourth place of the gobal climate change car in the world. 

The half of the profit which Elon Musk have done from Tesla he invested, again in a company named SpaceX, SpaceX is the same popular as NASA. 

And now We are coming to the question why Elon Musk is a hero for the earth, Elon Musk want to Colonise the Planet Mars, and you think maybe why he need to do this? It’s easy if the earth will be over populated in 2050-2100 with people than maybe you could have a second chance on the Mars. 

As well Elon Musk have a project called space travel it allows just normal people to travel to space for money but it’s in progress and not available yet. 

To summarize up, I Think that Elon Musk is a real hero for the earth because he is planing so many things in the future that could Safe and Help the earth. 

That’s the end of My Presentation, I Hope you liked it. 

Do anyone have questions? 

Englisch, Prüfung
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