Talk about youself (Oral Exam English) Hilfe?


ich habe morgen meine mündliche Englisch Prüfung und bräuchte dringend Verbesserungsvorschläge was ich ungefähr sagen kann, hier wäre mein Text. Kann ihn mir jemand überarbeiten so das da keine Fehler drin sind? Ich muss ungefähr 3-5 minuten über mich reden und es wäre super wenn jemand meinen Text verbessern könnte oder mir andere Satzanfänge gibt oder bessere Wörter die nicht so „deutsch“ klingen. Danke schonmal im Vorraus <3

My name is ___ I am 16 years old and I was born in _____ on the 4th of November 2004 so my Star sign is Scorpio. I live in a House with my parents, my mom is 51 years old and my dad 57 years old, I also have a brother and he is 27 years old. Both of my parents are working as a gardener and my brother works as a technician. My parents hobbies are singing and dancing and to do photography and my brother hobbies are reading and sports. In my freetime I really love watching Netflix shows, one of my favorite shows are Skins and The Vampire Diaries these are literally the best shows I’ve ever seen. What I also like to do is picnic with my friends and hang out with them, another thing that I like to do is making jewellery like Chains and Rings its a new hobby I guess. I also really like to draw I love to be creative thats why my favorite subject is Art but the subject that i like the least is mathematics because i can’t handle with the numbers its too complicated and difficult for me. Anyways my favorite color is black because u can combine everything with the colour and its always looking good and simple. After school I do a job training but in the future I wanna do something with design because I am really into Fashion.

*edit: Hab in der englischen mündlichen Prüfung eine 1 danke für eure Hilfe.

Englisch, Schule, Examen
Was ist an der Summary falsch ( Englisch)?

Wo und inwiefern wurde bei der summary gegen die Regeln von summarys schreiben vertoßen?

Dr Hyde tells the students: 'Karl Marx famously called religion the "opiate of the masses". This statement makes Miles think about the question of a possible afterlife and of where Alaska might be now. After class he goes to McDonald's with Takumi where they admit to one another how much they miss Alaska. Clever as he is, Chip has come up with yet another ingenious plan. He wants to get drunk to find out how drunk Alaska was when she hit the police car. To be able to do so, Chip and Miles steal Mr Starnes's breathalyser, which turns out to be quite difficult. Takumi is annoyed that he is not allowed to take part in this plan. The two boys stay up in their room where chip drinks as much as he can while Miles uses the breathalyser to measure the amount of alcohol in his blood. Miles urges Chip on, saying he can surely outdrink a girl. In the middle of their experiment Mr Starnes knocks on their door. Luckily, they manage to fool him, but Miles has to appear before the jury for smoking in his room. In the end they come to the conclusion that Alaska was definitely too drunk to drive, which possibly helps them overcome their feelings of guilt. Because of their investigations, Miles has neglected his studies, but he doesn't really care. Chip decides that they have to call Jake now, because he is the only one who might help them find out more. They finally let Takumi in on what happened the night Alaska left, whereupon Takumi tells them that they shouldn't have set off the fireworks.

Englisch, Schule, Sprache, englische Grammatik, summary
Ist das eine gute persuasive essay (Englisch Ersatzleistung Klasse 7 )?

Why you should play tennis 🎾


Tennis is a wonderful sport and I think more people should  play it. There are many reasons why people should play tennis. The first reason is that tennis is a great way to make new friends. You can easily go to the park or a tennis court and just ask someone if she or he would like to play some tennis with you and become friends with her or him. Another important thing is that tennis is a lifetime sport. I’ve seen 65 year old people still playing pretty well. Think about it this way, when you are old would you rather spend your hole life in front of a small window in a retirement home ? Or would you rather enjoy your life, by playing tennis and having fun? You’re probably still thinking that tennis is like any other sport and and that it’s nothing special. But do you know that tennis reduces stress. People who play tennis can deal with physical, mental and emotional challenges, which also helps to deal with stress. Soccer players can also deal with physical problems but they can’t deal with mental and emotional challenges. Because as a soccer player you are in a team and sharing the pain with the others. Tennis players are on their own and if they lose it's their fault.  Not the fault of the others, only their own fault.  It's like when a soccer player gets the blame from the hole team for losing the match. I also play tennis. I love this sport because after you have lost you work even harder than before and whether your next match is a loss or a victory you will feel the hard work you put into it. Tennis not only strengthens your mentality, it also makes your body stronger and you can live longer, get fitter and improve your hand eye coordination through this sport.  An hour of singles play can burn 580-870 calories and if you have 3 hours of training every week, you will even live longer! The fifth reason to play tennis is that tennis improves your brain power. it has been proven that the more you repeat an activity, the  stronger the neural connections in your brain will become. So when you play tennis, for which you need critical thinking and quick movements, you are improving your planning, tactical, agility, and coordination skills. Finally, the most important reason is that tennis teaches you a lot of lessons. Every tennis match is a small life lesson. It teaches you about hard work and how to believe in yourself. Through independence , endurance, confidence and determination, tennis teaches you how to be successful. I hope my text persuaded you! And hopefully I’ll see you on the tennis court one day!

Sport, Arbeit, Englisch, Schule, Tennis, Text, school, English-Grammar, Hausaufgaben, Essay, Ersatzleistung

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